Early childhood evelopment and education

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    HI ladies! finally i have some free time to read on the weekend now haha. Im looking for some good early childhood education books. Do you ladies have any suggestions? I think its time to start reading about this. My twins already shows 2 so different personalities. Michelle is so playful, active, engertic, restless, so independent, curious, hard working. Nolan is totally different: laidback, quick learning, so dependent on his sis, so insecured. He started having some behaving issues. He can cruise. But he doesnt want to. When Michele does that, he pulls her down. Or when she crawls away, he pushs her down. He depends on his sis lot. If she is out of his sight, he gets nervous. Most of the time, he will crawl and look for her. But sometimes, he tries to stop her by pushing, pulling. And he tries to take everything from her hands. If she doesnt play with it, fine nobody wants it. As soon as she puts her hands on it, he will come and fight for it !!! :gah: oh he pulls her hair too. I mean he does that to me too. I keep telling him that he has to be nice to her and love her. I believe he loves her so much though. I have been telling myself that its ok. But this morning, I watched them playing in the playroom from the kitchen. I saw.. Michells was playing with my pump kit. He came took it away. Michelle cried. he didnt even play with it. He was watching her crying with no emotion on his face. that just creeped me out :diablo: . Thats it. its time i have to do something about it. he is a sweet little boy. Since when did he turned out like this??? Any of you experience this? Do you know any book about how to raise twins lol? Im so afraid very soon Michelle will hate to play with him.

    my babies know a lot now especially Nolan. They understand NO. He will stop when i tell him no (80% of the time).When I say 'that's bad, dont do that, be nice' he understands it at some level. One time, he pulled her hair. The girl cried so loud. I tapped on his hand and said 'No, thats bad' he cried but i think he got it. He knows i Dont like him when he does bad things to his sis. Guess what, he doesnt do it when i m in the room. but when im not there, he does like this morning. He is bigger than his sis alot (3lbs different). when he pulls/pushs her. she falls and it hurts. I really dont know what to do. :headbang: Please help me if you know how to deal with this issue? I am also looking for a book about early childhood education. TIA!!!
  2. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Very typical behvavior at that age. There is no evil intent - just checking out his world. My DS has always been very concerned when his twin is not in sight - still is at 3.5 years. My DD likes to have him around but doesn't need him as much,

    REDIRECT REDIRECT REDIRECT He even though is seems like he "gets it," when you say no or you have to continuously show him how to be gentle. They so quickly forget!

    Kids at that age (and for quite awhile) have no the effect his action has on someone else - he wants the toy she has, wants her to stay with him, etc.

    My DS was always stronger, bigger and more mobile. He was quite the toy swiper. She did learn some creative bopping and weaving to keep him away from her stuff. They are super close (though they do have their moments) but the share very well and really do care about each other.
  3. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Very very normal behavior for this age and guess what? pretty soon your DD will take the role of "throwing the punches" so to speak and your DS will be the one being picked on. From what I've read online and on here its pretty common for twins to "bully" each other bc that is how they explore. He doesn't understand cause/effect yet so the fact that he just sits why she cries is totally normal and not bad behavior on his part. Just keep showing him to be gentle with sis and for the most part just remove him to another toy. I will say mine did not realized they were hurting each other until closer to 18 months. It was very annoying bc they understand (and mine could speak quite a bit) sooo much but this is just one of those things that comes as they become more like little kids and not babies anymore.

    (HUGS) I know its tiring and you feel like all you do is say no, don't, ect all day but just focus on the good things he does and if at this point he only does when you are not around then make a conscious effort to let him know you are always there watching:)
  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    What the girls already said. At 10 months they do not have the ability to feel empathy. He has no clue that he makes her upset or hurts her. Empathy comes closer to the age of 2. As far as cruising, William was like that. Then one day he decided I guess I'll do it, and hasnt stopped since. He was prob 13 months before it totally clicked with him. Just know that they are perfectly normal.
  5. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ladies!
    Yes these days i feel like all i say to them is NO NO NO. No wonder why they understand NO so well lol. I can tell he doesnt know what he does is bad. Yesterday, he pulled her hair and pushed her head down. Michelle cried so much. I picked her up comforted her and yelled at him. He gave me a confused look, why mommys holding Michelle and yelling at me, what did i do wrong?....I just keep telling them be nice no hair pulling no pushing,... And guess what she fought back. She tried to pull his hair but too bad his is short and hers is long...And she fights back for toys too. But she always ends up lossing because hes way bigger than her. So i guess you all know what I do all day these days...

    But today I came home for lunch (brought BM home for them). I found them sat behind the sectional and next to the back door, smilling and talking to each other so friendly. They made me so so happy. Well at least the unfriendly behaviors dont occur all the time. Thanks GOD!!!
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