double ear infection and runny noses

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jentwinmom, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    I am so sad that Callie has a double ear infection. I BF her an entire year to prevent this, but here we are anyway. :( So, she has been on an antibiotic since Wednesday and still she is grabbing at her ears. She has grabbed at them so much, she has actually broke the skin in both ears so much they have bled a tiny bit. Would you not think that after 5 days being on an antibiotic that she would be better? Now, Carrie is pulling at her ear a little. :(

    In addition, both of their noses have been running for 2 weeks or more like crazy. I mean like I have to give them benedryl EVERY day. Before the benedryl kicks in in the mornings, I have to wipe their noses about every 2 minutes to keep yellow snot from running in their mouths.

    Do any of you have an at home ear checker? If so, could you recommend one to me?

    Should I just keep giving meds to them every day for the terrible cold, or is there a point where we should go to the Dr.?
  2. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    I would call the Doc. 5 days is a long time -- you should see some improvement. My son gets pretty bad ear infections and is usually much better after 1-2 doses of the antibiotic. Maybe she is resistent or not responding to the antibiotic she is on. Hope she feels better soon.
  3. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would call the doctor.
    When you brought her into the pedi for the ear infection, did you mention the runny nose? I know that my girls pedi has always told us that a cold is just a virus and let it run its course.

    Both of my girls are on axocillian for ear infections and both started acting fine as soon as they started the medicine.
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I, too, would call the doctor. My kids are usually fine within a day (sometimes 2, depending on how severe it was) of starting the meds.
  5. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    yup- like everyone else said, call the doc. She should definitely be seeing an improvement by now. For us, I've almost always seen a night and day difference within 24 hours. Hope she feels better soon!
  6. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    I got a ear checker...a simple pen light with a magnifying glass. I have seen them at both Walmart and walgreens. Cost about $10. My Ped was great and showed me how an ear infection looked in my son's ear. So I knew what to look for. It does take some skill...I am not an expert but by having the light I can make a better choice about when to take him to the dr or when just to use our ear drops for ear tubes.

    Even with BFing you can still get ear infections. I do believer we have gotten fewer of them, but each kid is different. Of my 5 (all BFfor 7+ months) 2 have had ear problems. I did as a child too and had tubes. Anyways. During my stuggle with DS#3 who had the most ear infections ( He has a cleft which increased the risk for infections), I did some research. Found a great book at the library that was all about ear infections. Different anitbiotics treat different ear infections which is why you have to have 2 rounds sometimes. And yes more are becoming antibiotic resistent.

    I hope you get those ears better soon.

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