Hi. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!! I should have called my pedi, but I didn't... and now I have to wait till Monday, or page the on-call. So, I'm hoping someone here has some insight for me. My 15 mo. old boys had ear tubes put in about 3 months ago due to constant ear infections. They've been doing great, but the past 4 days, they each have 1 ear that has been constantly draining wax. I change their sheets and the next night, there are wax stains again and there is dried yellow/redish-brown wax in their ears. The first i noticed it was 4 nights ago, one started SCREAMING in his crib and when I went to get him, his ear and cheek were wet with fluid from his ear. He went right back to sleep. I don't know exactly when the other twin's ear started, but I noticed it the next day for him. They don't seem extra fussy, really. They did just get over pretty severe colds, and stomach virus before that. I know it's good that the ears are draining; that means the tubes are working. But, should I be concerned that they are STILL draining, after several days? Should I call the pedi on-call? Thanks for any help!! Chris
my sons did the same thing and when we went to the ENT which is were you will have to go he said taht the tube was trying to come out and go stuck in ear wax and so the ear would make more wax to try and push it out.... just call Mon 1st thing ..... do you still have the drops they gave you right after the yput them in? the ones you had to use to keep them clean for a few days? try puting a drop in and see if it goes down? if not you know it is definetly clogged and you have to get in to the ENT....
Sounds like they are infected and the infection is draining. Did they give you prescrip for drops of floxin? They work pretty fast. McKenna gets tons of ear infections even with the tubes in and thats how I know...when they start draining. It beats having to go to the dr every time.
The same thing happened to my dd3! She got her tubes & then about 3 weeks later, wax started draining. It would literally drip onto her clothes. It was gross. I took her to the ped & there was nothing wrong with the tubes & she did not have an EI. It was just wax. Luckily, it has only happened that one time. If I were you, I would go in just to check b/c they have had a cold, but it's probably just yucky wax! Oh the joys of tubes!
It sounds like pus, not wax. When they have tubes the infection just drains out that way. I would call the pedi/ent on call and get an antibiotic called in. You should get an oral abx as well as numbing drops for the ear.
QUOTE You should get an oral abx as well as numbing drops for the ear My ENT says not to do that, it isn't necessary unless the drops don't work. Its not good to put them on antibiotics that much and the whole reason for the tubes is to cut back on using antibiotics that much. It should only be a last case scenario....at least according to my dr...all drs are different though!
Thanks everyone for the info and advice! I ended up calling the pedi-on-call and they said to put drops in, and if it doesn't improve in 48 hrs with the drops, or if any other symptoms apper, then to come in. I just started with the drops yesterday AM, so we'll see how they are tonight. Chris