DS2 Can't Figure Out Solids

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sullivanre, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    At 4 months my pedi (without my prompting) said my boys could start solids. I thought it was a little early, so I waited a few weeks, and started very slowly. The first week we did rice twice. Then for the next few weeks we tried veges and fruits, with my boys taking two days to finish a jar (with the two of them sharing). Finally, before Thanksgiving we started trying to get them to actually eat they were just over 5 months old. Eli has really taken to it, but Mark cannot get it.

    He doesn't like the food in his mouth, and he rarely opens up. When he does open his mouth, he pushes most of the food out. He has made progress, but it is very minimal. After the first few weeks I've really backed off with him, and I often just sit him up with his brother, and put the spoon in his mouth several times. He clearly likes sweet tastes, but he can't figure out opening his mouth or not pushing food out with his tongue. In the meantime, Eli eats about 2-3 tubs of food a day, and begs for our food when we eat. Not Mark. It seems that he hasn't lost the "tongue thrust reflex." Now he is just over 6 months, and the tongue thrust reflex is still very strong.

    Any suggestions on how to help him mature as an eater? I know he's still young, but I don't know what you can do about the tongue thrust reflex. Should I just give up until it's gone?

    ETA: I've had trouble with Mark's eating from day 1. He refused to latch or take a bottle for the first several days in the hospital, and he still on occasion refuses to breastfeed. My guys get bottles, and they nurse, if that makes a difference.
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I would wait awhile longer and try it again with him. He doesn't sound ready and really solids aren't for nutrition right now, its just practice. So it no big deal if you take a break with Mark, while continuing giving Eli solids. :hug:
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    They are still so young. At this stage, solids is just PRACTICE! Some babies take to it, others don't. He still may have the tongue thrust going where it is just a reflex to spit out solids. They are two different babies. My dd refused solids (after she started out great) from months 7-10. I tried once a week and finally she started eating again. Don't worry. It is still early. He'll get it... in due time.
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Dec 17 2008, 05:57 PM) [snapback]1114624[/snapback]
    I would wait awhile longer and try it again with him. He doesn't sound ready and really solids aren't for nutrition right now, its just practice. So it no big deal if you take a break with Mark, while continuing giving Eli solids. :hug:

    ITA with Leighann. That is exactly what I was going to say. Good Luck!!
  5. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. I was planning on stopping the solids for Mark, and he threw a fit yesterday when he saw I was feeding Eli, so I decided to try again. I have that twin Momy guilt thing going on--I hate having one of them do something and not the other one. My SIL was here, and she held his hands down (He likes to suck the food off of his thumb, which is how I know what he likes.). And he actually opened his mouth and swallowed some food!!!.

    He seems to love the new food--prunes. LOL!! He ate them again tonight, and did much better.

    I'm really surprised after all of the drama I have been having to with him. I think forcing him to keep his hands down, and giving him 100% attention helped. Plus, his love of prune also helped :) .
  6. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I also agree to take a break and come back to it. It's good that he's making practice. Sometimes, it's a very slow process. Hang in there :hug:.
  7. kathyc

    kathyc Active Member

    my girls did not really start liking solids until they were around 7 months so I woud just keep trying and eventually he'll get it.
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