early pottie training? ( I know there is lots of threads about it just Please help)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sam & madi's mom, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. sam & madi's mom

    sam & madi's mom New Member

    Hello everyone I am kinda new here. I used to use this site religiously until my computer crashed. I am having a bit of a dilema. My daughters who are not yet 19 months have decided to take their own diaper off and then pee on the floor. Would this be the sign for me to start pottie training? Help i do not think I am ready for this. I need some pointers if anyone else has pottie trained at this age.
  2. coconutdancing

    coconutdancing Well-Known Member

    Mine started taking their diapers off at about that age, and they are still not going potty in the toilet. They will roll play the actions, pull down their pants and sit on their toilet or the big toilet (up stairs I just have the seat converter instead of an actual training potty) but they will just sit there and not actually go. I give them toys or books to keep them occupied so they will sit their longer, but they have both sat over 20 min at a time and still nothing. I don't push them though as afraid they will start to not like the potty and I really don't see a need to push all that much. I just have to tape their diapers when they don't want to ware their clothes, which is anytime we are home for the most part, as is so hot around here still, or else I am constantly telling them to leave their diapers on. Also forget about not taping them when they go in their cribs, or I get to clean up pooh everywhere!!! I have gotten used to it now, and when we use the pull ups during the time we are home for long periods without sleeping they don't really try to take them off. I am hoping they will grow out of this stage soon as am tired of taping them into their dappers at least twice a day.
    Good luck, hopefully yours will fair better than mine??
  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Hate to say it but the ability to undress and even admiring the mess they make on the floor seem to have no correlation to potty readiness. We've been enduring the strip-naked-in-an-instant, pee/poop on the floor, painting the walls, etc. for months now and while they'll use the potty sometimes if I offer, they rarely ask and don't hold it intentionally at all (although they are starting to go with intent when they feel like it). I hope you fare better than us but don't hold your breath. It's still very early. Short of taping the diapers to their skin, nothing stops my guys.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    They might be, but might not too!! Mine started stripping and trying to take diapers off around that time and they outgrew it. You'll have to tape their diapers on or try training them!

    Sorry to hear about your computer crash!
  5. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    try for a little bit say 3 days, and if you're losing your mind, then go back to diapers and use duct tape and whatever threats you need to issue in order to keep the diaper on.
  6. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    try for a little bit say 3 days, and if you're losing your mind, then go back to diapers and use duct tape and whatever threats you need to issue in order to keep the diaper on.
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