DS has Pneumonia

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by veggiehead, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    Well, I am home alone for a week and my DS has been diagnosed with pneumonia. He had a breathing treatment and is now on Steroids and antibiotics...

    My question - my my dd doomed to get it, too? How do you isolate them from each other? Is that even possible? Also, what can I do to make my ds more comfortable?

    Thanks so much, Everyone!!

  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Oh no Jen! I have never had one with Pneumonia, if you can believe that!! I doubt that there is much you can do to keep them apart. Just be sure to wash your hands as much as you can, I think that is about all you can do, besides pray! I hope he feels better soon. :hug99:
  3. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice or anything (beyond just washing hands), but I wanted to send you hugs. :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:
  4. traci_roo

    traci_roo Well-Known Member

    My DD had pneumonia a few weeks ago and the doc said my DS should be okay as long as they aren't sharing bottles and pacifiers or breathing on each other. You can only catch pneumonia from someone if it is the viral type I think. My DS never got it so it is possible that they don't spread it.
  5. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    I have heard the same thing that traci roo has said. I sure do hope you other twin doesn't get it. One is enough when it is a serious illness!
  6. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    No advice here, but just wanted to send :hug99: :hug99: to you and your little one.
  7. navywf757

    navywf757 Well-Known Member

    My dd had it when she was 6 weeks old and ds never got it. As long as they don't share anything I think they will be ok. Mine was sharing a crib still at that point. I hope he feels better soon.
  8. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    I would also sterilize all the bottles, paci's, etc. to make sure that they are germ free. :hug99: to you I hope he gets better soon.
  9. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    It would depend on whether it was bacterial pneumonia or viral pneumonia. I assume if he's on antibiotics that it's bacterial?
  10. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Oh my gosh! I'd think the same things that make babies comfortable during colds would work for pneumonia as well. Wash hands/toys/bottles/pacis and hope they haven't been mouthing the same things. :hug99: I hope he feels all better soon!
  11. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    Thank you, Everyone! It is 3ish in the morning and we just gave him a nebulizer treatment. I just feel so helpless. I am feeling so sorry for him. It is bacterial, but I went to the drs again last night and they also said he viral-induced wheezing. So, WTH? I just feel so lost. He had swallowing issues when he was two weeks old and I feel he is always sick. - with major things. And, being so tired...it makes your mind go to negative places. Anyway, thanks for your support. I will keep you posted.


    say a little prayer for him... :)
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