Early Intervention

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JoannaD, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if people could share their experiences with EI, particularly for speech. The boys had their 18 month appointment today and the doctor gave us the phone number to call EI about setting up an evaluation for Ethan and his speech. I've been worried about his lack of words, so I'm glad she recommended calling EI. At the very least, I'll feel better having an evaluation done. He doesn't have any words- though he has started saying 'choo, choo' when he's playing with his trains. He does have about 6 signs and is good about signing 'milk' or 'eat' when he's hungry or thirsty. He definitely understands us, follows directions, can point out his nose, eyes, mouth, etc. It seems like in the past week or so, he's been trying to imitate what we say, but can't get it out.

    I've glad for the referral. He was an early walker, late babbler, and received PT for torticollis. I figure ST can only help.
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds like my magnificient duo! Nicholas had torticollis(but by the time EI came out, it had corrected itself). Anthony didn't roll back to belly, so he got EI for that. Then they tested out of EI. At their 15/18 mth appointment-they had no words either. Ball I think was one, as was the sign for more and milk(which are words!). So their pedi recommended EI for speech.

    Like your boys, they knew everything-they pointed to everything we asked them to, got what we wanted, etc. They just did not verbalize it.

    EI came out, said they were at a 7/8 month level(which I still disagree with lol). They had speech for 6 months-and tested out after just six months. They went from NO words(really), to being on target. :) They just needed a little push! ;) Great things happen with EI. Your kids will be talking in no time. And honestly, if you *really* want the truth-I'd hold off. Once they start talking-there is NO turning back. O.M.G! LOL!

    Good luck!!
  3. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    welcome to the club! My boys started speech at 18 months (and still get it at 3) Sounds like your son is definitely on the right track. Those are all great precursors to expressive language. Get him speech, it can't hurt, and at least u know you are giving him all the help!
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    All my kids started EI for speech at 2 years. For a year they'd have a person coming to our house, until preschool and then it was at the school. It has been a good experience for us. FOr one, our preschool is funded so we haven't had to pay a cent. It's good 1:1 interaction with the speech pathologist. Time that they needed. They continue to get help in first grade. I am glad there is a program available to help now vs them struggling.
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