Early rising!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twotwins, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. twotwins

    twotwins Active Member

    My Boys seem to wake up every day earlier and earlier! Since two weeks ago they have started waking up at 6 and two days ago they woke up at 5 !!! as you can imagine it is so difficult to cope with so early rising! Any suggestions?
  2. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    No suggestions, sorry. I have the same problem. I just hope they'll outgrow it as my daughter did...
  3. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    My girls did this for a lil while around a year old (now they just won't sleep through the night, but that is a different post completely) and I would just leave them in there. I set a time, like for you it could be 6:30, and no matter what I would not get them out of their cribs until that time. After a few days I moved the time further and further back. SOme days they still don't sleep until 7 but they also know they are not getting out of bed until then, and if they do wake up they normally go back to sleep or just play very very quietly.
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I do something very similar. :good: I basically pick a time (6:30) and before then I treat early-wakings just like I treat night-wakings. For us this means going in, telling them it's still night-time, we all need to go back to bed, then putting them back down. Most of the time this works!
  5. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Four things have worked recently for us:
    1. Telling them we will not come in in the morning until it's time to start the day.
    2. Not going in PERIOD until the set time, we chose 6:30-6:45
    3. I also shortened one of their naps. One would sleep shorter and sleep great through the night, but her sister slept 2+ hours for her nap then wake early in the morning and wake up everyone before 6:00. So I don't let her sleep more than 1 1/2 or 1 3/4 hours and it seems to make all the difference.
    4. Make bedtime just a little later.

    Now they go down at 7:30 and don't call until just before seven, and no more screaming and crying, I think they are better rested and so they babble to themselves, it's so cute.
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also pick a time, and they aren't allowed out of the crib before that time, and I'll go in and lay them back down and turn their lullabies back on. My time is 9am, but they don't go to bed until 9:30pm. They do still sometimes wake early, but for the most part they sleep until 8:45-9:30, depending on the day.

    I also have one who takes marathon naps, but then wakes early. I often have to wake my ds up, otherwise he'll sleep 3 hrs and then want to get up early the next morning!
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