dream feeds

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I know it sounds weird. And I have been avoiding asking this kind of questions forever. It has been 3 months for my boys and 1 month for my girl. They dont take bottles when they are awake period. They fight, scream bloody murder at feeding time. If we can manage to put some oz in them, they will puke everything out soon after that. They only take bottles so well and smoothly when they are asleep. I just hate it, hate it. But I cant figure anything out. So I have to go with the flow!!!
    OH they are still teething forever. teeth gel, teeth tables helps abit but not enough for them to take bottles when they are awake. Pain killer helps but I refuess to give them many times/day. especially I dont know when teething will be over.
    Now their schedule like:
    wake up, play, then go down, take bottle (while sleeping)

    wake up, play, have cereal+veggies (mixed with breast milk), then go down, take bottle (while sleeping)
    wake up, play, then go down, take bottle (while sleeping): some days, they skip this nap.
    wake up, play, have cereal+veggies (mixed with breast milk), then go down, take bottle (while sleeping)
    wake up, play, bath time, go to bed, then 2 more bottles.

    we did try not to dream feed them, so they will eat when they are hungry. No they didnt. They rather screamed their heads off then take their bottles grrr.
    And when they have troubple falling asleep themselves and get fussy, my husband takes them out for a ride.They will fall asleep in 5 mins. Then he put them in their cribs. after about 5-10 mins, he will give them bottles. Swing, bouncer seats dont work. they dont sleep in those period.

    they drop their milk intake so low so their doc approved 3 meals/day. Even we dont give them solid, they still wont take more milk??!!! I manage to put around 20-24oz in them/ day. About 6 oz is mixed in with food. The doc said she didnt know how we did it, but they gained weight and were healthy. So she didnt care much.

    Do you mamas think we have a healthy toutine? I think our kids are weird. But i am helpless. Anybody went through this before? Anybody know how to make them eat when awake and get rid of car ride. Or should I just accept it that way and go with the flow?? Thanks!!!
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried different types of nipples? Maybe they need a faster nipple? How about a sippy cup? Maybe they would drink from that?
  3. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    We did try everything, next level nipples. They are at level 2 right now. We moved them up like 2 months ago. We tried 3 and they couldn't take it. We tried 2 kinds of sippy, straws. Nothing works so far. Oh we also took them in doc office at least 5 times for this reason. Doc just couldn't figure it out. They told us well 'I don't know how you do it. But they are growing well. So keep doing what you're doing.'

    I have researched it on internet. A lot of parents complained and asked help. But I couldn't find any single correct answer for it. Grrrrrr!
  4. tdhillon

    tdhillon Well-Known Member

    I went through it with DS and it has been the hardest thing I have gone through. He would never finish a bottle unless he was falling asleep and at about 9 months he figured out how I was giving milk and started to refuse it all together. In hopes that he would drink better in the day, we stopped giving him milk at night (that was the only time he would take in most of milk) and it helped some (at least he sleeps more). Then I switched him to whole milk and he drank that good for a day or two and then back to his bad habit of not drinking. I remember one day his total intake was 4 ounces. Then one day his top tooth came out and his drinking got better (still no where near 20oz, but we are in the double digits)!!! We have been constantly going through this process and the hardest thing is that it feels like he is teething forever and only one pops out after 3 months. Doctors don't help much at all...they just told me to keep trying to get as much in him as possible. We are down to three bottles and I am hoping that it will help since I am not constantly trying to get a bottle in his mouth and he doesn't fight me as much. Plus he enjoys his solids more so I try to give him more yogurt and cheese to make up for his low milk intake.

    Although he drinks awake now, I still have to distract him with something new almost every time. I know it definitely helps to give him milk when he is hungry so I used to keep adjusting his schedule. Now I have kind of given up in how much he is having and just making sure he is peeing enough (that is the only advice the nurse gave me, 'make sure he is peeing') and eating his solids. We also purchased a baby scale to take his weight weekly, so if he starts losing weight...we go to the doctors right away.
  5. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thanks God! Finally somebody understand what we have been going through. Nobody would understand. When we told ppl about this, we always got 'Weird' in responses. Some were even worse 'you kids are spoiled.'..
    My son loves his solid food. I started feeding him stage 2 baby food. So I can mix more milk in it. he eats 1 small avocado/day. He doesnt refuse his solid at all. So as long as he eats and take 20-24oz of milk. Then I am ok with that. My daughter used to be good milk drinker. She loved milk. But she started acting like this a month ago as well. And she refuses her solid too. The past 2 weeks, it got worst. She refuses drinking even when she is asleep at night. So we try our best to give her at least 20 oz in the day. Then last sat, she got 2 teeth pooped up a bit. They are comming up, but slowly. And she starts losing weight (3 oz so far). We are pushing harder on solid now. She eats about 1 tbsp of food/day (big improvement). We let her try everything see what she likes to eat...I hope she will love milk again after her teeth come up completely.
    Yeah I have baby scale too. I weigh them 2x/week. Oh I also keep track of their wet/poop diapers too. So far, everything is still under control. Well I guess i just accept that my kids are weird hehe.
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