DS asks for diaper to go #2

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by K&B's Mom, Nov 10, 2007.

  1. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    Suddenly after Halloween DS became very interested in using the potty. It's funny because I had not been pushing him at all. I bought two pottys around the time the kids turned 2 and they would sit on them at various times. DD would sit and pee sometimes but DS was just never interested so I had even stopped asking him if he wanted to sit on the potty. Over the last few days, DS has pretty much used the potty every time he needed to pee when he is awake. I got some pull-ups because I thought it might be confusing to wear pull-ups to preschool, for example, but not at home. DS has been treating the pull-up like underwear pretty much which is probably good. He doesn't want to do any business in there if he can help it! Yesterday he did go #2 while wearing the pull-up but we were outside so he might not have had a chance to make it to the potty. I put a diaper on both kids last night but was thinking I'd start limiting liquid more at night and go with the pull-ups over night. In any case, DS wanted to go pee on the potty when he first got up this morning which was great. Immediately afterward though he started asking for a diaper because he need to go poo-poo. He got pretty upset when I didn't give him a diaper. I told him he could go poo-poo on the potty. He is now back in a pull-up and so far at least no #2. I really don't want to get into having to give him a diaper for bowel movements so am hoping he'll go either on the potty or the pull-up. Is that the best thing to do? Not sure how long to wait for things to happen. Don't want him to get constipated either. Any advice appreciated.
  2. mitzy1400

    mitzy1400 Active Member

    My older son did just about the same thing. His preschool teacher said that it was very normal and to let him do it, that potty training is very often done in stages. Being able to pee on the potty is a seperate skill and some kids are actually scared to let their poop go in the toilet. I think that it may cause constipation issues if you fight him on it.

    In the end he started pooping on the potty when I was on bedrest with my twins--Good luck.
  3. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I would let him poop in the pull up then show him that the poop goes in the potty by shaking the poop into the toilet. I always made a game of it by saying "wait..... wait..... the poop is going to go PLOP!" My kids loved saying PLOP after it went in. Eventually they want to make the poop go PLOP themselves. :)
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    My two are day potty trained and almost have it down to a science that they go poop the minute they get their pull-up on for bedtime. It is so annoying, but like a pp has said they learn this potty training stuff in stages. So this sounds very normal. I do what Jenny does and always dump the poop in the toilet and make them watch me. We have made some progess in that my DD will now occassionally sit on the toilet and go but not always. Give it some time, they will come around. DS still has not gone poop on the toilet.
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