Does this theory make sense?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    For the past week or so, Kiefer has been pooping in the tub. He has never done that before, but he's done it now twice. It's quite possible he just needs to go, but I was wondering about something. I had been letting them see me use the toilet to go to the bathroom. I was hoping to get them more interested in using the toilet. They already enjoy trying to flush the toilet (the flusher is still a little difficult for them, but they know how to do it). Could it be possible Kiefer just doesn't know the difference between pottying in the toilet verses the tub? Both of them are big bowls that hold water. One just isn't as big and open and has a lid, but they both appear to have water in them to him. They both pee in the tub, but that I figure is normal. They've been doing that since they were born. The pottying part I would assume to be normal if they did that younger, but now that he's 18 months old and just starting to do that. So, I do wonder if he is thinking it's ok to poopy in the tub.

    Is there a way to get him to stop doing that? He's not being naughty since this is just a learning experience, but how do I get him to understand that poopy doesn't belong in the tub? It's difficult to recognize when he has to go since he makes the same face when I rinse the shampoo out of his hair. Should I start getting him used to sitting on the toilet? He's been extremely fascinated with how the toilet works and looks. And like I said, I do let him see me use the toilet so could he be ready to start training? Or at least getting used to the idea of what using the toilet is like?
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    He could be ready to potty train...doesn't hurt to try. I would strip him naked and have him sit on the potty while you bath his brother. See if he does anything before the bath and then still poops in the tub or if he goes in the potty. Good luck! I'm so not looking forward to this!
  3. Maymay

    Maymay Well-Known Member

    He could be ready to start trying to potty train but my first thought is just that the warm water is stimulating his bowels. He may have just had a adjustment in his poop schedule and now it coincides with bath time. If I were you, I would try moving bath time for a week and see if he poops in his diaper around that time. If he does, you might need to adjust your schedule to avoid the problem. Good luck! I've dreaded the poop in the tub thing so much my kids don't take a bath if i think they haven't gone enough on any particular day! :)
    1 person likes this.
  4. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    I think this is a great idea!! 18 months seems about right for them being pretty "regular"...

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