does this mean they aren't ready?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by eagleswings216, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    So we've been doing all the pre-PT stuff for awhile and my boys are 25.5 months.

    Yesterday evening the boys were in the bathroom with me, and they said they wanted to pee pee in their potties. I took their diapers off, and after about 5 minutes, DS2 peed in the potty, and DS1 peed on the floor (would have been in the potty but he stood up....). and they were both really excited about it.

    This morning they wanted to try again, too. After about 20 minutes, nothing, and all they wanted to do was get into everything in the bathroom (trash can, unroll the TP, etc.). And I really don't think they even can feel yet when they DID pee (or when they are getting ready to) because yesterday DS2 got up from the potty after peeing and stepped in the potty and looked confused when his feet got wet and had to be rinsed off.

    I really think they just want to be in the bathroom to mess with everything. They sit for about 5-10 seconds, then get up to get into something, and would only sit back down when I said it was time to leave the bathroom. I could bring the potties out into the living room, but the they just turn them into a toy (stand on them, take out the insert and wear it as a hat, etc.).

    So does this mean they just aren't ready?? Or is there some better way to deal with this?? Honestly, if it was just one of them, I would use the seat that attaches to the potty, but they can't both sit on it together, and our other bathroom is not near enough to do them both at the same time. Would it work to have a timer set for like 1 minute, and give them each that amount of time to sit on the big potty with their seat, and if they don't go, we just try again later?? I'm open to ideas!!
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If they can pee on command for you, they are ready. In my experience if they can't control it to come out, they can't control it to hold it in;). I would try again in a few weeks since they are so interested you'd be amazed how much they mature in a short time but for now save the headache;)
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys do the same thing so I just gave up PT'ing for a couple of months. I see no reason to fight that battle.
  4. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, ladies. That is what I was thinking, too, but I wanted to be sure there wasn't just some wonderful idea I was missing! They sometimes TRY to pee in the tub, but can't even though they want to, so that makes me think they aren't physically ready even though they are very interested. I am totally fine with them not being ready - I'm really busy this semester of grad school, so waiting would be easier for me, too (but I also didn't want to miss a good opportunity if they were ready....). I think I'll wait a month or so and try again.
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would wait too. I'm a really big fan of waiting until they are good and ready to train. My oldest son decided just before he turned 3 that he wanted to wear big boy undies like daddy, and training him was easy (this was after 3 attempts between the ages of 2-3, the last attempt ended with both of us in tears). My oldest daughter was 3.5 when she trained, I had the twins when she was 2.5, I tried once before they were born but she wasn't ready yet, so then she had to wait until I had time to train her. Again, very easy.

    My twins will be 3 in a few weeks. I have their potties in my kitchen and they'll go on command all day long. My son has only had 2-3 dirty diapers in about 3 weeks, he knows when he has to poop and can go on the potty all the time. So they are close. But neither one knows when they have to pee yet, so I'm not pushing them. They'll get it when they are ready to get it ;)
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would also vote in the camp of waiting. I always say it never hurts to try and find out, if you feel they aren't ready, they probably aren't. There is no harm in trying again at a later date. Good luck!
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I would say don't stress yourself, if it will be easier to wait then wait.

    I did a haphazard approach to begin with and then in the middle didn't push it b/c we were going on a 2 wk vacation. Anyway, when I finally a few months later got tired of them not "getting it"... (they were 27 mo), I went ahead and downloaded the ebook found at 3 day link and LOVED the ideas there. several things - she suggests, get rid of diapers, keep the potties in the bathroom, don't set a time, tank them up with water/juice anything to get liquid in them so that you'll have lots of opportunities to pee... and then you wait, and keep asking if they are clean & dry and praise. then when they start to go, you run to the potty...

    anyway, I really liked the program, and the kids really started getting the idea a lot quicker - maybe not the 3 days, but they were pee "trained" fairly quickly. Dirty underwear was a bit of an issue with my ds, but all in all it was a great program.
  8. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I will check that out!
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