Ear tubes replaced, **UPDATED AFTER SURGERY** in end post

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by frain2005, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    Ok...my DD now, 13 months has had ear tubes placed when she was 5 months old for constant ear infections. At 9 months, they were not properly in, and the ENT removed them. Well since then, we have done the ear infection, antibiotics cycle 3 times and they want to replace them again. She did well over the summer, but now that the cold weather is back, the cycle had begun again. My questions are:

    For those of you who had them replaced...Was the second time harder? She is older now, and can express pain a little bit more. Also she will need more anstesiea, and I was just wondering if it was harder on them when they wake up?

    Were are going in on Thursday. I have been through this before, with both twins, but I am just wondering if this time around will be harder? TIA
  2. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    Ok...my DD now, 13 months has had ear tubes placed when she was 5 months old for constant ear infections. At 9 months, they were not properly in, and the ENT removed them. Well since then, we have done the ear infection, antibiotics cycle 3 times and they want to replace them again. She did well over the summer, but now that the cold weather is back, the cycle had begun again. My questions are:

    For those of you who had them replaced...Was the second time harder? She is older now, and can express pain a little bit more. Also she will need more anstesiea, and I was just wondering if it was harder on them when they wake up?

    Were are going in on Thursday. I have been through this before, with both twins, but I am just wondering if this time around will be harder? TIA
  3. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    I would go ahead and have them replaced. Our pedi said that they usually only stay in for a year. My son had them in at age 3 and still has one tube but the other is out in the ear canal making it's journey to fall out. Without those tubes, my son would have had a permanant hearing loss. We caught it in time for his hearing to come back but he had speech delays because of it. I would keep tubes in until that risk is over.
  4. TwinhadTwins

    TwinhadTwins Well-Known Member

    We have had my one daughters replaced and she was fine. She was just 2 years old when she had the first set. She was 3 when she had the right ear replaced. She needed to have them replaced, she has had major problems with her right ear and the idiot doctor. I finally switched her to a Pediatric ENT and she was in great hands. Anyway, no worries, she came out and asked for her earings when she saw me. No drowsiness, no pain. Also, this was her third surgery on that ear, the second one, she was very difficult to get going. She was very drowsy after that surgery. I blame the idot doctor. Hence, the third surgery, the second one was a flop!
  5. Katherine P

    Katherine P Well-Known Member

    Reagan had hers at 2 yrs, Miller at 9 mos. I don't think it was much harder for her than Miller. She was grumpier after her anesthesia, but then again, she's usually grumpier than Miller when she wakes up. LOL
  6. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies...I just was worried that it would be more tramatic for her this time around. At 5 months she was just really sleepy the whole day. They really handled pain very well then. They would have ear infections and we wouldn't know until it drained or we went in for a check up. But now it seem like every little time something hurts, we "hear" it. But we are scheduled for Thursday morning, and I am having a friend watch Austin while we go. I want to be able to cuddle and sooth her one on one afterwards.

    Just to also note, her first tubes started falling out after 2 weeks of being in, and the ENT waited to see if they would fall out on their own, but they never did so at 9 months he removed them.

    So from you all, the only difference in how she might react is that she might be a little more grumpy when she wakes up? She was the grumpy one the last time too. I will update after the surgery, and let everyone know how it all went!
  7. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    The surgery went WELL! She was a little bit more grumpy coming out of anestesia, but other than that it was all ok. She was al little fussy the trip home, and now is a little clingy, but that is to be expected. She hasn't been saying any words, but today, all she would say is DA da da da da...over and over. He wasn't able to go with us, and I think she missed him. It is the first time she has said it, and she has been saying it nonstop in between crying, I think she wants her daddy! [​IMG] I can't wait for him to come home! Also, when she had her first set of tubes placed we found her first 2 teeth the same day, now this time around...we found TWO MORE! [​IMG] That is just something. I can't wait to tell DH about that too!

    Thanks for all you guys who offered responses and support!

    [​IMG] to you all!
  8. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    Glad to know that things went well with the surgery. I hope they stay in longer this time.
  9. katie c

    katie c Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear the surgery went well
    Heresw to hoping Shawnee is soon feelin her normal self
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