DS Throwing Everything!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by veggiehead, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    My DS is throwing everything and doesn't care where it lands. I tell him to pick whatever it was up, and he does, but proceeds to throw it again. How should I handle this? Thanks Everyone!
  2. twins225

    twins225 Well-Known Member

    when you find the solution, please let me know :)
    mine go through phases...and boy do they have big tempers, for being so little! i don't know if the throwing is happening when they are mad or just because...either way, mine do it both times. i have really cracked down on them though. i just recently started time-outs and that is one of the biggest reasons they get sent.

    good luck

    oh....in addition to time-outs...i also tell them if they don't pick up the toy (or whatever it is) that i am going to "throw it away". that usually gets their attention too :) .
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Besides Time Outs, I would say that you could have a special clear colored storage box (kept out of reach) and tell him that everytime he throws a toy that it goes in the Bye Bye box. He can earn the toy back if he does something good or you can try giving back one toy per day. I have also been telling my girls (who rarely throw toys anymore) that the only toy we throw are balls. Balls are for throwing, books and toys are NOT for throwing. It seems to be working but we still get the occassional excited throw of a toy. They just need a simple reminder at this point and then they remember for a while again.
  4. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Great suggestions! We are also having an issue with banging things (on tables, two objects together, on each other, etc :rolleyes: ) and I think I will try some of these suggestions, thanks!
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