Early, earlier, earliest

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by gina_leigh, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I'm going nuts. The first week in toddler beds the kids were sleeping great at night. And waking up at their normal times. But now for the last week they've been up earlier and earlier. This morning it was 6am- the earliest yet. Their normal wake time is around 7:30. So for them to be off an hour and a half is really frustrating. Especially since at that time I'm not up yet, but still have to get up and get ready myself. So what do I do?! They are not napping well at daycare right now- 30, maybe 45, minutes. I truly dread coming home this afternoon with them because I know they are going to be overtired and extremely cranky. :(

    I'm not sure about adjusting their schedule down and putting them to bed earlier because I really do them to sleep until at least 7ish. I can't imagine getting up at 5am just because the kids won't sleep! Besides that, I can't imagine trying to get everything done and have them to bed by 6 or 6:30 every night. I know they still need around 12 hours, plus some nap. The difference in their attitude and personality is crazy. I swear they turn into little devils without sleep. (Heck, so do I!!)

    I don't know what to do. And I'm so frustrated. Please help!
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At that age A&R were going to bed at 8:00-8:15 so they could get up at 7 (they still are on days that they nap, days they don't nap they go to bed at 7:30). Maybe move their bedtime back to 8ish?
  3. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    Yikes! I would call that wonderful! :headbang:

    I keep insisting that morning doesn't start until 6am, but my kids will have none of that. My 3 year olds hit the hay around 8:30 and are in my bed by 3 and then sleep until about 5:30. They do nap for about an hour or so each day though.
  4. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I moved mine to toddler beds the first week in July (one kid has since gone back to a crib), and I'm still dealing with this a little, but it's gotten a little better. They used to sleep until 9. (Mine go to bed later - close to 10). Now my daughter is usually up by 8. If it's earlier than that I put her back in bed. Sometimes she'll go back to sleep, but most times she'll keep getting up every 10 minutes until I let her out. It's frustrating too because her nap is shorter too, but she seems to be doing ok on less sleep. I wonder if she would have gone back to her old schedule if she was still in a crib. My son did when we put him back. She seems to be doing ok on less sleep now for the most part.

    My son is back in his crib because he was getting up all night, and getting up too early and not napping and was being an absolute nightmare during the day. This went on for weeks and he never adjusted.

    We did start out like you described, the first week was decent, and then it got worse from there. Now that we're dealing with only one (and they're in separate rooms now) it's gotten better. She'll sleep in a little later than when we started the transition (just not as good as before) and she'll take a 2 hour nap - I've actually been waking her when she goes longer to see if that will help the morning sleep.

    Hopefully it gets better for you! I wouldn't put up with a 6am wake up though if that is not convenient for you. I'd just keep putting them back to bed until they got it.
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    By 2 and 4 mo mine stopped taking naps as I didn't want them up at the crack of dawn adn playing in bed. Mine need 12 hrs and I would rather have 7 pm to 7 am than give a nap. Just a thought.
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know all of my kids have gone through phases where they got up earlier or later than usual. I always found that there wasn't much I could do to change it. I know that really isn't helpful, but it has been my experience. :pardon: I have never found, for us, that adjusting the time they go to bed at night made a difference in what time they got up in the morning, although it might not hurt to try it? Hopefully, it is just a phase & they will be back to sleeping later soon!
  7. SnowCraig

    SnowCraig Well-Known Member

    Don't despair. We went through a tough transition when we went from cribs to big kid beds. They used to sleep until well past 8 a.m. every morning, allowing me to get ready for work and out the door before they got up. Our nanny had time for a cup of coffee and some t.v. news. Then it all changed and every morning they started getting up earlier and earlier. It was a rough few weeks and we had to try many different "rules." I started off saying that no one gets out of bed unless we get them out of bed. Didn't work...then we moved on to, no one leaves the bedroom until we tell them it's okay. That sort of worked. Then we instilled the "morning does not start until 7 a.m. rule." That was not good for my schedule, but at least allowed me time to wake up and not be super cranky with them. If they got up before 7 a.m., I simply put them back to bed and told them they could get up again soon (1 hour, 1/2 hour...whatever...they can't tell time yet). Most of the time, they would go back to sleep! Sometimes they would be awake and play in their room. I just enforced the "you don't get mommy or daddy until after a certain time rule." Seems to be working, but it's taken a good 6 months for our new routine to kick in.

    Lately they've been creeping back their wake up time - maybe it is the time of year. Today was the first day in a long time I was able to leave the house (8 a.m.) before they woke up. On the weekends, my husband and I can even "sleep in" a little, as long as we don't mind hearing their squealing laughter from the bedroom next door or hearing them play with their toys in the hallway.

    One thing I've learned is that schedules will always be changing and I need to go with the flow...which isn't easy on someone who thrives on routine and organization! :wacko:

    Good luck!
  8. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :hug: Gina! That's what happened when ours tried toddler beds. I hope it gets better soon!
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