double trouble

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by greymom, May 13, 2008.

  1. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    We've been having some problems with daycare lately. The staff is complaining that the boys are throwing a lot of tantrums over things they don't want to do. They are having trouble transitioning from one activity to another - they often get mad and scream when told it's time to do something else.

    Anyway, I think their cranky behavior has a lot to do with them being ID twins and so closely bonded. I get the impression that the "group dynamic" of the daycare center has little effect on them. I don't think they care about what all the other kids are doing - just what their brother is doing. If one twin is running around making mischief, the other is much more interested in what he is doing rather than what the group is doing and is very likely to join in and not listen.

    They definitely do this at home too. Sometimes they get in "the zone": they chase each other around the house giggling like maniacs, inventing some game or other. It's almost like we are not even there. Once they get into some mischievious behavior, is hard to get them to stop because they have an accomplice in crime.

    Anyone else got double trouble?

  2. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Sometimes... they feed off of each other. I'm amazed at the messes they can make and trouble they can find. There are some days when I just live for nap or bed time.
  3. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    In my case I think it has to do with that they know there are two of them, so always one to keep you distracted. So even if I get one inside (they tend to fight coming inside pretty bad), the other one runs out while I am doing this, then I get on and so forth. Those are the days I am EXHAUSTED!

    I also can see them look at each other with the look "do you know what I am thinking?!" and then they wreak their havoc on me :blink:
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Yeah ours tend to work together to drive me crazy. If one is doing something the other one is sure to join in.
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