dropping to 1 nap

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by andreap, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. andreap

    andreap Well-Known Member

    my wee ones are 12.5 months and one of them only sleeps 30 minutes in the morning & maybe an hour in the afternoon. seems she might be trying to move to one nap but i'm not sure how to do it. she gets tired by 10pm but i'd love to push her nap back to at least noon. i'm also afraid she will get down to one nap & still only sleep an hour. does it take a little while for their 1 hour to stretch to 2-3?

    i have followed HSHHC but this part seems tricky. thanks for any help & feedback from your experiences. this forum is a whole new world!!! so much to learn, so much to learn!
  2. JoyX2

    JoyX2 Well-Known Member

    When mine quit sleeping more than 45 minutes in the morning, we just started playing through the morning and I served them lunch at 11:00 and laid them down at 11:30, then as they got older we eventually moved to 11:30 lunch and down at noon. Now they eat lunch at noon and are down by 12:30 and they still sleep 2-3 hours every afternoon.

  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Mine were sleeping once a day by 12 months. We started with an 11:00 nap, having a snack before naptime and lunch afterwards. They would sleep about 2.5 to 3 hours. Gradually, they began to take longer and longer to go to sleep so I figured out we needed to push it later into the day. Now, we don't go to bed until 1:00, having lunch at 12:00 and some wind down time before nap. They still sleep about 2 hours each day.
  4. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    when we transitioned to one nap I also slowly moved it back. It started at 10:30am and over about 1.5 months it got to 1pm. At first they would often only sleep for 1hr, then over time they started sleeping 2-3hrs.
  5. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    No good ideas, just know you aren't alone. Mine are in transition and if I get an hour and twenty minutes, I feel good. I'm hoping they will eventually sleep closer to two hours (I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven if they slept for three!). We switched when they started playing through one nap a day (either morning or afternoon).
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(excitedk @ Jun 26 2008, 04:29 PM) [snapback]847694[/snapback]
    when we transitioned to one nap I also slowly moved it back. It started at 10:30am and over about 1.5 months it got to 1pm. At first they would often only sleep for 1hr, then over time they started sleeping 2-3hrs.

    This is almost exactly the same for us, the only difference is my girls go down at 12. But otherwise, a total ditto!!

    I tried transitioning at 12 months when they were taking a cat nap for one nap, but they were SOOOO cranky. I ended up continuing to put them up there for an hour, twice a day, for some down time. Sometimes they slept, sometimes they didn't. It was a phase for us and they ended up going back to two naps a short while later, and did so until around 15 months. I just wanted to throw that out there.

    Good luck whatever you decide, just give them some time to adjust.
  7. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    Seems like some of you guys are switching to 1 nap earlier than I would have thought. My PED told me they needed 2 naps until at least 15 months, more like 18 and told me not to try before that.

    I would love to be on 1 nap a day. It would make getting out so much easier. Right now we still take 2 naps that are at least 1.5 hours long. Sometimes as long as 2.5 hours.
  8. caba

    caba Banned

    Sometimes I just love daycare ... hehe. They transition the kids to 1 nap a day when they switch into the toddler room at 12 months ... my twins now eat lunch at 12pm and nap right after... they go down at 1230pm and usually sleep until 230 or 3pm
  9. andiemc

    andiemc Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Tammy Fine @ Jun 27 2008, 11:25 AM) [snapback]849064[/snapback]
    Seems like some of you guys are switching to 1 nap earlier than I would have thought. My PED told me they needed 2 naps until at least 15 months, more like 18 and told me not to try before that.

    I would love to be on 1 nap a day. It would make getting out so much easier. Right now we still take 2 naps that are at least 1.5 hours long. Sometimes as long as 2.5 hours.

    WOW! That's all I can say! My girls have never ever taken naps that long. Obviously yours need it! My ped told me some babies take 2 naps until 2. I don't know anyone IRL wtih that experience but there must be some out there!!
    I have not transitioned my girls yet and have no plan to do so any time soon. However, with ds, I transitioned him around 11 months to one b y changing to a 10:30 nap and he would sleep until 1:30 or 2. Over time we have transitioned later but until 18 months that was our routine and it worked great. We could get out in the morning and in the afternoon. Plus I had down time. My ds still sleeps a ton at almost 3.5 which is the reason I am not transitioning my girls. If I did, I would not have any alone time until bed. With my dh on the verge of deployment, that is not an option! Good luck!
  10. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Kids are all different. You can get all the advice from Peds, experts, book, other parents, etc...... the thing is you know your kids best.

    My girls were difficult nappers before they turned 1. We spent about 2 months with nonstop screaming as Syd wouldn't nap for either nap. Everyone told me that at 10 months, it was way to early to move to one nap. But I'd tried everything else. I put them on 1 nap. They napped from noon-3 pretty reliably for about a year. And it was awsome!

    now naps are a daily struggle. But I am so glad I did the 1 nap so early. So much more flexibility. Basically, listen to your mommy instincts and figure out what works for your kids. I personally hate the HSHHC book. it's too frustrating to read.
  11. Chessie

    Chessie Member

    Our twins used to nap at 10am and 3pm for 30minutes to 1 hour or a little more. At 9 months old, they started going down later and later for their morning nap and we switfched over to one nap... so yes, they movd to one nap at 9months of age!

    It actually is a lot better. They now go down at about noon to 12:30 and wake sometime between 2-3, so I get a whole lot more of a break and they seem to be much better rested. I never heard babies should get 2 naps a day until they'r over 1 1/2 years old though..... i just try to listen to what my children seem to be movging toward....

    Good luck!
  12. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    i have never dropped a nap but it seems to be doing it by itself. mine go for a nap at like 11 or 11:30 and sleep till about 2 or 2:30 they go to bed at 8Pm. i try for a nap earlier and they won't go till later and then since they wake up late then they wont go for a nap in the afternoon. so i guess if you want to get them to 1 nap a day try holding them off a half hour at a time until you get to the time you want. GL
  13. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Tammy Fine @ Jun 27 2008, 10:25 AM) [snapback]849064[/snapback]
    Seems like some of you guys are switching to 1 nap earlier than I would have thought. My PED told me they needed 2 naps until at least 15 months, more like 18 and told me not to try before that.

    This was definitely something that I did not want to do. My girls refused to take two naps. After a month of playing instead of sleeping, we switched. I wished they would have taken two naps a day until 18 months!!
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