Ear infection?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by thea7, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    My kids have never had an ear infection (yet) so I'm not sure what it looks like and I'm wondering if my DD has one. They both have colds (of course) and last night my DD started crying and pulling on her ear; it took hours to put her to bed with lots of crying, but she was able to sleep through the night. So far today no ear pulling and less crying. Her appetite is less than usual, but not too bad. No fever. I called the pedi office, they told me to keep an eye on her. My worry is that she's getting an ear infection and she'll need to see an MD over the weekend; I really don't want to go to the ER. I'd rather catch this before the weekend if possible. What do you think? If she was pulling on her ear and then stopped should I still be worried? What should I be looking for with an ear infection?

    misha and cyan 14 months
  2. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    My kids have never had an ear infection (yet) so I'm not sure what it looks like and I'm wondering if my DD has one. They both have colds (of course) and last night my DD started crying and pulling on her ear; it took hours to put her to bed with lots of crying, but she was able to sleep through the night. So far today no ear pulling and less crying. Her appetite is less than usual, but not too bad. No fever. I called the pedi office, they told me to keep an eye on her. My worry is that she's getting an ear infection and she'll need to see an MD over the weekend; I really don't want to go to the ER. I'd rather catch this before the weekend if possible. What do you think? If she was pulling on her ear and then stopped should I still be worried? What should I be looking for with an ear infection?

    misha and cyan 14 months
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine always got more upset when they were lying down (naps & bedtime) with an ear infection. It definitely sounds like one to me! I would get it checked out before the weekend.
  4. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    It's really worth the trouble to have her seen on Friday. I didn't know Ben had an ear infection (his first one) until he spiked a pretty high fever. He didn't complain about pain until a day and a half later. Adam was recently diagnosed with his first ear infections (both ears) when I took him in for pink-eye. The PA said that the infection frequently spreads between the ear and the eye (I don't know which got infected first). He was not complaining or tugging or anything, but he was a little grumpy.
  5. Jaci

    Jaci Well-Known Member

    It sounds like it might be an ear infection. If my kids have ear infections, they usually do better during the day but have trouble sleeping at night (crying, tugging at ears, etc).

    One thing to keep in mind, my oldest son had lots of ear infections as a baby/toddler, but never ran a temp. I know most people associate ear infections with a temp but keep in mind that there are definately exceptions. Good luck!
  6. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Morgan was just diagnosed with #9 and finally got an ENT referral, so we've been through quit a few.

    I tend to catch hers on the first or second day, right at the beginning. Only twice has it set into a fever (and low grade 101.5 at that). She's NEVER pulled on her ears until the last 2 (which were both in the past month). All the ones before there was NEVER any ear pulling. My "indicator" was her looking glassy eyed and just not her perky self. They would always ask me why I suspected an ear infection and I would say "SHe just doesn't look right." But, I was always right about the infection.

    My girls have NEVER woken up in the middle of the night with ear infections and instead of being irritable when you lay them down, they take 3.5 hour naps...I guess they are weird in that aspect...lol!!

    But, I would take your DD in before the weekend. Ear infections don't' normally warrent a trip to the ER adn I would get it checked sooner than later. The crying at bedtime, ear pulling, etc. are "classic" symptoms.

    I hope she doesn't have one...but if she does, it clears up quickly with antibiotics and they normally feel better soon. Giver her motrin for the discomfort...especially at night...that would help with the irritability.

    Let us know if you take her in. [​IMG]
  7. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all your replies. I'll see how she does tonight and then call the advice nurse tomorrow. No ear pulling today, just a lot of coughing; and she took a 3 hour nap. I hope she sleeps tonight.

    misha and cyan 14 months old
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