Dont understand PT'ing at all!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Birchbeer6, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. Birchbeer6

    Birchbeer6 Well-Known Member

    My LO's do great going on the potty when there times, they would rather have there diaper on....But when we are going out, I automatically put on a diaper (force of habit).....which means they dont pay no mind at the potty at all....what do I do.....stick them in underwear, and worry about them having accidents while out!!!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When I started underwear with DD, I did pull ups for going out and once I noticed that she was staying dry while we were out, I started keeping her in her underwear. I still take a diaper bag with me and a change of clothes in case she does have an accident while we are out.
  3. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    I used to put the pull up on over the underwear when going out while I was PT'ing. I explained to them that they still had undies on and should not go in the pull up and I also felt they would feel the accident more becasue it seemed to me that pull ups still kept them as dry as diapers.
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We just pt'ed and I went straight to underwear(some people think I am crazy). We stayed home for the first four days, but had a photoshoot planned for the fifth day. I was beyond worried. LOL! I had outfits picked out, etc. The boys have been in underwear for naptime and bedtime.

    We did the photos and we were out of the house for almost three hours(then drove to my parents house for dinner). I bought the carseat protectors in case they did have an accident. I brought about 8 pairs of underwear as well as six pairs of shorts. :laughing: I also brought the portable potty. During the photo shoot, Anthony went twice. Nicholas waited until we got to my parents and went poop twice there.

    I've gone out once more since then, and that was to dh's office-where the portable potty came with us as well. I won't leave home without it! :laughing:

    But if I were going anywhere solo with them right now(no plans to), I would have them use the potty before getting in the car-like right before. I would limit their drink intake. And once we reach our destination, have them use the bathroom again in the car. I basically sound like a broken record player all day, "Remember boys, if you have to use the potty, let mommy know. We want to keep our underwear nice and dry." Yep-they finish my sentences! :laughing:
  5. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    When my girls were training we would put on the undies and then put the pull up over top when we went out. For my son I did the bottomless training at home and when we went out (for a short time) he just wore undies if we were going to be out longer than 30min I had him wear undies and then the pull up over top. I did that a few times until I was confident that they wouldn't have an accident. I always had a few change of clothes in the car for them just in case. I also had a plastic thing over the car seat just in case they went in the car.
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