Doing Easter Baskets?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mnm000, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. mnm000

    mnm000 Well-Known Member

    I guess my boys are at the old age range in this forum, but just wondering if and what people are doing for Easter Baskets this year. I've seen the thread started in other age brackets, so let's do it here!

    We are doing Easter baskets - I found plush elmo ones at TRUS on sale, CUTE! I have puffs, yogurt melts, a summer outfit, an elmo cup, some $1 Seasame Street board books from the Target dollar section... what else??? I think that's about it!

    My boys are in the phase where they love baskets/bowls and putting things in and taking them out. They were with me when I found the Elmo baskets, and practically jumped out of the cart to get them. So I figure, they can play with them after Easter. That will probably be their favorite part!
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    On my girls' first Easter they were only around 4 months old. Easter Sunday was the first time that either of them ever rolled. Lily rolled from front to back, I'll never forget it. :wub:

    I did not do anything that first year. I think the bunny went to my mom's house and left them a big box of diapers and each a big can of formula. ;)

    They were closer to your babies' age their 2nd Easter. Last year I got them each just a basket and put 1 stuffed animal in each basket. They weren't really into it but I wanted to do something.
  3. janetx3

    janetx3 Member

    My LO's are almost 3mo. We have decided NOT to do Easter baskets this year. Most of my friends think this is mean but, honestly, do they really know the difference at this early of an age? Now, if they were 6+ mo I think I would make them baskets. We can't wait for Christmas!! Your baskets sound cute and well planned! Hope you have a Happy Easter!!
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't do anything for them that first year since they were too young to really know the difference. I don't even know what I'm doing this year! I better get on it soon!
  5. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    We're doing something for the boys but mostly because we have a 6 yr. old. How do we rationalize that the Easter Bunny visited him and not his brothers? The same reason they got stockings and a present from Santa :ibiggrin: .

  6. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I hadn't really thought much about it (too busy!), but would like to get them a basket with something now that you mention it. However, it's hard to get organized enough to do anything...which is why they didn't even have Christmas stockings this year! But I also know DH's mom will most likely get them something for Easter. Just like she did for Valentine's Day, and she made them a Christmas stocking too. I'm so glad she can pick up my slack! LOL
  7. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    The reason my boys are getting Easter is because I can't tell my 3 yr. old why the Bunny came to her and not the boys. I bought them each a toy they were going to get anyway. A toy to help them walk and a ball popper. I also, got them some Gerber puffs, yogurt melts and bitter biscuts. They will be a year old in about 3 weeks.
  8. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    We're doing baskets for the boys too, but like others b/c we have older kids. They're getting sippy starter cups, 4 board books each and sand toys! I'll probably fill some eggs w puffs so their sisters can find those for them!!
  9. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did something for my boys their first Easter. It probably wasn't anything big though. They were only five months old! Annabella will be almost 10 months old, so I may get her some things she may need shortly. I'm thinking a tooth brush, maybe a sippy cup, utensils, some Gerber puffs, and a soccer ball. Those are some thoughts at least!
  10. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    The girls are my only kids and we are doing easter baskets. I got them two books a piece, a new stuffed animal (seriously, they are obsessed), refridgerator magnets (another obsession), and I got them puffs, goldfish, and yogurt melts. Oh and shakey music eggs! Keeping to the easter theme :) One of my pet peeves is when people make fun of me for doing things for the girls because they aren't going to remember it. I do things for them because they like it! It's fun for me and it makes them happy. Nothing wrong with that! In their defense, they also really love cardboard boxes too so I know they don't need easter baskets to be happy :)
  11. skybluepink02

    skybluepink02 Well-Known Member

    We're doing them this year. My two are 13 months and I don't think they'll get it, but it's mostly for us to take pictures. :) We didn't do anything last year because the babies were only 7 weeks old and we were two weeks out of the NICU and I was pretty much too exhausted to think.

    We're getting/making them

    egg shakers (made of rice in novelty plastic eggs and glued shut
    chunky crayons (made of melted crayons in mini muffin tins
    a big ball

    Maybe one or two other little things too.
  12. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat. I have a 4 year old and a 6 year old who would give me a lot of grief if the Easter bunny didn't leave their brothers something, I found a bunny in a carrot car at Ikea that was extremly cheap so they are getting those, gerber puffs, eggs stuffed with cheerios, FP Easter little people - they love these lately, and some cars and trucks.
  13. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine had baskets their first easter, partly because I enjoy doing it, and partly because I have 2 older kids! We did rice cereal, bowls, spoons, cups, bibs, paci's...etc. They were about 6 wks old so it was much too early to use any of that really, but I was going to have to buy it for them anyways!

    This year they are 13 months, and are getting bubble stuff, new cups, maybe a stuffy or little people stuff.
  14. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    I was on the fence also but like pp's I decided that since our almost 3 yr old is getting one, it would be easier to have the boys each get one from the easter bunny rather than explain why she was the only one to get something. They are each getting (in cute storage bins I plan on using later) a set of bibs, a bottle of their baby wash, a board book, and a stuffed animal. I figured it was all stuff I would ultimately end up buying for them/me anyway, so why not put it all together for a cute photo op with all the kids :)
  15. nmnguyen7

    nmnguyen7 Well-Known Member

    We aren't doing Easter baskets for our two, but I have a feeling that the grandparents will have a different opinion on that! They look for every excuse to get them new toys or books. We have quite the collection of Dr. Seuss and Robert Lopshire going....
  16. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    We aren't doing anything. I just don't have the time. But I do feel guilty about it. I've got a couple new toys I'm saving that I will pull out on Sunday and we will also try a new solid and skype the grandparents, so it should still be a fun day for them. I had been hoping to be able to take them out somewhere, but alas, RSV has spiked in our state, so I think it will be a few more weeks until they can get out and about :(
  17. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm, I hadn't planned on making baskets for these guys this year since I figure they wouldn't know the difference. Actually, it's more due to me being so darn unorganized these days, lol. :rolleyes: But I do like the super cute idea of making up one with stuff I'd be buying for them anyway like puffs or yogurt drops, plus maybe a stuffed animal, cool new sippy cup and a couple books. :good: Maybe if I can get my rear in gear...
  18. JenKik

    JenKik Well-Known Member

    Yep, we're doing baskets too. But I have an 8 year old that still believes so, I don't want him to get curious and ask questions as to why his sisters didn't get anything and he did. And let me tell ya, he'd be one UNHAPPY little boy if and when he finds out the truth! So anyhow, here's what I put in the girls' baskets:

    They each are getting a basket filled with:

    1 summer outfit
    1 bottle of bubbles
    1 Gerber Puffs
    1 Gerber Yogurt melts
    1 box Animal Crackers
  19. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    We're not doing baskets for the babies this year. Their birthday is Saturday, Easter is Sunday, and DS's birthday is Monday. I already have to make two cakes, a potluck dish for work for Saturday night, and color Easter eggs with the older kids. I don't really have time to shop for basket stuff for the babies and since they don't care right now I'm not going to stress about it :)
  20. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    We are just doing an egg hunt with plastic eggs. I think their grandma got them some gifts, but we didn't get them anything.
  21. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    Yes, I'm doing baskets... filling some eggs with some cheerios, a stuffed bunny a piece, a couple of Eastery books, and the Veggie Tales Easter video to share. They were born 4 days after Easter last year... I remember being kinda miserable at Easter dinner then. I was so swollen, the family kept making me sit and put my feet up. Little did we know they'd be born within days.
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