Early Rising...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by [email protected], Oct 22, 2007.

  1. lsafer@pacbell.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I am so hopefully that my two-year old's early rising (now 5:10am exactly) will just pass since we've tried to let her cry and it just escalates. He also throws up when she gets herself upset so that's a joy at 5am. Since the twins are going to arrive next week, I am trying not to stress about this. She goes to bed at 8Pm so 5am is not the ideal amount of sleep but not horrible. Maybe it will just pass? You think? Anyone have some early mornings and then they faded on their own?

  2. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    My guy went through this. Just recently he streched it out to 6:30. It is a phase--maybe try an earlier bedtime?
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Mine go in spurts too. They are currently going through a 5:20am spurt and I am wiped. But in a couple weeks it usually goes away.
  4. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    Matthew has always been...and still is (sorry) my early riser. It used to be 5am, now we've finally got him stretched out to 6:45-7am. It's like his body has an internal alarm or something. I've tried all different kinds of bedtimes,his bedroom is totally dark, but he still gets up at the same time no matter what. Wonder when they will come to the point where we have to wake them up in the morning?????

  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Both of mine are early risers. I consider it a gift if we sleep in until 6am. Like other pp mentioned, I've tried manipulating every imaginable factor to change it. It does seem to wax and wane (though not against anything measurable). It about kills me when they are getting up at 5:15am for weeks at a time. Then, suddenly we'll have a spurt of 6:15-6:30. My boys have NEVER slept past 7am.

    Good luck with the babies.
  6. Holly Wiebe

    Holly Wiebe Well-Known Member

    My boys also have an early wake-up time - 6am. It used to be 5am so I guess I'm happy. I believe some people are night people and some are morning people. I'm a morning person and DH is a night person. The boys are morning people. I do have a rule, however, that I don't go get them until 6am - even if they wake up earlier than that. Maybe you can start by not going to get her until a certain time, use that time for a week, then bump it forward by 15 minutes for a week and keep doing that until it works better for you.

    Also, my boys go to bed between 7-8Pm - depending on activities of the day, how they slept, napped, etc. Maybe try putting her to bed 15 minutes early.

    Good luck with your twins. They are a blast!

  7. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SweetpeaG @ Oct 22 2007, 04:47 PM) [snapback]462279[/snapback]
    Both of mine are early risers. I consider it a gift if we sleep in until 6am. Like other pp mentioned, I've tried manipulating every imaginable factor to change it. It does seem to wax and wane (though not against anything measurable). It about kills me when they are getting up at 5:15am for weeks at a time. Then, suddenly we'll have a spurt of 6:15-6:30. My boys have NEVER slept past 7am.

    Good luck with the babies.

    Hi Ladies,

    I am in the same boat as the rest of you too! My twins (b/g) are early riser too at 5:00 AM they chat and then start to scream by 5:30 AM. No matter how late or whatever time I put them to bed the night before it is always the same! We hope that they'll start sleeping in between 6:30ish to 7:00 one of these days. Also, my daughter does nap twice a day while my son fight his nap only once a day. They both share room but sleep in separate crib. I think I want to separate them after they are half way becoming 2 years old by next Dpring of 2008. I can tell my daughter does want to sleep longer in the morning but she can't because of my son.

    Does anyone has any difficulty putting the twins to their crib for nap time? My daughter has no problem and love to be in her bed. On the other hand my son just scream and scream (I let him cries out for about 15 minutes) hoping he'll start to get tired but WHY does he has to fight when he knows he is overtired?

    I think it is typical because he is a BOY!
    Diana <_<
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