Does this sound right?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by KKing, May 25, 2009.

  1. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    My DD has had pellet like stool for the past few days. She has always been on and off with poop problems and since solids its been worse. Both my Lo's are teething, she wont even let me feel or touch her gums. She is refusing to eat any solids and she cries when pooping. I called the pedi (nurses line) to ask if I should bring her in. She told me to give her prune juice and see if that helps. Well thats fine, but I asked is it something she is eating? She said, "No, its probably just her." So then Im always going to have to give her prune juice????? To me, it doesnt seem right to have to give her prune juice so she can digest her foods. Has anyone had this happen? I have not introduced her to any new foods, so could it be the formula? Did anyone else deal with stool issues while teething? And did your Lo's rufuse to eat solids while teething?
  2. waitingpaitently20

    waitingpaitently20 Well-Known Member

    I haven't not experience that so I am not really sure. However I heard on the Doctors show the other day when they had a segment on poop and they said that when your poop is like pellets it means that your body is not well hydrated. I am not sure at what age you can introduce water, but maybe try giving her more fluids whether it be water or formula. Hope this helps.
  3. waitingpaitently20

    waitingpaitently20 Well-Known Member

    "Constipation can be a sign of dehydration; mild dehydration often occurs when introducing your baby to solid foods. Breastfed babies are less likely to be constipated because breast milk has a natural balance of fat and protein which promotes soft stool. The symptoms of constipation include irritability when passing a bowel movement, blood in the stool, and pellets. Contact your doctor. Increasing your baby’s fiber intake can also help. Foods high in fiber include pureed prunes, pears and apricots. "

    I got this from this site
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we've had some constipation issues, and was told that pellet like harder poops are a sign of constipation... upping liquids should help. in my experience be careful of the prune juice... I waaaay overdid that... and then the poops got so runny! I made that comment to my dr. the next time I saw her and she suggested apple juice next time. 2 oz. a day... the next time I tried that and it worked like a charm.

    as for constipation... it always seems to happen to the babies when we do change up their diet. either adding a new food, or giving them too much of a solid - non pureed food... I haven't necessarily had constipation / teething issues.

    good luck.
  5. angelf

    angelf Well-Known Member

    For my older DS, I learned after awhile of dealing with constipation that I just needed to give him a container of baby prunes once per day and that did the trick. I've been doing that with my twins too. Their first non-rice cereal food was prunes. It has worked like a charm. With DS, I did it as long as he was on purees mixed with cereals. If you think about it, so many of the first foods that we introduce our babies to are part of the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) diet to remedy diarrhea, so that just leads to constipation when they would otherwise be regular.

    Oh, and a great thing about the prunes... all of my boys LOVE them. It's like candy for them or something.

    Good luck!
  6. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    Hannah resfused to eat solids for a couple of days when she started teething, which is just within the last week or so. It took her a couple of days, but she got back into them. I didn't push it on her. I just waited until she started opening her mouth again when the spoon appeared and went from there.
  7. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My boys wouldn't drink as much formula when they were teething. Something about sucking on the bottle hurt their new teeth. Has her formula intake decreased? You may want to introduce a sippy cup with water too. You could even try watered down apple juice in there. Try a cup where the spillproof thing has been removed so she doesn't have to suck as hard. We like the Nuby silicone ones b/c they just bit on them to get stuff out.
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Pear juice works as well.

    We've been giving Royce Miralax & suppositories for about 9 months and are finally tapering it off since he's able to go on his own now. What happens is:

    1. Baby gets a little constipated.
    2. Poo backs up
    3. Bowel stretches (think of a balloon)
    4. Poo gets dry
    5. Poo gets really hard to pass
    6. Bottleneck happens.
    7. Repeat 2-6 ad nauseum
  9. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We had some constipation issues as well and we used the pear juice/water concoction and that seemed to help alot.
  10. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Mine have difficult poopy times every now and then. If they have little ball poops [or no poop] for two days I'll give either prune or pear juice [with added water]. It seems to do the trick.
  11. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becasquared @ May 26 2009, 02:34 PM) [snapback]1328085[/snapback]
    Pear juice works as well.

    I second that! Honestly give it a try.. Amber has always struggled with constipation. Water rehydrates her so we always give her water. Now that she is older we give 20 ml of pear juice and oh my what a difference, within the hr she goes with no stress. Magic potion in a bottle!
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