does your stomach tie in knots when you hear your baby cry?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by tammygb, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    no matter if you know they are fine and being held/taken care of by daddy or grandma? i think i'm going to get an ulcer!
  2. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    Yeeeees! I always feel like I have to "save" them from evil daddy/grandma/friend. I have, however, learned to tune out the car seat cry. Without fail, they scream like they've been abandoned for 7 hours whenever I take them somewhere in the car. I just tell myself that there's nothing wrong, they HAVE to get out of the house some time, they're loved, taken care of, and I am not a bad mother...and then I put my earplugs in :p j/k.
  3. kgolgo

    kgolgo Well-Known Member


    I compare it almost to nails scratching a chalkboard but it is actually not as negative a thing as that (but equally as powerful). It is more of a positive feeling like you want to save your baby. It is like the baby's cry causes every cell in my body to tingle. What until you have multiple children. I will be holding both of my babies and my 2 year old will be playing and I will swear I hear another baby crying in the other room. I think I am going crazy and I look at my husband and say, did we have three and I have forgotten or what?
  4. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    Yes, definitely.

    Although as they get older, I've found it's gotten easier to tolerate!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Yes, it's some strange animal-like just get a physical response and want to run to them. However, I've learned over time to tune some of it out and put it in perspective. There are times we've let our daughter cry for her own good (get her to sleep) and it certainly paid off in the long run. I also think when they turn 2 and start crying for "Mommy or Daddy" it gets even harder for a while. That really pulls on the heart strings. But, there are many things we have to do as parents for their own good and sometimes blocking out the cries is the best we can do for them.
  6. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    OMG! I actually catch my breath whenever I hear one of my girls begin to cry. In fact, in the middle of the night, even at this age, if they do one of those crying-in-their-sleep cries, my husband will grab my arm because he knows I bolt upright. Pure instinct because I am hardly even awake.... I can feel my ulcer growing too!!!
  7. AandKtwins

    AandKtwins Well-Known Member

    I am the same way. And I have to say that the sound of any baby crying - on tv, movies, at the store - gives me that same reaction. I have to fast forward through some tv scenes because I can't stand to listen to the crying & not be able to help. It's so bizarre. I never had that feeling before I had the girls.
  8. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Oh heck yeah. I can't tell you how many times I broke out into tears (and still do) if they are upset.
  9. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    YES! Guess it's a mommy thing!
  10. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Yes, many times during those beginning months!
  11. jcs

    jcs Well-Known Member

    Yes!!! it is in knots RIGHT NOW! DH is out of town and I've been putting them to bed by myself. My sweet girls just used to happily turn over and go to sleep, and now they SCREAM at bedtime because their routine is different. It makes me really upset. I can't enjoy my dinner because my stomach hurts so much. We did CIO, and they do go to sleep pretty quickly (within 15 minutes of first screams), but I HATE hearing them cry.
    Ugh, I still feel sick.
  12. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    YES, and especially when they were newborns, I would get sick to my stomach, and get hot all over. It's like natures crazy way of making sure we respond to our babies in need. It does get better though as they get older.
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