Dressing them alike

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by slavila, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. slavila

    slavila Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering how many of you plan on (or already do) dress your twins alike?

    I actually don't really care either way. I think it's kind of cute to dress them alike sometimes, but not all the time. My dh doesn't like the idea of dressing them alike; I think it's because he is really worried about being able to tell them apart (we are having identical boys); he likes the idea of having outfits that compliment each other. So, we have some matching outfits, some complimenting outfits and random outfits that I only bought one of or still have from my older boys.

    Just curious!
  2. Janclamat

    Janclamat Well-Known Member

    At first, we dressed our girls alike a lot because a lot of the outfits we received as gifts were the same. As they have gotten older I dressed them with same style but different colours or pattern. I still usually buy things that are the same but different colours. I will only buy the exact same outfit if there are no other colours and it is super cute. Next year I am planning to buy different coloured coats for them too for when we are at the park. That way I can count 2 of them right away. Now they are starting to pick their own clothes for the day. Sometimes they want to be the same and other times they pick something totally different. It depends on what you like. As babies I think it is really cute to dress them the same. Our girls are not identical at all so it is not a problem telling them apart if they wear the same thing.
  3. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I nearly always dress our identical boys identically ... I think it's fun and I know that my days are numbered in doing so. They are, however, dressed coordinating today - both in gingham longalls, one red, one black, with cowboy appliques. I am going to be sad when the day comes that they just run around in t-shirts and shorts!!

    My husband, too, had been worried about telling them apart - it's never been a problem, though.
  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    It's rare I dress my boys alike. If I do buy the same outfit, I try and get two different colours.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We never dressed them alike. People had enough trouble remembering who was who (even though they are fraternal and look nothing alike) without them wearing the same clothes. Plus, most of our clothes are hand-me-downs so we rarely have two identical outfits anyway.

    That said, starting around age 3 they actually chose to dress alike sometimes. If I can get identical holiday dresses at the twins club sale or something, I usually buy them, because the kids get a kick out of it. But they don't want to dress alike every day.

    It might be different with ID twins -- I agree there is something cute about two babies who look absolutely the same. They're too young to care, so do it if you want! :ibiggrin:
  6. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I do like them alike but don't stress too much about it. I think it's cute & I know that they won't want to do it forever so while they don't care I prefer it. I like to dress them alike if we're out but if we are home I'll definitely dress them differently- like today.
  7. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I try to dress them alike or coordinating, it's hard with b/g twins though. Skulls are good. As are costumes.

    Actually, I really do dress them similarly, I can't stand for one to wear long sleeves and the other to wear short sleeves, even in pajamas. And they will either wear a t-shirt (long or short sleeved) or a dressier shirt (polo or a blouse) and the same type of pants, "yoga" pants, jeans, shorts.
  8. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    I dress them mainly in coordinating outfits, buying two of the same thing in varying colors. Sometimes they wear the same thing if it's a particularly cute outfit. But for the most part, they are so different so we dress them according to that.
  9. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I really dislike dressing my ID girls alike and try to avoid it but it has happened as a lot of the clothes we got as gifts are the same outfit twice. I have recently had to tell family to stop buying identical outfits as I will likely not use them at the same time so having two of the same thing is a waste.

    I do like the coordinated outfits but my taste in these has changed over the last year as well and I am enjoying dressing them differently. They just turned one and I am still the only person who can tell them apart (even DH can't) and there's nothing that annoys me more then have people constantly ask "who's this?". I don't want to give people even more reason not to even attempt to learn who's who by dressing them the same.
  10. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I will say now that they walk I buy shoes that aren't ID. I want a specific shoe for a specific foot- that's something that I don't switch out. Since they are boys and shoes come in green, brown or blue, 1 has blue and 1 has brown right now. This limits how much can match their shoes so now it's more coordinating outfits.
  11. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    the one adamant parental proclamation i made prior to the girls' birth was that i would never dress them alike. :rofl: i've tried to take the lesson to heart. ;)

    anyway, my girls are ID and i would say 99% of the time they are in coordinating outfits. i prefer that to completely identical outfits as it makes it easier to tell them apart from a distance. up close, it's pretty easy to tell them apart, but from across the room or at the park, head counts are easier if they're in different colours. that being said, i do like to match them exactly sometimes for special occasions & holidays, or just recently, i bought them matching shirts that say "One of a Kind" on them. :laughing: i know, i know, but it makes me giggle. both of them have already started indicating preferences in clothing choices & it's usually different, so we're encouraging that. i've enjoyed dressing them my way though as long as it's lasted. :good:
  12. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I can think of three times I have ever dressed our boys alike in their 12.5 months - I do try to do coordinating outfits when we go out shopping or to church or whatever. I think they need to have their own identities, and I also get tired of helping people tell them apart (like people in the nursery at church who don't see them that often). Heck, even DH sometimes has a hard time telling them apart if they are dressed alike! :laughing:
  13. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My girls are 5 and are still dressed a like every day! They get mad if I do not dress them the same. My girls are Id but are different in size due to jessy's heart defect.
  14. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I'd say 3-4 out of 7 days they are dressed alike, another 2 days they are dressed in the same outfit but different colors, and then the other day or two - they are dressed in their older brother's hand-me-downs.
  15. Adding 2 more!

    Adding 2 more! Well-Known Member

    I like coordinating better than matching...
  16. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    Only once because we were out of everything else! It just doesn't appeal to me. We got a lot of matching clothes as gifts, and we used them as "once he pees on this we will put on this" outfits.
  17. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    We do when we go out in public alot for the "wow" factor. Hey how many people get to have identical babies and dress them alike right? But when we are home we tend to just put them in separate outfits because it's easier.
  18. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    My girls are dressed very similarly always. It's identical about 75% of the time and the rest is coordinating (same thing different color). I like it. People can't tell them apart even if they are dressed differently anyway! Everyone told me I would stop caring about their clothes matching after a couple months, but they are 17 months and have only been out in public dressed differently once (we had a poo explosion and only one extra set of clothes).
  19. SuzyHolland

    SuzyHolland Well-Known Member

    never did and never will
    Most friends/family knew we wouldn't so we didn't get much presents alike

    I think they are 2 very differen't boys with there own personality.
    We even gave each one there own birth anouncement

    I will buy same shirts in differen't colours
    Cosmo always gets blue
    and Keagan green, or red he loves red
  20. slavila

    slavila Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the responses everyone! It's neat to hear what everyone's take is on the subject!
  21. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Came back to add, I also get a lot of hand-me-downs from my nephew (he's 6 months older than my guys, but way ahead of them in sizes - he's in 2T already at 19 months), so obviously those things don't match. I also do lots of consignment shopping, which rarely has matching things either. So cost-wise, not matching makes more sense for me. But my preference is coordinating when I can do it.
  22. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    I never thought we would dress them the same, but we got so many matching outfits for showers that we started out putting them in the same things. Then after a while it just got to be a habit - and one less thing to worry about on so little sleep. I only had to match 1 outfit for the day vs. 2. And now at almost 3 they generally ask to wear the same thing even when we try to do something different or coordinating they both want the same one.

    I don't know if we would have done it if they were identical or not. We were worried about being able to tell them apart even though we knew they were fraternal. As it turned out we had nothing to worry about. They never looked anything alike to us. Neither did my identical nephews. Ironically I have a tougher time telling my fraternal nieces apart (because they are always dressed differently!)

    At a family reunion where ours are just 1 of 3 sets of twins between 8 grandkids in our immediate family several people actually told us having them dressed alike though tougher at first, made them really look at the kids. And the next year people could easily tell who was who vs. my fraternal nieces who very few people can tell apart because they rely on their color clothes of the day to know who's who.

    But when it's all said and done it's really a personal preference.
  23. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I think I'd be more concerned about it if my girls were identical. They're not. And they were 2 1/2 lbs apart at birth (18 lbs apart now at 5yo). So we've never mixed them up. I dress them alike more so that people will actually know they're twins. Plus, it's just fun to do. But they're old enough now that some days they really don't want to, and I'm fine with that, too. They don't dress alike all the time, but more often on days we go places. Sabrina's so much smaller than Sydney that she wears her handmedowns, so sometimes I'll buy 3 of something, if I really like it. One in each of their sizes now, and one in a bigger size, so when they both move up they can still match. That's only on cute things that are really on sale though. I'd go broke otherwise.
  24. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    I have identical boys. I rarely dress them the same. When I do, the outfits are usually gifts from someone who bought us two of the same. I do usually coordinate them, however. I'll buy the same shirt in two different colors...that sort of thing. I also don't even refer to mine as twins. I always call them the boys. I don't necessarily have a strong feeling about it one way or the other, it's just what has always felt right and what we've always done.
  25. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys are three. When in public, they are ALWAYS dressed either in matching clothes, or coordinating sets. One may wear blue striped shirt, other wears green striped shirt. My two look nothing alike, so this is where the, "They aren't twins are they?" question comes in. I'm even picky about having their pj's match before bed. I've started to become a bit more lenient...Anthony is so short, he still fits in 2T stuff and Nicholas is in 3T stuff. And when I can, Annabella has coordinating clothes as well(Valentine's day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, etc).
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