Due April 2010

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by 2xjoy, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'm 15 weeks pregnant and found out around 2 weeks ago that we're expecting twins!
    Totally unexpected, shocked, awed, nervous, excited, worried etc etc etc.
    Would love to hear from others due in April also to compare notes with.
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  2. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Congrats! I found out at 15 weeks that I was having two babies and had all of the same feelings that you mentioned. It's such a huge mental shift to make from one to two!

    It's really such a blessing though, and believe me the time will fly by. I cannot believe that I'll be 34 weeks on Tuesday! My advice would be to educate yourself as much as you can (without scaring yourself as it's easy to do that as well) and empower yourself so that you can have the most enjoyable/successful pregnancy possible :)

    Congrats again and good luck. This forum is fabulous, loads of great info for all of the questions that you will inevitably have along the way.
  3. kryscline

    kryscline Well-Known Member

    What a wonderful surprise!! Lots of best wishes for a happy, healthy twin pregnancy and beyond. Congratulations!! :babyflips: :babyflips:
  4. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your pregnancy. I am 20 weeks and due in March. I found out that it was a twin gestation at Week 5 after landing in the ER for dehydration, so I've had a bit of time to transition from what I would term "totally freaked out" to really excited. Send me a message if you want to compare notes!
  5. hsddc

    hsddc Well-Known Member

    I am also 15 weeks! I've known for a little while (since 8 week sono) so I've had some time to digest but I'm still totally freaked out/excited. I find that it's just a lot of information to process at once and I can only really focus on one little step at a time. Fortunately for me, one of my dear friends is having twins in about 2 weeks so I've basically taken every cue (and maternity clothes!) from her so far.
    Right now I'm working on finding some clothes that fit me since I'm in the weird, in-between stage (otherwise known as looking fat, not pregnant). Also trying to keep my diet as healthy as possible and keeping up moderate activity since I'm feeling better after the first tri. And then once we know the genders--and we will find out--I feel like I can focus on the nursery and beginning stuff we might need.
    It's a lot! But one step at a time, we'll get there!!
  6. amjra

    amjra New Member

    Hi! We are expecting our twins in April. Have known since 8 wks... so, quite a lot of time to get used to the idea.

    However, ours are sharing an amniotic sac, momo twins and so are extremely high risk. I am going to go inpatient at 26 wks.
  7. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    Wow, how common is bedrest?
    Also what does momo twins mean? Sorry, but I am new to all this and still learning.

    From the 1 scan I've had so far, they appear to be fraternal but I have had 2 previous caesars, so am hoping that I don't have to go on bedrest. Do you think the previous c/secs will make it higher risk? How do they tell if you need bedrest?
  8. magictouch

    magictouch Member

    Congrats on the good news! It takes some getting used to but it will eventually sink in. Plenty of twin moms breeze through their pregnancies but it is good to educate yourself about potential complications. Bedrest isn't too common but the most common reason is Preterm Labor. Make sure you get a cervical check at 16 or 18 weeks to determine a baseline for your cervical length.I haven't heard of C-sections causing complications during a twin pregnancy. Hope you have a smooth and uneventful pregnancy.
  9. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    Dumb question but, is this done by internal or external examination? Also is it part of a routine visit when expecting twins?
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  10. Chickapum

    Chickapum Member

    I am due in March, and found out we are having twins at my 11wk u/s. So I've had two months for it to soak in now!

    Bedrest may or may not happen of course, but usually chances are higher since risk of preterm labour is higher, as previously mentioned.
    My chances are also higher since I had pre-existing high blood pressure, that I am currently on meds for. Multiples themselves can increase chances of pregnancy induced-hypertension, so my risk is doubly so.

    I don't think your previous c-sections will have an impact regarding bedrest or not.
  11. magictouch

    magictouch Member

    Its a transvaginal u/s. I had one done at 18 weeks to measure the cervical length. They usually do it a little earlier for multiple gestations.
  12. XpectingTwins222

    XpectingTwins222 Well-Known Member

    Hello and congratulations! I'm also 15 weeks pregnant. Was wondering when you are due? Our babies are due April 28th. We found out about a month ago and now most of the worry has changed to excitement. I think it just takes a little while to soak in after the initial shock.
  13. confettiangel

    confettiangel Member

    Hi. Congratulations on your twins!

    Where in Australia are you? i'm in SA & expecting di/di (own sacs, own placentas) twins in March.

    There is so much to learn!

  14. leiadawn

    leiadawn Member

    I'm 17 weeks along. We used fertilty treatment, so we found out at 7 weeks. It was a shock, even though we knew it was a risk with the treatment we used. Our first panic was over whether or not 3 car seats (twins's plus our daughter's seats) would fit in our current SUV. Did find 3 seats that will fit. That was a huge relief. There's enough extra stuff to buy without having to add a new car to the picture.

    Now my big worries are managing to breastfeed twins and avoiding preeclampsia and gestational diabetes to keep these babies from being born too early.

    I agree that information is helpful. I came home from the doc's office and starting hunting up info on twin pregnancy and babies. The additional risks helped me understand why the docs want to monitor me so closely.
  15. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    Well, I had a doc ap. yesterday nad she was only going to listem to heartbeats with a doppler, but I asked her to use the portable scanner so I could actually see them. Although the picture wasn't very clear, at least i got to see they were still in there and still moving!(Sorry if that sounds silly, but I am a bit paranoid!)

    My due date is 23rd April, but the doc thinks we should use 16th April as the nuchal scan indicated they were a bit bigger. I explained that I know when I ovulated (Day 9), so that kinda makes sense with changing dates. I am positive of my date s with LMP and ovulation as this pregnancy was planned and had been keeping track of things for months. Obviously the twins were not planned a but still a happy surprise!
  16. heathlenore

    heathlenore Well-Known Member

    Congrats to all of you! I am 14 weeks and due the beginning of May. We found out at 10 week u/s that we were having twins!!!! What a crazy, exciting shock! I have a 4 year and 2 year old too:) The twins were in 2 sacs and I'm looking forward to the next ultrasound to possibly find out what we're having! Look forward to hearing how all of you are doing throughout your journey, take care!
  17. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'm from QLD in Australia and I have a 9yr old and 4 year old. I have my morphology scan in 9 days and can't wait! I am anxiuos to find out that the bubs are ok and whether boy and/or girl. Did I mention I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
  18. nicolerodo

    nicolerodo Member

    Hi I'm 19 weeks pregnant with fraternal boys (two sacks two placentas), Due date April 6th. I already have two boys one 4 the other will be 2 in December. I found out at 10 weeks about the twins, so I have know for a while. I am still in shock about it daily. I am just doing my best to have a healthy pregnancy. I had great pregnancies with my other two children and I feel great so far. I have gained about 16 lbs already, which I guess is pretty good, per my OB. I have still been gently working out, yoga mostly, stationery bike for 20 mins. I am the kind of person who needs to keep moving. During my singelton pregnancies I was running until my 8th month, so this is not a lot of activity for me. Have you been doing any activity? Just wondering. My OB says the activity is fine, but when I hit 28 weeks we will have to see how Im doing and talk again. I wish you the best of luck. I read a book that said with a baby you have to take it one day at a time, and with twins you have to take it one minute at a time. Good advise I think!
  19. heathlenore

    heathlenore Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you get to find out what you are having soon! You sure are busy with two at home. Australia must be so beautiful! Please post and keep us updated:) I can hardly wait til Dec 1st when hopefully they make a big reveal!
  20. jma7280

    jma7280 New Member

    Hello everyone! I'm new to this site...I'm almost 18 weeks and due April 16th 2010. I'm having fraternal twins and hopefully next week will be able to find out what they are!!! I've known that I'm having twins since 5 weeks and my head hasn't stopped spinning yet! I have so many questions, like I'm sure most of you have as well. But, I'm really excited too!
  21. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Hi there!

    I'm also new to this site! I'm expecting frat twins due April 30th. We had IVF, so I knew there was a chance for two, but my first scan only showed one sac, so we were STILL shocked when we found out we were having two at 7 weeks! Unfortunately, I'm a very high-risk pregnancy b/c I had PTL with my son...so I'm already on 'modified' rest (pelvic rest, no exercise, bending, lifting, etc). I had a 'big bleed' from a subchorionic hematoma (blood clot in the uterus) at 8.5 weeks and had 4 weeks of bedrest after that with this pregnancy. Eek, I sound pitiful. I also have severe morning sickness, so I'm still negative 7 pounds at 15 weeks pregnant.

    Is the due-date board active? Is that where you all usually post? I have SOOOOOO many questions for other preggo with twins mommas. So good to find you all!!!!
  22. Allaby

    Allaby New Member

    Hi, all. I'm 19 weeks pregnant with fraternal twin boys, due April 7. We did IVF so we've known since 5 weeks that it's twins, but the anxiety (and of course excitement) hasn't lessened much since then! I had a lot of nausea in the 1st tri and continue to have a lot of food aversions, so I've been struggling a bit to gain weight ... only about 10 lbs so far (after losing 5 in the 1st tri). I have an OB appt. this week so we'll see what the doctor says ...
  23. Lissett

    Lissett New Member

    Hi Ladies!

    I'm so excited to connect with some women who are expecting twins like me! My due date is April 9th and we just found out we are having 2 girls! I'm thrilled but very nervouse and overwhelmed as well. Luckily, I've had a wonderful pregnancy so far (even though i'm only 18 weeks!) and I have been taking good care of myself to make sure I can be as healthy as possible for my girls when they arrive. Are any of you out there a little freaked out about how you are going to care for two babies at once? I'm lucky to have an awesome husband who I know will be hands on, but what about when he returns to work? I'm terrified that I won't be able to do it by myself. Unfortunately, I don't have my mother anymore and all my family lives on the opposite side of the state. My husbands family isn't too reliable, so it will pretty much just be me and some friends on occasion. Just wondering if anybody is feeling the same emotions I am and if anybody has received any valuable tips or suggestions on how to prepare.

    Best of luck to all you ladies!

  24. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Welcome here! I'm DEFINTELY scared about how to manage to babies at once. My dh is awesome, too...and I figure at least we've had one child and gotten over the 'jitters'. I'm so sorry you're mom is not here to enjoy this with you. I have my parents, but they all live many states away from us. I think I will be lucky enough to have some family help the first few weeks...but then it will be just us! I think I need to wrap my brain around the fact we may need help sometimes. Even if it's just for a few hours a day. I guess we'll just see how things go. But I'm not going to try to be a hero...if I'm not doing well with three kids under the age of 3, well, then I guess I'm just going to have to get help (now, how to PAY for that, will be a challenge...but that's discussion for a different day!).
  25. Hilarigh

    Hilarigh Member

    I'm just past 17 weeks with my di/di twins and am due Apr. 22. We concieved with the help of IUI and knew about our twins at 5 weeks. We waffle between complete excitement and abject fear. Luckily, so far, my pregnancy has been uneventful. I'm hopingthat my healthy active lifestyle pre-pregnancy will help me with this pregnancy. I too am maintaining my vigorous yoga practice and instead of my 5 mile run, I'm walking a few miles a day when the weather's nice.

    These will be our first children and we have a lot to figure out and prepare. One of the first things on the list is buying a new car. I have a mini cooper that I LOVE and will have to get rid of for a more practical family mobile.
  26. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    I have 2 children already with the youngest being 4 and at kindy 3 days a week so that is a help.
    I do get filled with terror when I let myself think about it too much. Especially when in a shop and hearing a tiny baby cry, and I just think to myself, Oh.....My......GOD!!!!! :drown: There nothing like hearing a baby cry to bring back reality.

    On the other hand, I haven't worried too much about ABB( After babies are born) as I'm too busy stressing about them being healthy and staying inside as long as possible. :youcandoit:
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