Does this mean they STILL aren't ready for PT? Or is it just normal?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NancyO, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. NancyO

    NancyO Well-Known Member

    Okay, the girls are going to be three in April and yesterday and today I've been at our third attempt at potty training. I thought they were really ready this time, and in some ways they still seem like they are. But I don't know if they way this is going is just the normal drill or if they aren't ready.

    They both will only tell me they need to use the potty AFTER they have gone some in their panties, or on the floor if they're bare bottomed. Like they will let some out, realize what they are doing, then run to the potty to finish. A few times they've let loose a whole bladderful on the floor if they are really involved playing or having a tantrum.

    Now, if we use the timer method they stay dry almost all the time, but they get tired of going all the time and start refusing when the timer goes off, then it's a big fight which is not good.

    So is this normal and if it is, about how long does it take before they will tell me BEFORE they start to go?? If it's not normal and they aren't ready, again, do I just put everything away again after two full days of trying????

    Oh, we are using the mini-m-n-m's as a reward which is proving to be very motivational, even though I swore I wouldn't use food as a reward. We tried stickers and coins and they didn't care anything about that, but the m-n-m's work wonders.

    Please let me know if your kids did this when pting and what you did. I'm EXHAUSTED every day by nap time but I'm willing to endure it if we are on the right track. It's nap time now and I've already cleaned up two full puddles and changed clothes/panties about 10 times between the two of them.

    Thanks so much for your advice!!!!!
  2. NancyO

    NancyO Well-Known Member

    Okay, the girls are going to be three in April and yesterday and today I've been at our third attempt at potty training. I thought they were really ready this time, and in some ways they still seem like they are. But I don't know if they way this is going is just the normal drill or if they aren't ready.

    They both will only tell me they need to use the potty AFTER they have gone some in their panties, or on the floor if they're bare bottomed. Like they will let some out, realize what they are doing, then run to the potty to finish. A few times they've let loose a whole bladderful on the floor if they are really involved playing or having a tantrum.

    Now, if we use the timer method they stay dry almost all the time, but they get tired of going all the time and start refusing when the timer goes off, then it's a big fight which is not good.

    So is this normal and if it is, about how long does it take before they will tell me BEFORE they start to go?? If it's not normal and they aren't ready, again, do I just put everything away again after two full days of trying????

    Oh, we are using the mini-m-n-m's as a reward which is proving to be very motivational, even though I swore I wouldn't use food as a reward. We tried stickers and coins and they didn't care anything about that, but the m-n-m's work wonders.

    Please let me know if your kids did this when pting and what you did. I'm EXHAUSTED every day by nap time but I'm willing to endure it if we are on the right track. It's nap time now and I've already cleaned up two full puddles and changed clothes/panties about 10 times between the two of them.

    Thanks so much for your advice!!!!!
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    If they can't tell you before they go, they aren't ready. Going on command, and having the sensation of needing to go are two different things. One problem with the timer, is that you really don't allow them to get a full bladder which will help them "get" that feeling.

    Also, for me, if when I was working that hard to get them to go--then they weren't getting trained, I was, and I would back off for a month or so. It sounds like they are close. At this point, I wouldn't offer rewards other than cheers and claps, and just wait for them to tell you they have to go. Once they are ready, it is overnight success!
  4. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    For us, we are now at 4 months into it and they are just telling me that they have to go. One of them is on a regular basis but the other is not. We kind of have a schedule where we go before 10am and then after lunch, if not before. Then around 6-7pm and maybe before bed. THey can hold it forever. I have found that when we go out, they hold it.
    I do usually say let's go potty for an m&m and they usually go. If not, we try again. I have had them in panties during the day and pullups for nap/bedtime since mid Sept. I know it takes time for them to learn to tell you. I don't mind it if they have an accident here and there. The first month for us was horrendous but I stuck with it. They totally understand what they are to do and have been successful. It sounds to me like they are in the process but not totally ready. Mine are in the same position. I am training and this is the method I use. I would just consider yourself in the training mode and one day they will eventually say, I need to use the potty before they actually go. I would say 3.5 months for us and we are still not fully there but on our way. I would not put them back in pullups though for the day. I think the more experience with potty training the better for them. Good luck! I am in the same situation and my girls will be 3 next week!
  5. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    Honestly? I think that it is not worth that much stress on you or them. They just aren't ready. Diapers are simple and keeping them in dipes for a few more months won't change anything in the long run but your stress level. I promise you that they won't go high school in diapers ;-)
  6. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    For my boys it was a normal part of the process. It takes them a little while to understand all the feelings involved. Mine definitely did the start to go a little and stop it and then run to the potty as thier first step in learning their feelings. It didn't take long after that for them to connect the before going feeling. Maybe another week or so.
  7. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sarah literally trained in one day. We went to panties and she immeadiately told me she had to go and she went. It was totally painless because I knew she was ready.

    Timothy were still working on. Right now we're just having him sit on the potty at logical times (right when he gets up, right before bed, when we're out and Sarah and Mommy have to go, bathtime). He's just now accepting the idea that he will be using the potty soon. But I'm keeping it low-stress. Sarah was so easy because she was ready, I just don't feel like pushing Timothy if he's not quite ready.

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