ear plugs

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mollyjm, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    So, my little ones have been doing better sleeping. They eat at 7ishpm and then Colin wakes about 2 am. He doesn't cry or fuss, he just makes a lot of noise. The grunting, stretching nioses. And it's LOUD. He wakes me and there is no sleeping through it. One night I let it go, it took awhile, but he fell back asleep and they didn't wake tell 4 am. Most nights though, I get up and feed them just so he stops making the noise and I can go back to sleep (they are in my room). I thought about maybe putting in earplugs when he starts so I can sleep through his noise.... If he did start to cry I think I would still hear it, but it might be just enough to let me sleep through the "noise". What do you think? Would you do? I think it scares me to wear the earplugs?
  2. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    Personally no I wouldn't.

    I would be concerned on not hearing something else I should be.
  3. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if I would do it at that age. But around 6 mos when I complained to our pediatrician that I still wasn't getting any solid sleep because I'm such a light sleeper and any little peep I'd jump up and run in their room so they wouldn't wake the other one. She said to wear ear plugs and ignore it. I didn't go that far, but I do use a white noise machine.
  4. MomofNickandSuzy

    MomofNickandSuzy Active Member

    I definitely would! I've used ear plugs in the past like in a noisy hotel room. They do not complete block to the noise. If the baby is really crying, you'll hear it.
  5. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    I couldn't do it either. I would be too worried that I wouldn't hear something that I was supposed to. Do you have a white noise machine?? Maybe you could turn that on with a timer or something so that it went off after 15mins or so that way you wouldn't hear the fussiness but if he did wake up later you would hear him?? I'm a light sleeper and that's why we moved the girls into their own room at 6 weeks, they are noisy sleepers!!
  6. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Nope I could not do it. That being said my 3 year olds sleep with me and tyler is in a bassinet next to me with an angel care monitor under him. This might be a bit much but I would NEVER forgive myself "if" god forbid something happened while I had my ear plugs in.

  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I've worn earplugs every night for years (I'm a very light sleeper) and I didn't stop when the girls were born. Even with my earplugs in, I can hear them in the other room if they so much as fuss. When they were babies and sleeping in the same room with us, there is no way I would have slept while hearing every little sigh and grunt. You could not possibly miss hearing a baby cry IMO.
  8. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    Our girls are super noisey too. That's why they moved into their room two weeks ago. I was getting NO sleep. I wouldn't do the ear plugs, but maybe try the white noise machine others have suggested. We use one in the girls' room to help them stay asleep and not bother one another (they're already even in separate cribs).

    Good luck!
  9. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    My girls are grunters/moaners as well. I wouldn't personally use earplugs, even though I do know that they don't totally block everything and your Bat like Mommy ears would likely still hear them. Like others, I'd be worried I wouldn't hear an older child down the hall, though, or say if God Forbid someone was trying to get in the house or something. (Now, when they're bigger, and like for CIO, I used them with Owen. He had a piercing bloody murder scream though...lol)
    I would just move them to their own room, if it's an option, and get a good monitor. I have the AngelCare ones as well, with the movement monitor like Nikki and I swear by it. The girls are two months now, and have been in their own room from day one, with the monitors. (Nikki, don't you find that little "tick, tick, tick..." almost hypnotizing on the AC monitors!? Lol...)
  10. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My DH is a light sleeper and uses them when the boys are sick, but I don't. We have a noisy fan in our room which helps keep me from hearing the rustling from the monitor. If it were me, I'd put the earplugs in when you were still awake and could test them for what you could hear. I know I'd be able to hear a baby crying, but if I was really tired it might not be enough to fully wake me.
  11. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    My boys are 4 months and I wear them. I am still the first one to get up when they cry, and my husband does not wear them. As the mom you will hear them when they cry,but the earplugs do help with the other little noises.
  12. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I bought a white noise machine for our room after the first night they were home from the NICU when the boys were sleeping in there. They were so noisy I wasnt sleeping either. I personally wouldnt do ear plugs.
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am a light sleeper and once the babies started sleeping through the night regularly, I started to use ear plugs. Mine don't make little noises but they will make loud ones when they need you, so I can still hear through the ear plugs. I can also hear the cat "paging" me in the morning through the ear plugs.
  14. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd put in ear plugs. I have a split floorplan home. The girls room is on one side of the house and my room is on the opposite side. I can have their door shut AND my door shut, and if those girls wake up and scream and make noise I can hear it. I have no idea how it works but moms have super-sonic baby hearing.
  15. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    In the beginning they did the [6-8pm] screaming and Nothing would make them feel better. Honestly, DH and I bought a pair for both of us.. But I think I put them in once and then never used them.
  16. nutty-mom

    nutty-mom Well-Known Member

    I would not do that. I am to goofy about hearing the kids. But my twins still have prob with sleep apnea. And if they are to quiet sleeping I worry.
  17. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    dh and I have taken turns wearing ear plugs and the one not wearing them is responsible for getting up with a fussy child. It helps get less disrupted sleep.
  18. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I probably wouldn't do earplugs(although I have never tried them so I don't know how much noise they actually drown out), but I did move Hannah to her own room after about 2 weeks due to her noisy sleeping.
  19. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    i wouldn't at that age. also, if he's waking up at 2, he might need to eat. they're not quite 2 months and 2 a.m. means he's gone 7 hours at that point. that's awfully little to expect him to go longer.

    i can't sleep without earplugs, with or without babies. it was agonizing for the first couple of months but it seemed safer than not hearing something i needed to hear. these days i just barely put an earplug in, just enough to muffle the loudest noises. and by now i've learned how to selectively hear noises through the earplugs so i don't miss a thing.
  20. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    Another plug for the angelcare monitors. LOVED THEM!
    Beyond that, it would depend partly on DH. Since I was the overnight person, if I knew he would wake up if it got loud, I would inform him he's my alarm and put in those plugs.

    I remember how much "grunting" my first DD did, and I got NO sleep from it. Looking back, I'd use the earplugs or turn down the monitors. When they really need you, they will let you know!!1
  21. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, It sounds really 50/50 here.... Ill have to think on it another night or two I guess

    Thanks all
  22. Joanna G

    Joanna G Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(piccologirl @ Mar 3 2009, 08:23 PM) [snapback]1213412[/snapback]
    i wouldn't at that age. also, if he's waking up at 2, he might need to eat. they're not quite 2 months and 2 a.m. means he's gone 7 hours at that point. that's awfully little to expect him to go longer.

    Honestly, that is what I was thinking too. I think he's a bit young to skip that feeding. One of my boys was ready to skip that feeding before the other one was. I'd get up & feed the one who woke. I'd put him back down. When the other woke I'd feed him, then wake the other & feed him again. After a couple weeks he was ready to sleep through with his brother.
    I just can't wear ear plugs at any time, but we did use a white noise machine & slept across the hall in a different room than the boys. One of them was a really noisy sleeper.
  23. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Joanna G @ Mar 3 2009, 08:08 PM) [snapback]1213549[/snapback]
    Honestly, that is what I was thinking too. I think he's a bit young to skip that feeding. One of my boys was ready to skip that feeding before the other one was. I'd get up & feed the one who woke. I'd put him back down. When the other woke I'd feed him, then wake the other & feed him again. After a couple weeks he was ready to sleep through with his brother.
    I just can't wear ear plugs at any time, but we did use a white noise machine & slept across the hall in a different room than the boys. One of them was a really noisy sleeper.

    I really don't think he is hungry or of course I would feed him. Like I said, he isn't upset or fussy, just "talking" loudly. My other kids were sleeping 8-12 hrs a night BY 6 weeks on their own. Colin is also already in the 95th percent and comes in at 11.5 pounds at 7 wks. So Im not worried about making sure he is putting on weight. I just think he is waking up and taking awhile to go back to sleep. While he is falling back asleep he is waking me up for a good chunk of time. He will go back to sleep without any fussing, I just don't have the patience at 2 in the morning, so I get up and feed them know it will put him to sleep.
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