Drinking out of regular cups...what age?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lvmommy, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. lvmommy

    lvmommy New Member

    At what age did your child start using a regular cup on a regular basis? Or what age did you stop using sippy cups permanently?

    By the way, mine drink out of plastic cups when I give them water. They seem to handle it well but I have yet to make the transition to regular cups with other beverages.

    So please tell the age for permanent transition, THANKS!
  2. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    My still use straw cups because they're apt to knock them over when they're not paying attention or their brother might get them. They can drink just fine out a regular cup but the chance of a mess is just too great that I'm not going to use them on a regular basis for years at least. I use a cup with a lid and straw at home as well.
  3. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I started trying regular cups around 20 mos, but we had many spills & lots of fingers & forks in the cups! They're just now getting the hang of it. I still have a few sippies, though.....they're nice for going places & late night drinks of water.
  4. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    i just asked a friend of mine this question this afternoon...and she couldn't remember...she has a 4 and 5 year old. i will be interested to hear answers.
  5. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls do great with the regular cups at the kitchen table, sometimes it gets spilled, but not usually. But my problem is when i want them to have the drink in a different room.
    I am slowing throwing out all of the girls sippy cups and when we have no more, they will be done. and i will have a cabinet back.
  6. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We were mostly done around 24 months but I still keep some sippies for on-the-go.
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We aren't there permanently yet....getting close!
  8. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    At age 2 we start regular cups at meal times. I still use sippies for in between meals but hopefully not for much longer. By 3 my other kids were done with sippies and htat is my plan for the twins.

  9. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    Mine just really started having regular cups at the table and do ok. Still like to dip things in it, but I hope that will stop soon. We still have straw cups for when we are in another room or out and about. I figure that will be for a while still.
  10. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Mine can drink out of regular cups now, but I'd rather not deal with the mess, so we still use sippies or sippies with straws. I will do regular cups outside where I don't care about the mess, but not inside.
  11. lvmommy

    lvmommy New Member

    Thanks for all the responses! Yeah, it is hard to get rid of the sippies, huh! It appears no one has gotten rid of them yet completely, LOL! Mine can drink out of regular cups but somehow I still haven't made the transition yet. Maybe I'll start soon (keeping my fingers crossed).
  12. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ljcrochet @ Jun 19 2008, 10:20 PM) [snapback]835686[/snapback]
    My girls do great with the regular cups at the kitchen table, sometimes it gets spilled, but not usually. But my problem is when i want them to have the drink in a different room.
    I am slowing throwing out all of the girls sippy cups and when we have no more, they will be done. and i will have a cabinet back.

    Same here, only I'm not throwing mine out just yet. I wuold lOVE to have my cabinet back though! They do really good with water at th etable, but I don't trust them running around the house with it.
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