Ear infections and funny story

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Tamaralynn, May 18, 2011.

  1. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I took my 3 boys to the clinic today. I thought for sure Donevan has a sinus infection, but it is just a virus, so it well run it's course. The twins have ear infections AGAIN. Nathaniels' 13th one since Dec 16. It's ridicuous. He goes for Tubes on June 20th. William is on his 3rd infection in 6 weeks, he sees the ENT on the 24th.

    Funny thing that happened though was their doctor totally mixed them up. I was holding NAthaniel when she fist came in, so she check him out, and while she writting out his script I put him in the stroller and pick up William. She turned around and went to the stroller and started checking Nathaniel out again, and says his right ear is infected just like Nathaniel's. I told her, "Well that's because that is Nathaniel, I have William here." She says to me, "You know I can't tell them apart! Why do you do that to me?!" haha
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :laughing: That is funny. I hope your boys are feeling better soon :hug:
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :lol: That's so funny! I hope they are feeling better soon :(

    Our dr totally mixed our b/g twins up when they were about 6 months old or so! In his defense, all they had were diapers on, and at 6 months old they both had the same amount of hair!! :lol:
  4. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    My boy got tubes on the 6th! The surgery went amazingly well and they have been talking up a storm ever since! We went for the follow up appt y'day and all is well! You won't regret it.

    My ped was so funny w the boys, he can't tell them apart either and looks at them and says sarcastically "Are you guys twins??" I thought all you twin moms would appreciate that line ;)

    Praying the surgery goes well for your lo as well!
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