Dr. said C-section and I'm scared!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kbleek, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. kbleek

    kbleek Member

    I just had an ultrasound with my Perinatologist and found out that Baby "B" is breech. She has been every other position over the last couple of months, but never breech. Baby "A" has been head down for months now and I was really hoping that "B" would be head down so I could have a VB. I am just over 32 weeks and know that there is not a lot of room for "B" to move anymore, but I am scared at the thought of a C-section. I had a VB with my 2 1/2 year old son, so don't know anything else! Any advice???

  2. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I would definitely want an u/s the day of the c-section to see if Baby B has turned. My friend's little B turned right at the end. And I know other mom's have delivered vaginal with Baby B breech. I had to have a c-section because A was breech and B was transverse. All my other births were vaginal. It wasn't the end of the world, but it was a more difficult recovery. However I did not miss the labor part of my vaginal births. It was a amazing to feel heavy one moment and minutes later to feel light. I would definitely have wanted a vaginal birth with them too, because now I have to probably have another c-section with my current pregnancy. I hope it works out for you to have a vaginal birth.
  3. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I really don't understand why you'd need a c-section if baby A is head down, unless he/she is much smaller than baby B. The reason Dr's do c-sections for breech babies is that feet and butts don't dilate you the way a head does, and they're more likely to get stuck (though single babies can be born breech just fine, both my brother and I were). But if your first baby is head down, they'll dilate you fully, so you're ready to go when baby B comes. I did almost have a c-section for baby B, because she turned transverse after her sister was born and of course you can't have a baby sideways (and it turned out her umbilical cord was only about 7 inches long, so she couldn't be turned, until that placenta let go from the uterine wall). But at the last minute, her water broke, the placenta dislodged and she dropped and turned breech. My OB grabbed her feet and one easy pull/push, she was out.

    Anyway, maybe ask your OB why baby B being breech would necessitate a c-section. I'm not a Dr, but from everything I've read, heard or talked to my OB about, it really makes no sense.
  4. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    some doctors are not comfortable with breech extractions - several in my practice were not...

    that said I didn't have issues with my section (other than my stomach not closing up because I'm a fluffy girl) - the key is moving about as soon as your able...the only reason I took the percocet offered was to help me sleep - I really wasn't in any pain...
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(Dielle @ Jan 15 2009, 12:51 PM) [snapback]1148692[/snapback]
    Anyway, maybe ask your OB why baby B being breech would necessitate a c-section. I'm not a Dr, but from everything I've read, heard or talked to my OB about, it really makes no sense.

    i was going to suggest the same thing - especially if you're planning on having an epi, if there's any issues with baby B they can do a breech extraction (heck, they can do a breech extraction even without an epi although i've heard it's pretty uncomfortable). i would definitely get some more info from your doc & maybe even a second opinion if that's feasible.
  6. ErickaK

    ErickaK Well-Known Member

    My peri's (saw 4 in the same practice and 1 OB/GYN) were all comfortable with breech extraction for baby B only. I was able to deliver vaginally since my A was head down and my B the doctor that was assisting my peri, reached in and helped guide her down, she was born 3 mins after her sister. All in 10 mins of entering the room, I had my daughters and was cleaned up and got to feed my girls a few sips of their first bottles. You should see why they are only taking section if the baby B is breech. Sometimes they do turn on their own after baby A is out.
  7. jmcnett

    jmcnett Well-Known Member

    My doc said that delivering baby B breech is actually his preferred method of delivery, as long as baby A is head down, and if Baby B wasn't more that 20% larger than baby A. I would definitely ask if it is a possibility to still deliver vaginally if that is the type of birth you want.

    If you have to get a c-sec though, I'm sure it will be fine, just a little longer recovery. Good Luck!!!
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