Dying hair???

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by JASB, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. JASB

    JASB Well-Known Member

    I keep forgetting to ask my Dr.

    I was going to wait till my pregnancy was over, but then I thought it might not be safe to do when I am breastfeeding. Everything that pregnancy puts you through ---it would be nice to feel good about my hair at least (cover up the grays) [​IMG]

    Has anyone colored their hair while pregnant or breastfeeding?

    What have you heard on this subject--- is it safe?

    Can you link this to the BF forum? Thanks
  2. JASB

    JASB Well-Known Member

    I keep forgetting to ask my Dr.

    I was going to wait till my pregnancy was over, but then I thought it might not be safe to do when I am breastfeeding. Everything that pregnancy puts you through ---it would be nice to feel good about my hair at least (cover up the grays) [​IMG]

    Has anyone colored their hair while pregnant or breastfeeding?

    What have you heard on this subject--- is it safe?

    Can you link this to the BF forum? Thanks
  3. Mrs.Bears

    Mrs.Bears Active Member

    I heard you can dye your hair after the 1st trimester....
  4. AWillow

    AWillow Well-Known Member

    My friend with singletons have all gotten their hair done (colored/highlights) while pregnant. I asked my Peri and he told me to wait until the babies were born to color my hair. His thought was that the fumes would be bad for me.

    So my hair is looking rough and I have split end everywhere. I really look foward to getting my hair done next month.
  5. ReallyTiredMom

    ReallyTiredMom Well-Known Member

    I have had my hair hi-lited. I have heard that it is so much safer than it had been in the past. The salon I go to said the only dyes that they know of that might be harmful are dark, dark dyes, like black. But definitely check with your doctor.
  6. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    You read different stuff - most everyone says don't do it in the first trimester. Dr. Luke said it's ok, so - I've done it once. I know, vanity, vanity, but - i can't handle the bad skin, the vomiting, the swollen ankles AND awful hair. That said, i'm about four weeks overdue!

    basically i had my person just do the roots and the front, not all the way on the scalp, so it wasn't on for that long.

    It's a personal decision.
  7. breezach

    breezach Member

    i had partial highlights done only once during the pregnancy...and it was two weeks ago. the reality is...unless you are getting all over color, very little of it actually touches your scalp, hence...cannot be absorbed by your body. believe me...i knew there was NO WAY after the babies arrive that i would be able to break free for an afternoon of touch-ups on the hair for at least the first two months, so it's either go now, or realize i'd look like a dowdy old lady with horrid roots for who knows how long! call me vain...but i kind of want to look semi-decent in the post-pregnancy hospital pics...and if you've ever seen a photo of someone who has neglected the task of color touch-ups magnified by a bright camera flash...it's not pretty! [​IMG] i say go for it.
  8. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I've heard it's safe. there's probably as much risk in getting your hair colored as in standing near a microwave. You'll be fine. And cute. And happy. I say go for it.

  9. luv_my_kidz

    luv_my_kidz Well-Known Member

    My OB says it's safe to dye your hair. I've got highlights and I just got new ones last week. It was pulled through a cap though so nothing touched my scalp and I didn't smell any fumes. I feel SO much better!!!..........and probably look better too!! [​IMG]
  10. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I colored my hair throughout both my pregnancies. (Just had it done this week).
  11. happymel

    happymel Well-Known Member

    I waited until the first trimester was over. I read in what to expect when you're expecting that it is safe. I'm pretty picky and I felt comfortable doing it.
    Melanie (26 weeks)
  12. 2kidsplus2

    2kidsplus2 Active Member

    I just colored my hair last week at 17 weeks - had not done it until then (and was it looking icky!). I plan on waiting again until maybe 34 weeks and doing it one more time. From what I read very little of the chemicals get in to your bloodstream and you'd have to dye your hair a ton for it to be harmful. I decided for me, dyeing it twice during pregnancy after the first trimester was okay - just a personal decision.
  13. JASB

    JASB Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much. I am going to get my hair cut this weekend and dye it after that. I am soooooooooo excited. It is getting to the end of the pregnancy and I look like crap. Hopefully this will help me feel better. I don't think I will have time when the babies come [​IMG]
  14. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    my friend who is 20 weeks pregnant with a singleton owns a hair salon and her doc said it is perfectly safe to keep on working. I too had my hair hi-lighted after my first trimester. its safe as long as it is not henna and all over hair color.
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