drinking 12+ cups of water and still dehydrated??!!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by debby12766, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. debby12766

    debby12766 Well-Known Member

    Has this happened to anyone else?
    How many cups of water a day are you downing?

    I have such a hard time forcing all the food and liquids down in the few hours I'm not retreating for a nap.

    Thanks for sharing and good luck for a long healthy ride to all!
  2. hammondsquared

    hammondsquared Well-Known Member

    i was drinking over 100 oz of water plus 16 oz of milk and tea. now, i'm at about 90ish oz of water, still drinking the same amount of milk and tea. the more water i drink, i better i feel. however, the more water i drink, the thirstier i get. i keep thinking, "how the heck am i going to be able to not drink water for 8 hours prior to my c-section???"
  3. JessicaD

    JessicaD Well-Known Member

    I take two 1 liter waterbottles to work and that's how I guage it...I make sure I AT LEAST drink those (I aim to have one water bottle empty by lunch time), and usually I've probably had 8-24 ounces extra in the mornings and evenings just out of thirst! I have a harder time sticking to the amounts on the weekends when I'm home though!
  4. Angelmommy

    Angelmommy Well-Known Member

    I drink about a gallon of water in 2 days, am i was told last week i was dehydrated. I asked the same thing- how the heck??? Anyways, the doc told me to add atleast 1 8oz cup of juice to the day and it will be better.
  5. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by hammondsquared:
    "the more water i drink, i better i feel. however, the more water i drink, the thirstier i get."

    This is me too, the whole pregnancy. I still can't get enough water, if I had to do it all over again I would get a water cooler to put right next to my bed b/c I am up for water almost as much as I am up to go to the bathroom.

  6. Michelle B

    Michelle B Well-Known Member

    Dr. Barbara Luke recommends eight 16 oz. glasses of water per day. If your not familiar with her, she has written a book called "When you're expecting twins, triplets, or quads. Proven guidelines for a healthy multiple pregnancy". A controversial book here on the forum, but still full of lots of practical and useful info about your multiple pregnancy.
  7. twinsnme=3

    twinsnme=3 New Member


    This was happening to me when my husband suggested I incorporate some Gatorade into my daily rountine. I even told my Dr. about it and she said nothing. After I started drinking the Gatorade I now feel hydrated. I still dring my gallon of water a day, but I also incorporate 8oz every day or every other day.

    I hope this helps.
    God Bless,
  8. I just took a Preparing for Multiples class at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital (Stanford) and we were told to drink a little over 100 oz of water a day! I drink alot, but it is hard to get that much in.
  9. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    I just now saw this post and thought I would respond. I drink AT LEAST a gallon of water per day. I'm gonna have to say I "second" the Gatorade thing. Someone told me that when you drink a ton of water it can sometimes throw your electrolytes out of balance. Drinking a little Gatorade each day can help keep the balance how it's supposed to be. And it's a fun change from just plain old water. [​IMG]
  10. debby12766

    debby12766 Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for all your posts. Thanks for the explanation about the Gatorade, Raneysmama (Melissa)! That makes complete sense to me. Now I have another thing to add to my husband's list of chores (I feel bad about the growing list and he sometimes chafes, but I guess at least it's getting him more involved, tee hee).
  11. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    I remember drinking about a gallon a day of water and about 16-24 oz of gatoraide.
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