Don't touch my babies

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by heathertwins, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    :angry: My one twin girl might require steroids for a hemangioma over her one eye. This would cause her to have a decreased immunity. I try so hard to make sure all visitors to our house wash their hands and are not sick. I don't get out too often but today I just needed to get out of the house.... how frustrating !

    I had my twin side- by- side umbrella type stroller and I pinned a blanket so that it would hang down and cover the babies (call me Michael Jackson) and I STILL had 5 people try to touch the babies !! What is with these people ? They haven't washed their hands and touch the babies hands or feet .... where do you think the baby puts its hands .. IN ITS MOUTH. yuCK. wHAT GIVES PEOPLE THE RIGHT to touch my babies ? I was so frustrated after all that. My relaxing day out was a disaster. By the end I just nearly yelled at this lady "don't touch them!" and she just ran off in horror. Tough. You should ask before you touch someone elses's kids. I got tired of saying "my one can't get sick so I don't want anyone to touch them..." **** I don't need to give YOU an excuse NOT to touch MY kids ! breath in ... breath out.... breath in ... breath out....

    I just don't want her to get sick and some thing as common as chicken pox could kill her. Just looking for support out there and any ideas that has worked for other people.

    hating being a side show in a circus...

  2. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    No advice on what to do with the strangers but I just wanted to say I hear you, I don't get out much either ( totally snowed in and too much work to get them out) but yesterday I really wanted to go to the mall and get my dh something for valentines day and everybody wants to stop and look at the boys, which I like but everybody always want to touch there hands and I just panic that there going to get sick DS1 just got over pneumonia.

    I'm not sure what to say so I don't sound crazy but I'm tired of washing there hands 10 times

  3. bbynrs

    bbynrs Active Member

    I swear its a twin thing I cant walk 2 feet in any store with out some one stopping to ask if its twins. No I found one in the street and bought a double wide stroller to push them both around! Sorry. My advice is to just keep moving when people come over to them. They tend to get the hint when all they can see is my backside walking away saying "Yes they are twins"
  4. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    I too hate to even go out anymore. EVERYONE will stop and ask so many questions. I have started just to keep walking when people stop to talk and I stare people down when they get near and yes I do get MEAN when they try to even think about touching them. I would never touch someone's baby so I dont see why people do it. I have found that it is mostly older people that want to try to touch.
  5. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    It's amazing how people act when they see two babies together. It's like they have never seen such a thing. I drives me crazy when people want to touch my babies, even now.

    One of my friends use to say to everyone that would approach, "You can look, but please don't touch them"

    I don't go around touching other people's kids, it's just wierd.
  6. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    I know it's hard. I think in your situation which is really serious, I would have to make a little sign that said something along the lines of "we love your smiles but not your disgusting hands you freak!" but much nicer of course. Maybe someone creative can even think of a catchy little rhyme. It has to be done because you have to leave the house. And it should be as stress free as possible. Good luck and I'm sorry you're going through this.
  7. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(serranoboys @ Feb 14 2008, 12:18 PM) [snapback]621746[/snapback]
    "we love your smiles but not your disgusting hands you freak!"

  8. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(serranoboys @ Feb 14 2008, 12:18 PM) [snapback]621746[/snapback]
    "we love your smiles but not your disgusting hands you freak!"

    I think that's totally appropriate (and hysterical)... Babies deserve personal space just like anyone else, the fact that they're twins isn't an invitation to touch them...
  9. jeepwife

    jeepwife Well-Known Member

    I made little signs that hang from their carseat handles when were out. "Please do not touch the babies" I made it out of bright paper and put flowers and stuff on it. I get alot of looks but I don't care, people should be a little more respectable of personal space.

  10. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I did the "hover mom" thing. Basically a onlooker would come up to the stroller and start looking at the babies and I would go stand next to them, presumably to admire my handiwork. What I was really doing was invading their personal space bubble so they would back off. It works like a charm and you don't have to be tough or confrontational.
  11. j171978

    j171978 Well-Known Member

    We have a front back twin stroller. When they were in the infant carriers we would keep both shades pulled when we were out so people wouldn't just stick their hands in there. It kept 'most' people away.
  12. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Laurel S @ Feb 14 2008, 11:29 AM) [snapback]621644[/snapback]
    No I found one in the street and bought a double wide stroller to push them both around!

    That has absolutely cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh. I was at Kroger today and someone asked me if they were twins. I just stared... :lol:
  13. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I was thinking of a "do not touch" sign !! I thought it might sound too "glass store" but heck it just might be needed. I found out today that she will need to go on the prednisone so I'm going into HIGH ALERT mode. I am just going to have to put the double cover I have for the stroller on it now when I go out. I wish I didn't have to, because I want to see them easier and let them see out as well.

    I just went out and NOBODY tried to touch them, but I didn't enter an elevator with someone else, I sat in the farthest corner of the restaurant to feed the girls, and we walked really fast. oh and my husband was in his miltary uniform looking tough.

    I find it strange that people approach me, cause I really don't look approachable... I don't look at people and look away if they try to catch my eye at all -- when I'm with the girls of course.
  14. rayelynn

    rayelynn Well-Known Member

    You had better get used to being a sideshow freak, it will be that way for the rest of your life! I am not sure why people feel like they must touch your belly when you are pregnant and your babies when they are born. I would just say that I prefer people do not get too close to the babies since it is cold and flu season. No need to explain about your dd's condition.
  15. Jocasta

    Jocasta Well-Known Member

    I would suggest a double shade cover to totally cover them - I have one that they can see out of but you can't see in. Works like a charm when I just want to get around without being bothered
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