dropping oz in bottles?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    my pedi told me to give the boys milk; however, i feel like they are SO CRANKy sitting in their high chairs and sipping milk while trying to eat. they want their milk and want to eat later, if that makes sense.
    would dropping a couple of oz in each bottle each week be a good thing to do? they used to drink 8oz in each bottle, but i've now dropped it to 6.
    still offering milk at mealtime but they dont drink it, just throw the cups everywhere.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How much later do they want to eat after their milk? I would say if they want to eat after having their milk, let them have the milk first and then eat. When mine turned 1, I did the milk first and then they ate about 30 minutes later.
    Are you dropping ounces to transition them out of the bottles and onto sippy cups? I know most pedis recommend 16-24 oz of milk...mine recommended 24oz at 12 months because my two were under the 5th percentile for weight.
  3. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    my LOs eat about an hour after they drink their milk on most days. we did this until they were about 1 and my pedi said no more formula and no more than 16 oz of milk a day. they always drink out of bottles; i'm trying sippies. we haven't had the best luck with them.
    im not sure how to even finagle this, especially with their bedtime bottles and such.
    here is what our schedule USED to look like!

    7am - wake up and 8oz of milk
    830 - breakfast
    9 - nap
    11 - 8 oz bottle
    1230 - lunch
    1:00 - nap
    3:00 - 8 oz bottle
    530 - dinner
    730/800 - bed - 8oz bottle
  4. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If you are going to sippys then I would just keep offering and eventually they will get it. It took mine close to a month to start drinking more with their meals but until then I offered before, during, and after meal times always with just milk in it. If they are still learning the cup you could do this.

    7am - wake up and 8oz of milk in bottle
    830 - breakfast, sippy of milk to play with
    9 - nap
    11:15-11:30ish -lunch with milk in cup...offer fave foods and give them the milk before and after
    1:00 - nap
    3:00 - sippy with some juice/water and snack
    530 - dinner with milk in cup
    730/800 - bed - 8oz bottle

    This way you are still giving them the bottles of milk so you know they are getting it but still slowly altering their schedule to a more "toddlerish" way of eating. If you are trying to get them off bottles you might just have to stick it out a bit before they learn the bottles aren't coming back and the only way to get milk is from a cup. Good luck!
  5. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    this is EXACTLY the help i needed, lol!
    THANK YOU! im going to "officially" try/start it tomorrow and see how it goes!
    they have been a bit fussy today and i think it's because they are hungry. once i cooked them lunch (grilled cheese) they were quiet and eating. I had a feeling the drop in 2 oz per meal was going to catch up to them!
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