Does your house have....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Melis, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    A bunch of toys or some other type of something (gate ect) blocking something the kids aren't suppose to climb on. I have a play kichen blocking a speaker they like to climb on, a big basket of toys blocking the enterance to the tv stand, gates blocking off stairs. I have all these weird things blocking random things in my house. It looks weird. Like why do I have a plastic play kitchen right next to my tv stand. Anyone else?
  2. coconutdancing

    coconutdancing Well-Known Member

    Yes, I have their old walker/actity seat over the subwoffer as it has to sit on the floor and out in the open. The speaker and walker are in front of the AC intake vent also so it does dubble duty.
  3. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    Our loveseat blocks the fireplace. It looks strange as you cannot see the fireplace but it also opens up the TV/living room.
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Oh, you should have seen our creative childproofing! We had a gate with two end tables on their sides under it making a solid (unclimbable) surface for the lower 28" and a fireplace log holder tying the tables together and they STILL got over and pulled it apart. <_< Most of our creative childproofing solutions are gone now because they ceased working. We do still have a moving strap on the TV holding the speaker cover on and a rope tying the fireplace door shut. That's the only childproofing (other than the flip locks high on the doors) that works anymore. They've figured everything else out... and they can do the flip locks if they can reach them so I've had to flip lock the closet where we keep the broom to stop them from using it to bump the locks. Seriously. I'm very jealous of people whose kids leave things alone. I wish I didn't know that our chandelier will support more than 50 pounds swinging from it but I do.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We have a bookshelf full of toys blocking the TV table and associated stuff (DVD player, etc.) It's not so much to keep them from climbing on it as to keep them from messing with the buttons, but it serves the same purpose. I figure, if we need a barrier, might as well use something that's going to be in the house anyway!
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    QUOTE(debid @ Dec 14 2007, 09:06 AM) [snapback]533976[/snapback]
    I wish I didn't know that our chandelier will support more than 50 pounds swinging from it but I do.

    Deb, I laughed OUT LOUD!! :laughing: You MUST tell this story!!! :rotflmbo:

    We use blue painters tape on everything! We use it to cover the buttons on anything we don't want them to touch. Works pretty darn good and doesn't leave a residue!! :D
  7. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    I agree with everyone I bought all the baby gates out there and our Mariah it takes her 4 days to figure them all out. My husband loves Duck tape and he uses it on everything.
    We have our couch in front of my hutch but thats not working anymore as for they just throw toys at it now. we went and bought that latis wood panels and we cut them to fit everything we want them to stay out of and it works good for now but they have not figured out how to climb it yet so that next to be figured out they are smart little cookies now.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We used to have things blocking things, like the fire place, but had to move them because that made it more fun for them to climb on to get to where we didn't want them to be.
  9. daniellecic

    daniellecic Well-Known Member

    i have duck tape keeping them out of the fireplace and everything else is basically bare. we just moved into a much bigger house this june so it is really open and not much to "play" with. i have doors on all the rooms so i can lock them out of the kitchen, but that locks me out too!
  10. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Dec 14 2007, 04:33 PM) [snapback]534010[/snapback]
    Deb, I laughed OUT LOUD!! :laughing: You MUST tell this story!!! :rotflmbo:

    We use blue painters tape on everything! We use it to cover the buttons on anything we don't want them to touch. Works pretty darn good and doesn't leave a residue!! :D

    :laughing: I agree- hilarious----do tell!!!! :laughing:
  11. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    My superyard is around my Christmas tree. I have locks at the top of all my doors on both sides. Whenever company comes over, they are always looking at me strange---- they probably think I'm going to lock them in my house and rob them...LOL!

  12. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Unitl they were about 14 months old we were able to use the packnplay to block off stairs, rooms or keep them in a certain room. But now they know how to go around it or push it so it's of no use anymore (well, it's a good place for timeouts ;)) . I put their kitchen set in front of the window in their play room to deter them from playing with the blinds. Even though it doesn't cover all the blinds, it has deffiantely worked. We took out all the coffee tables in our living rooms (one of which is their playroom) and we have the end tables and lamps strategically placed and wedged into corners so the girls can't climb them or touch the lamps. One of the tables deffinately looks out of place but I don't really care. Obviously their safety comes first.
  13. Lindyloo

    Lindyloo Well-Known Member

    I have a big plastic bin full of their toys in front of the TV. I also have duct taped the on/off switch. I have the perfect big box that blocks the hallway but it is almost falling apart. I use the small plastic kitchen to block the entrance to the big kitchen when I am cooking (we have an industrial stove that can't be childproofed). I will use anything and everything. I have to keep improvising as they smarten up though.
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