ear infection "pros"

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ddancerd1, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    okay, so the girls have had colds for a few days now. today ivana was in a great mood, but then she woke up (early) from her afternoon nap crying, and cried all afternoon/evening, almost non-stop. i had a slight feeling it was her ears, so i called the pedi and she said it could very well be her ears, and, while there are symptoms, not everyone has those symptoms.
    okay, so she had her snack, chugged her water, ate her dinner, and cried in between. at dinner i noticed the ear pulling, so then i figured it was definitely her ear. so i was holding her while opening the box of motrin, she took the box, climbed out of my lap and started to walk around singing and squealing. she seemed totally fine.

    okay, so if it WAS an ear infection, wouldn't it hurt her ear to be squealing like that?

    she had no problems eating or drinking

    also, last night during bathtime, i was dressing marina while dh played with ivana - who was still in the tub - and he wanted to "introduce" her to our new shower head (the detachable one so i can rinse the shampoo out with it), so he was playing with the settings and i'm wondering if maybe she got some water lodged in her ear. because at one point this afternoon i (gently) put my finger in her ear (to see how she'd react) and it came out wet.

    OR maybe it just got clogged from her cold and plugged up and it finally popped?

    whew. that was long and out of order.

    okay, so my main question is, what were your experiences with ear infections? (and then you can answer my other questions hehe)
  2. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    YUP, could be an ear infection. They are inconsistent enough to make the most experienced mom doubt herself. I am still showing up with kids who are driving me crazy. One time they are fine, the next time they have a BURST EARDRUM! And I have BTDT. Two of my kids had so many infections they had ear tubes.

    The one thing I would ask is: Has she or does she have a runny nose? That makes it much more likely. Even if not - go in - even if she doesn't you'll be glad to know! (As long as you have health insurance!)
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Really the only way to tell would be to take her to the Ped and let them look at her ears. Mine have had countless ear infections (even one diagnosed today :) )and all 3 have tubes. Sometimes they are febrile and sometimes they are not. Sometimes they have ear pulling sometimes they dont. The major crying was a sign for us and the night waking and early nap waking. The pain is worse lying down. So I would just take her in and get them checked.
  4. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    they both have runny noses (from the cold). and hers actually wasn't as runny yesterday, and then today became more runny again. and i believe there's a molar coming out on her right side (the side her ear hurts), cuz she's chewing on stuff on that side.

    the pedi said if she's continues crying thru the night/morning to take her in. i guess i'm just hoping for a miracle!
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Most of the time ear infections come a few days after a cold. I would take her in.
  6. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    The only way I ever knew if my girls had ear infections was the fever and they cried, like really CRIED, in pain cries, when I laid them down to go to sleep.

    Hopefully its not an ear infection but definitely keep an eye on her temp.
  7. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Nov 24 2008, 11:07 PM) [snapback]1085544[/snapback]
    The only way I ever knew if my girls had ear infections was the fever and they cried, like really CRIED, in pain cries, when I laid them down to go to sleep.

    Hopefully its not an ear infection but definitely keep an eye on her temp.

    the thing is, when we put her down for the night she pretty much went right to sleep. and she hasn't had a temp all evening (but i also gave her tylenol before her second nap ((cuz of the cold)) )
  8. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, mine never did the ear pulling, never complain now. for us, it is a gut feeling when a cough has held on for just a little too long. We go in and "hope" it is not both ears, or both boys for that matter.
  9. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    i've doen a lot of ear infections around here. Each of my children had different signs when they had an ear infection. But I like you started watching them 3-4 days after a cold to see if there were signs just like you mentioned.

    I finally invested in a penlight for $10...I got it over the counter at Walgreens. It was simply a magnifying glass and a pen light and I would look in my kids ears myself. I started once when I knew my son had an ear infection....diaganosed by the Ped. She even let me look in her office ear light so I could see what one looked like. So I knew what a sick ear looked like and later learned what a good one looked like. Now I look in their ears myslef before taking them to the dr. I am right most of the time and I choose not to take them when they have that irritability or poor sleeping but the ear looks good. Those times it usually turned out to be teething related.

    So you learn. I have had 2 kids with tubes....then it is really easy to tell if there is an infection. THey drain.

  10. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Cindy H @ Nov 24 2008, 11:41 PM) [snapback]1085667[/snapback]
    I finally invested in a penlight for $10...I got it over the counter at Walgreens. It was simply a magnifying glass and a pen light and I would look in my kids ears myself. I started once when I knew my son had an ear infection....diaganosed by the Ped. She even let me look in her office ear light so I could see what one looked like. So I knew what a sick ear looked like and later learned what a good one looked like. Now I look in their ears myslef before taking them to the dr. I am right most of the time and I choose not to take them when they have that irritability or poor sleeping but the ear looks good. Those times it usually turned out to be teething related.

    What a great idea. My kids never have symptoms (other than a runny nose) with ear infections. It is always a gut feeling. Sometimes we are right and sometimes we are wrong. I think I might have to invest in this. Thank you for the tip.
  11. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    I hate it when the nurse asks the "obvious" EI questions when you're trying to get an appt, because every mom and ped know that symptoms of EIs are ALL over the board, and are rarely consistent! The worst one we had was fairly obvious- he couldn't go to sleep lying down, only sitting upright. The other two we've had, only one kid was pulling at his ears, the other wasn't, but they both had a nasty, nasty cold and we'd just flown the day before. Neither time was there fever either! I think I'm in the boat if there's been a cold, runny nose, and they're just not acting "right" - it never hurts to have them checked!!! And it's amazing how quickly they feel better after being on some meds! Hope your little one feels better ASAP! :hug:
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