early sono misdiagnosis?single really twins?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ccpasnik, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. ccpasnik

    ccpasnik Member

    Likely there are not a lot of early sonogrammed pg's out there. I am the typical "trying to rule out twins" based on HCG. I understand HCG is not the be all end all answer, but in a nutshell....on May 14th my HCG was zero so granted sometime after that is when it started doubling and by June 11th was 75,919! Sono on May 31 was a gest sac of 5w1d, June 12th sono showed heartbeat and dated at 6w5d...which really doesn't jive all too well with the fact it was ZERO on May 14.

    There is some info out there that suggests early sonos can miss multiples(not if it was a fraternal 2 gest sacs of course) but then there is contradicting info that transvaginal ultrasounds are pretty good. So I am curious if there is anyone out there that has experience with identical twin misdiagnosis on an early ultrasound and/or how far along they were when they WERE diagnosed correctly with twins.

  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Hi Cindy,

    I had a T/V US at 7 and 11 weeks and both missed my fraternal twins! So yes, it is possible! I found out at 21 weeks. Will you be having another US soon?
  3. kmob82

    kmob82 Well-Known Member

    i haven't heard of this before, i found out at 10 weeks of my twins. wow, i couldn't imagine!
  4. Your body doesn't start producing HCG until after the baby implants, which is usually between 3.5-4weeks pregnant. If you were 5w1day on the 31st you would have only been 2w3days on the 14 of May-TOO early to have any HCG as you only just ovulated 3 days ago.

    That being said, those #'s are pretty high for 6 weeks, and it's always possible :) I myself am waiting an u/s to make sure there is only one, b/c of u/s discrepancies.
  5. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I had a transvaginal u/s at 7 weeks and we saw both babies. I hope you find out for sure soon. Will you be having another u/s soon?
  6. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    U/S missed our fraternal twin B at about 15 weeks (can't remember exactly).
    Imagine our surprise at the U/S at 22 weeks! :icon_eek:
  7. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    My early U/S at 6 weeks missed my b/g twins. I found out at 18 weeks. It is def possible...
  8. ccpasnik

    ccpasnik Member

    all that i read states that some women can start producing HCG as early as 6 days post conception....remember the 40wk gestation is based on the ~2weeks from your LMP which your really not pregnant during. And when I thought that I concieved prior to May 14th but just hadn't started making HCG....my dr corrected me that YES you do immediately from conception. Now of course perhaps they don't tell the general population that...because sensitivity on home preg tests is HCG of 25 and that is presumptive positive, then you look for doubling from there. SO based on that...if you start at a 1 then 2, 4,8,16...it is going to take 10+ days to get a positive test. I have an MS in clinical chem so this is my field....still always learning : )

    QUOTE(Growing a Garden @ Jun 17 2007, 03:24 PM) [snapback]295873[/snapback]
    Your body doesn't start producing HCG until after the baby implants, which is usually between 3.5-4weeks pregnant. If you were 5w1day on the 31st you would have only been 2w3days on the 14 of May-TOO early to have any HCG as you only just ovulated 3 days ago.

    That being said, those #'s are pretty high for 6 weeks, and it's always possible :) I myself am waiting an u/s to make sure there is only one, b/c of u/s discrepancies.
  9. ccpasnik

    ccpasnik Member

    I am a high risk for other reasons, so I am waiting for my dr to get the 2nd sono report back, meeting with him once more before he transfers me to specialist care. First ultrasound tech told me to not be surprised if I am in there every couple weeks....so I hope to be having another one shortly...just isn't scheduled yet.


    QUOTE(Trish_e @ Jun 17 2007, 05:08 PM) [snapback]295925[/snapback]
    I had a transvaginal u/s at 7 weeks and we saw both babies. I hope you find out for sure soon. Will you be having another u/s soon?
  10. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    My hcg levels at 5 weeks were 21,000....so by six weeks they would have been over 75,000...and I'm pg with one... so high hcg levels don't necessarily mean twins...but like the pp said it is possible to miss a twin...
  11. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Susanna+3 @ Jun 17 2007, 09:20 PM) [snapback]296094[/snapback]
    My hcg levels at 5 weeks were 21,000....so by six weeks they would have been over 75,000...and I'm pg with one... so high hcg levels don't necessarily mean twins...but like the pp said it is possible to miss a twin...

    I agree. I also had high levels at 6 weeks with my singleton and my twins. They could miss the twin. Most T/V u/s usually is right though at 6 weeks. Good luck! :D
  12. ccpasnik

    ccpasnik Member

    QUOTE(Sarah© @ Jun 17 2007, 08:25 PM) [snapback]296102[/snapback]
    I agree. I also had high levels at 6 weeks with my singleton and my twins. They could miss the twin. Most T/V u/s usually is right though at 6 weeks. Good luck! :D

    Well very true...once you reach the 6th week it gets into that range of a huge blur that a lot of singletons fall into. It is just a huge coincedence that a co-worker of mine also saw a jump from 0 to 76,000 in less than 4 weeks from conception and SHE did have twins.
  13. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    I had the vaginal u/s at 5weeks and 5days found both sacs and both heart beats. the internal u/s was done because the tech couldn't see and because i had my daughter on the table with me and she kept moving. the technicians always give it away by the stupid faces they make and the sheepish look they give you when they are trying not to tell you that it's twins. i hate that! they should just come out with it and stop with the "oh i wonder how she is going to take this" dramatic approach.

    cood luck on your next u/s!
    Lots of love!
  14. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I only know what my HCG was 17dpo (14dp3dt) - 1310, and P4 was 94. I had several early U/S's (5w3d, 7w1d, 7w5d) and they all showed the twins.
  15. BDFDGirl (Heather)

    BDFDGirl (Heather) Well-Known Member

    I had an us at 7 weeks 1 day and missed our twins. We were 16 weeks when we had our anatomy scan and (we didn't want to know the sex of our baby and I can read us so we requested to get it very early) ALMOST missed the twin again! I was floored when I found out! Yes they are identical. I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not because I've heard of many missed fraternal twins on early us. Most docs are trained to find the fetus.... not look all over the entire uterus even fallopian tubes. I wish you the best of luck and my gut told me from day one I was having twins. When I had my 7 week us I just assumed that I had lost one because I knew. Trust your gut.
  16. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ya just never know...
    If on May 31 you were 5w1d
    Then June 11 you were just about 7 weeks...give or take a couple days based on your next u/s and each u/s is +/- 3 days or so. That number seems right on track for even a singleton... If you look at here you will see that 7 weeks is about 28-30dpo right? so that number is right about there! My re told me to look more at the very early hcg's as thats when they suspect multiples, the later one's aren't as telling. On another board I am on, one girl had seriously high betas...higher then mine and I was pg with quads...and she only has one little one in there!!! Its amazing how different they can be!
    Not sure if I followed you right!!! But either way it looks like you have at least one healthy baby in there!!! Congrats!!!
  17. ccpasnik

    ccpasnik Member

    QUOTE(4jsinPA @ Jun 18 2007, 01:18 PM) [snapback]297095[/snapback]
    Ya just never know...
    If on May 31 you were 5w1d
    Then June 11 you were just about 7 weeks...give or take a couple days based on your next u/s and each u/s is +/- 3 days or so. That number seems right on track for even a singleton... If you look at here you will see that 7 weeks is about 28-30dpo right? so that number is right about there! My re told me to look more at the very early hcg's as thats when they suspect multiples, the later one's aren't as telling. On another board I am on, one girl had seriously high betas...higher then mine and I was pg with quads...and she only has one little one in there!!! Its amazing how different they can be!
    Not sure if I followed you right!!! But either way it looks like you have at least one healthy baby in there!!! Congrats!!!

    I agree...that makes sense about the late ones. I suppose my initial thoughts were because my 400 HCG tripled in 48hours( I don't think I posted that here) then my 2 official tests for the dr was 2126 and 48hrs being 4935(that number being the 5wk mark). Basically at the rate it was going on the day I had the 76000 it would have been closer to 150,000. Now 1 week out from the 76,000 I am 131,000. Clearly it isn't because anything is wrong but I am getting to the leveling out stage. And if everyone else had that luxury(to keep checking), they probably stop doubling so rapidly at some point too.
  18. gyzmotwins

    gyzmotwins Well-Known Member

    With the twins I went in when was weeks pregnant because I was cramping. They totally missed the twins... but then again my twins had one of EVERYTHING! They only caught them at my 7 week ultrasound.. we got quiet a shock because we thought we were only expecting one!

  19. Br00klineBabe

    Br00klineBabe Well-Known Member

    They missed one babies 3 times. They did not see the other one till I was 11 weeks. My girls are ID, I am not sure if that is harder to see in the U/S.

    My HCG levels were always normal for a single baby, so I never thought about twins.

    From what I have heard you can not always go by the levels.

    Good Luck, I hope that you get some answers soon.
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