DS trouble going to sleep, waking in the night...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TennesseeMomma, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. TennesseeMomma

    TennesseeMomma Well-Known Member

    We need help! Our twins have been pretty good sleepers since around the age of 1. They usually put themselves to sleep - no soothing from us. They used to have pacis, and their loveys, and would sleep 12 hours at night and 2 1/2 hours during the day.

    Our DS is giving us loads of trouble. He doesn't want to go to bed at night or for naps. He screams and makes it terrible for his sister to sleep (they share a room). We are used to just putting them in their sleep sacks, giving them their pacis, and leaving - they would go to sleep just fine.

    Now is a different story. DS THROWS everything out of his bed. Doesn't want a paci. Doesn't want his stuffed animal. Doesn't want his train. Nothing. Then he procedes to scream. He has started waking up at night at least once, and cannot be soothed, because he has thrown everything out of his bed that helps soothe him! We have tried sitting in their room with him, but he just paces in his bed and cries. Once we leave, he screams and then finally goes to sleep without us in there.

    The past few nights, when he wakes up, we have tried holding him, rocking him, letting him sleep with us - and he won't sleep. Last night we actually brought DD to bed with us, and let him scream himself to sleep. (that way she could actually sleep)

    Why does he not want his lovey anymore? or his paci? (not that I mind he selfweaned off of it)

    We have tried giving him books, and other things, but he just throws them out of his bed.

    We have to go to a wedding rehearsal on Friday night and are getting a babysitter, and I am so nervous they won't sleep for her. ARGH. Being two years old is hard!!!

    Thanks for any and all advice. I hate CIO, but it has been the only way for us to get any sleep. I feel so guilty letting him cry. It feels like I am torturing him. I don't think he is having bad dreams...he always says he wants to watch tv when he wakes up...so is he throwing a tantrum because we won't let him watch it? Sorry this was kinda long.
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'd just do CIO... We've been through phases too and it was difficult... in our case though my kids have never had any issues sleeping through each other's cries somehow.
  3. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Could he be getting his two-year molars? Teething pains can get worse when they lie down. I'd try giving him some paracetamol/ibuprofen about 20 minutes before you put him down and see if that makes a difference.
  4. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Has he had a cold lately? He could have an ear infection. My boys are a little over 3 and it has taken me this long to know when they wake in the middle of the night and cannot be soothed, they are sick. The last time was 3 weeks ago when my one son kept waking and telling us he was afraid of his room. He then insisted on sleeping with his brother. Since he kept waking up, I was at my wits end and let him. The next day was Saturday and that night I had to take him to the ER because he had a 103 fever, was vomiting and I could not get him to take medicine. Turns out he had a really bad case of strep throat.

    How long has this been going on?

    If it's been less than a week, it could be an ear infection. Longer it could be his two year molars. Try giving him some motrin before his nap and at bedtime and see if that helps.
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