Dog Bite!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Birchbeer6, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. Birchbeer6

    Birchbeer6 Well-Known Member

    DD got bit by a little dog on friday, took her to the drs. and said the bite didnt require any attention, Dr. put her on antiobiotics for 10 days....Well this AM, she woke up with a fever...I am freaking out,I dont know if the fever is from the bite, or she just is getting sick...I called the Drs. office and they want me to take her to ER for IV Antiobiotics....the bite mark looks great, its faded and bruising I dont know what to do....I have another call in the the office,so I can talk to the Dr. himself....what do you think
  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I think you need to question the dogs owner and find out if the dog is up to date on its shots. If it is, then likely the fever is not from the bite and it is just a coincidence. However, I think the best course of action is talking to the doctor yourself if you truly don't want to take her to the ER.
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd talk to the Dr. first and see what he has to say though and ask why they might have recommended going to the ER. He's the one who actually evaluated the bite in the first place, so check with him first. It's pretty unlikely that the fever is from the bite given that she's on anti's and the bite itself is healing well. It also doesn't sound like the bite was deep enough to really get into the tissue underneath.
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would take her to the doctor personally. Animal bites can look okay, non-swollen, bruise fading, but there could be an infection anyway. I hope that it isn't the case, but it could be that the antibiotics aren't working any more and she needs something stronger. My feelings are that the timing is too close to the bite and you didn't mention any other symptoms, just a fever.

    Good luck!!
  5. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Could she be reacting to the medicine? It's still possible she just got sick or is having some sort of reaction to the bite. If the bite is looking normal and faded, I doubt the bite is infected. Was the dog a stray? does it have an owner? If there's an owner for this dog, that owner should be contacted and should at least pay for the doctor and any ER appointments caused by their dog's bite. If the dog is stray, I'd definitely look in to any illnesses this dog may be carrying.

    It's been a day since you posted, how is she doing?
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was curious about how she was doing too? I hope all is well & she is feeling better! :hug:
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