dumb tantrum of the day

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    If I were a drinker, I'd definitely need a stiff one today...

    Me: OK, time to get diapers before naps. Does anyone want to go first?
    Ivy: [silent]
    Andrew: [silent]
    Me: OK, Andrew, let's get you a diaper.
    [proceed into other room, start changing diaper, all is calm and peaceful until halfway through diaper change, and then enter, out of nowhere, screaming banshee:]

    Screaming, tears, shrieking, wailing, flailing, tugging on my legs. Um, like you couldn't have thought of that, oh, say, when I ASKED you??? :wacko:

    Thank goodness Andrew is my sweet little laid-back Zen guy - if I had two drama queens like this I think I'd shoot myself!

    Misery loves company: what charming things have your little poppets done today?
  2. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    Holly, I was looking for a stiff drink today too!

    I can't remember a particular dumb tantrum of the day (there were several though!) and I was short on patience besides....

    But I did get to add to my list of things I never thought I'd say...

    "Searra, stop licking the window. Yes, you need to stop. Searra...stop licking the window. Ellie, that goes for you too! Now *STOP* it!. Alright, Searra, do it again and you're going in time out. Seeaaarrraa, One...." Stops leaning towards the window and grins impishly at me :rolleyes:
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I told my girls to say goodbye to the tree tonight...they went ballistic!! "Nooooo, you can't take the tree away! I love it! We have to keep it up until Halloween!" So my DH chimes in..."Ohhh, keep it up one more day" This is just delaying the inevitable. :headbang:
  4. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I am wondering about this too. They love it being up sooo much!
  5. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    We had some particularly great fits today too. Cricket absolutely melted down after nap because she thought Piper was "shushing" her. Cricket was reading a book quietly while Piper rocked her stuffed elephant to sleep. As part of the rocking Piper said "sssshhh" over and over again. Well, Cricket didn't like that noise so here is how it went. Oh, keep in mind that they were about fifteen feet apart and not facing each other.

    Cricket: <rustle pages>
    Piper: sshhh-sssshhhh-ssshhh
    Cricket: I didn't say anything
    Piper: ssshhhh-ssshhhhh
    Cricket: Piper, I DIDN'T say anything
    Piper: (completely ignoring Cricket) sssshhhh-sssshhhh little baby
    Cricket: But Piper, I'm not making any noise!!!!
    Piper: ssshhhh-ssshshhhh, go to sleep
    Cricket: Aaaaaaahh! Waaaaah! Mommmy! Piper is shushing me! Waaaaaah! I don't want her to shush me!

    I'm not a huge drinker, but I did have a beer after they went to bed. :headbang:
  6. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Conner did not sleep well last night. I knew today was going to be ugly, but didn't realize how the SUN would flip him out. Apparently he didn't want the sun to come up today & he let us all know it by completely going ballistic when the sun came up. "NO SUN TODAY! I DO NOT WANT SUN TODAY! TELL THE SUN TO GO AWAY!" We could not rationalize with him & the tantrum lasted a good 10 minutes. If only I had control over the weather...
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Luke stomped his feet and freaked out because his blocks don't stay together. He kept crying "broke" and no matter how much I tried to show him how easy they are to put back together, he was still upset. Oh and he does not want Sophia to have them either.
  8. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I love the meltdowns that revolve around food. My favorite is when given some choices of foods and they make a choice and are given that food they flip out. Here's an example.

    Me: "We have cereal, cereal bars, fruit or eggs"
    Abby (cuz' it's usuall her) : "Eggs!"

    I cook up the eggs and hand the plate to her

    Abby: "I didn't want eggs. I want cereal!"

    The crying and screaming begins after I tell her I'm not making something else. She will insist up and down that she didn't say eggs, she said cereal. :headbang:
  9. LeslieJC

    LeslieJC Well-Known Member

    Aviva: My choo choo train is going to Dora's house.

    Delilah: Noooo Avia, no choo choo train to Dora's house.

    Aviva: Mama, my choo choo is going Dora's house

    Delilah: NOOOOOOOOO Don't want Dora's house.

    Me: Honey, it's not a real choo choo train, you can have your own choo choo train and yours doesn't have to go to Dora's house, use your imagination and your train can go any where you want it to but if Avi wants her train to go to Dora's house it's ok.

    Delilah: NNNNOOOOOOO MOMMY!!!!! Don't want Avia's train to go Dora!!!!!

    G-d help me/us!!
  10. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :laughing: I am LOVING all of these!!!
  11. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    This morning, DH had to be to work at 5 a.m., which, seeing that we currently share a car, meant that all of the kids had to get up so I could take him to work.

    Back at home, we ate our breakfast, and since it was so early I thought I'd get some cleaning in before I took them to daycare. 'J' wanted to help vacuum, so I gave it to her (a little stick vacuum for the kitchen) and away she went... Well about 20 minutes later it was time to get hair done so we could leave. She would not let go of the vacuum so I had to unplug it. She M-E-L-T-E-D down becuase I took the vacuum away from her! Trust me, I WILL remind her of this when she is 16 and doesn' want to to TOUCH the vacuum!!! LOL

    Fast forward about 10 minutes.. I needed to throw some clothes in the dryer just before leaving. All of a Sudden 'T' is screaming "give it back, Give IT BACK!" and 'J' going, "It's not yours, it's mommy's." this repeated itself a few times and I finally looked to see what it was about. 'T' wanted my chapstick, and 'J' was trying to take it from her cuz it wasn't hers.. Well, this one ended up following us to the car and I had a hard time strapping 'T' into her carseat becuase she was fittin so bad...

    My 2 dumb tantrums for the day. :)
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