DS vomiting once a day but no other signs

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rajeshris, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    So ladies--not sure what to do. My DS has been over the last week vomiting once a day minus one or two days. There is no consistency to it as in when it happens--sometimes during feeds, after feeds, after naps, etc. He does have a very minor runny nose and his two top teeth are coming in for sure--i can feel them now. Can teething cause vomiting? Most things I see say it cannot, but a few say that it can. He is acting completely normal, no coughing, fever, etc. He will vomit a bit--not a whole meal, but enough to say its a vomit and not spit up. As soon as he does it, he's fine, acting normal, etc. He has dealt w/ reflux in the past, but not for a while. He has been off meds for a while now, but don't think it is that.

    Any ideas?

    I am debating on whether to call doc--just know they will say "bring him in" and normally I would...just don't think there is anything wrong w/ him this time, so.....

  2. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    Gross question, but what does the vomit look like? I know that when my girls are teething they produce a lot more saliva which causes them to throw up/spit up (whatever it might be.)
  3. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    I know what you are saying, and sometimes it does look kind of mucousy(sp?) but the one he just had just looked like pediasure (problem this bottle was chocolate) so it was dark and couldn't tell anything else. Just looked like milk.....so guess it kind of varies....
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    hmm I'm not sure but I think calling your ped wouldn't hurt. My ds had reflux issues and when he started eating solids it got worse. His ped said it wasn't normal but it happens so we had to put him on meds at 15 months or so. We have to be careful what he eats but he is off of meds now.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with the others, I would call your pedi just to have him checked out. Mine might spit up a little when teething, but not vomit. Hope he starts to feel better soon, keep us posted with how he is doing :hug:
  6. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone--took your advice and called pedi. The nurse said to wait and see. Since it's not a ton and otherwise he is completely normal, it could be reflux (which we have our regular GI appt next week anyway) or a viral thing. Also, since he kind of has a small cold, it could be mucous built up. She said if it gets worse or where he is in pain, then obviously come in. So guess we'll just continue to wait and see!
  7. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Is he coughing before?

    Our boys have reflux AND a very sensitve gag reflex, so often when they get coughing (especially if their asthma ias acting up) they throw up... if yours it it could be a gag reflex thing?

    Also agree w/the nurse, when our boys get really congested they sometimes gag on the mucus. Ick!

    Hope he feels better soon!
  8. tfrost

    tfrost Well-Known Member

    Just throwing my experience with my two in here, but mine puke once a day when their teething gets pretty bad. I have had bad pukers since day one. They puked at least once or twice a day for a solid five months due to reflux and a very strong gag reflex. They puked when they got choked on their bottle or toys, choked on their own drool, etc. They puked when they got really mad, when they cried too much, when they starting eating solid foods, and on and on.

    Thankfully the puking slowed down when they started sitting up really well and started cruising and staying upright for most of their awake time. Now they only puke when they are going through a bad teething spell, when they get really mad, and unfortunately they're still puking when we try to eat most solid foods, yeah :wacko:

    I just wanted to let you know that if yours keep puking once a day for a while with no other signs of anything wrong, it could very well be from teething.
  9. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    charlotte did that too with strawberry pediasure ick! she has bad gag reflex too and was a horrible puker as a baby-when she coughs a few times her food came back -ugh0-
  10. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    When DS gets a bad cold, he vomits as he has swallowed so much mucous
    (sorry TMI!). I took him to the Dr who confirmed my suspicions and he told us to just give him liquids until it passed. Thing is, he had an appetite, no temperature and was playing happily. Trust your instincts though you did right to call.
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