Dressing Alike

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mhardman, Feb 14, 2008.


I dress my same gender twins alike...

  1. Every day (how could i dress them differently)

    0 vote(s)
  2. Most days

    0 vote(s)
  3. Once in a while

    0 vote(s)
  4. Never

    0 vote(s)
  5. For Special ocassions

    0 vote(s)
  1. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    As I have b/g twins I can't dress them alike very often. I sometimes will put similar outfits on them. But I was just curious of those of you who have same gender twins, do you dress them alike? My guess is people will have strong opinions;)
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I dress mine alike most of the time. I prefer to dress them in outfits that coordinate instead of identical outfits when I can, because no one other than me and DH can tell them apart. So if I have them in coordinating outfits I can say "Amelia is the one with the hearts" or whatever. It also depends on if I can find two of the same outfit that are both clean and available!
  3. Vero

    Vero Well-Known Member

    I love to dress my girls in matching outfits. I sometimes do the same color and same outfit and other times I'll get them the same outfit but in different colors - one will have it in pink and my other one in lavender. I figure, I'm going to try and dress them alike as long as I can since they will probably ask me to stop by the time they are ready for school - so I'm just take advantage of it now. :a_smil09:

    You can often find the same often in blue (boy) and in pink or in green (boy) and lavender at many stores. You can try that - same outfit but in different colors. :D
  4. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    If we are going out or having visitors I will usually dress them in the same or matching outfits. It's just too cute to resist. Of course when they are older I won't force them to dress alike if they don't want to but I'm going to take advantage of the opportunity while it lasts. We do have a few outfits that don't have a match so they will dress differently from time to time.

  5. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I go out of my way NOT to dress my boys alike. I don't know why - it's just not for us. Maybe because my own brothers (18 months apart) are still mad that my mom used to dress them alike. I figure when the boys are older and choose their own clothes they can dress alike if they want to. I usually put Evan in green and James in blue for some reason...but so long as their outfits are equally cute I'm happy.
  6. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    It's really rare that I dress the boys exactly alike. They have a matching set of pajamas and a matching set of onesies and that's it. Usually, they'll be in something similar, like, the Carter's onesies that have a puppy dog theme...one will wear a solid with a little dog on the front and the other might wear one that has puppies printed on it. If not that, it'll be the same thing just in a different color. That's about as close as I'm willing to get to dressing alike. It's just not for us. :)
  7. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    I have b/g and about 75% of the time they are in the same thing or at least matching.

    Today DS is wearing jeans and a white turtle neck with a red shirt.
    DD is wearing a jean skirt a pink turtle neck and red shirt!
  8. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    I rarely dress mine alike, though they often coordinate. I'll have one in blue and the other in red or whatever, but I RARELY have them in matching outfits. I want them to be their "own" person- and like the PP said, if they want to dress alike when they get older- that's their call!
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I dress them alike. Like yesterday they both had on these sleepers with little yellow duckies all over them because they were just too cute and I don't have two coordinating outfits for the duckies.

    But I mostly dress them in coordinating clothes. Today they are both wearing cream colored carter's rompers that are slightly different. Or we have two of the same outfit in different colors.

    DH always dresses them completely different and then it messes up my scheme because something is in the laundry when the coordinating counterpart is clean- so now we can't wear said counterpart until I do laundry. I have a love for all things orderly and unfortunately the girls' clothing has been added to my list of things to obsess about. :rolleyes:
  10. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

  11. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    Most of the time, I dress my girls alike. Once in awhile in coordinating outfits, once in a blue moon completely different. I actually enjoy challenging my family to tell them apart - I think it really makes them study them and learn their differences in order to know who is who.

    I also figure I'll keep doing it while I can, I certainly would not make them dress alike if they don't want to.
  12. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I swore I'd never dress them alike... never say never! My two coordinate everyday including their pjs. My DD is starting to like/dislike certain clothes so she's starting to rebel and when that happens, they can decide.
  13. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    I would rather dress them similiar, either same style different colors or same patterns different arrangements. But most of the cloths I have for them now are gifts and everyone got them identical outfits. So at the moment, I mostly dress them the same. But when I go purchase new cloths, I rarely get the same outfits. I do try to find matching though.
  14. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    Almost never dress them alike. They are so incredibly different looking that it's almost like they aren't twins, I just have two babies. On special occasions, I will have the same shirt, maybe in a different color, that sort of thing, but I can count on one hand the times they have been dressed exactly alike.
  15. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Actually, now that I think about it, they often wear the same pajamas.
  16. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I have b/g too, and sometimes they wear (unisex) matching outfits, and they almost always wear coordinated outfits. (Because I am so anal, and it disturbs my sense of order in the universe if their clothes aren't coordinated! :lol: )
  17. ldsangel19

    ldsangel19 Well-Known Member

    I dress mine alike or coordinated most of the time. If I dress them totally different, I feel usually feel like it's unfair and one looks cuter than the other, lol.
  18. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    I'm not planning on dressing mine alike. I don't mind coordinating outfits so much, but do not like same outfits. In fact, a few people got matching outfits (not coordinating, but the same outfit) and I returned every one of them.
  19. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Feb 14 2008, 07:28 PM) [snapback]622552[/snapback]
    I have b/g too, and sometimes they wear (unisex) matching outfits, and they almost always wear coordinated outfits. (Because I am so anal, and it disturbs my sense of order in the universe if their clothes aren't coordinated! :lol: )

    Ditto! I always try to coordinate their outfits, even their pj's!!
  20. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    Most of their clothes were gifts, and I dress them according to weather. If I dress them alike, I only have to pick out ONE weather-appropriate outfit.

    At home though, its onesies and a diaper. Keepin' it easy. :D
  21. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I'm also quite anal about dressing my boys alike. While I don't BUY matching clothes anymore, I do buy coordinating outfits. If I can't find 2 coordinating outfits I like, then I buy 2 of the same (especially of the SUPER cute ones)! I even coordinate their pjs. Perhaps it's a sickness :).

    I'm like one of the pp's in that I go nuts when DH doesn't dress them alike & my laundry is all messed up! ACK!
  22. tvstouwe

    tvstouwe Member

    QUOTE(jjokitty @ Feb 14 2008, 01:36 PM) [snapback]622064[/snapback]
    If we are going out or having visitors I will usually dress them in the same or matching outfits. It's just too cute to resist. Of course when they are older I won't force them to dress alike if they don't want to but I'm going to take advantage of the opportunity while it lasts. We do have a few outfits that don't have a match so they will dress differently from time to time.


    Same here. If we are leaving the house or seeing family or visitors, I make sure to put the boys in identical or coordinating outfits. But, at home I don't worry about it too much.

    I also like dressing them the same b/c generally I prefer certain outfits over others and I don't want one of the boys looking cuter than the other. :)

    We also do matching jammies. I just think it's cute. When they are older I'm sure I'll stop, but for now I like it.

    Another reason I do matching/same outfits is because I take a ton of pics and scrapbook - and it is easier to match papers and stuff if I only have to match to one outfit. :lol:
  23. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    My girls were color-coded so everyone could easily call them by name. They had a few coordinating outfits but only a couple of matching ones. It wasn't until the last year or two that they wore matching clothes more than once every 1-2 months. It's still pretty infrequent.
  24. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    I swore i would NEVER dress them alike till I bought their first outfits.... so now mst days they are dressed alike. I LOVE it and will do it as much as I can till they decide not to.
  25. j171978

    j171978 Well-Known Member

    When I was pregnant I swore I'd never dress them alike but someone said to me "Do it while you can because when they get older they won't want to" so I still dress them alike when we go out. Most times I do not always but mostly.
  26. hilly

    hilly Well-Known Member

    We almost always dress them alike, if I don't have an outfit that matches exactly, they coordinate. I tend to feel weird if I don't dress them alike, like if one is in the less cute outfit, I feel like that kiddo is getting jipped.
  27. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Never, ever. I got a few similar outfits (in blue / pink versions) when they were babies and they did wear them (mainly for pics) but I don't dress them alike. It's harder anyway b/c they're b/g, but I am not a big fan anyway.
  28. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    I try to put my girls in coordinating outfits, especially for special occasions. But I never dress them exactly alike.
  29. mandyanna

    mandyanna Well-Known Member

    We got lots of gifts as matching outfits in the 0-3 size ans they are way too cute dressed alike! Now we are in the 6-9 size we have two friends who have babies just a little older than my chicks so we have lots of hand me downs so most do not match but I do try and coordinate. Pictures will always be matching outfits
  30. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    I voted for "once in a while". I don't believe in dressing them alike. I feel that they are individual babies and if they chose to dress alike in the future then that will be up to them. I do every now and then put them in similar outfits, but very seldom the same exact one. Our girls have two totally different personalities and I don't want to cloud that with trying to give them the same every thing. That causes jealousy and I am trying to prevent adding that to my household.

    Lots of love!
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