Does the gentlelease formula really work?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by CROSSTWINS, Aug 10, 2007.


    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Thinking about trying this formula but just wondering if it would work for the fussiness & gas like the can says it does? Also my mom is bound and determined that the iron in formula hurts babies stomach. Does anyone else think this?
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    That was one of many that we tried, and honestly, babies are just gassy and fussy! LOL! I did switch mine to a soy formula, because they were like fountains on milk-based. If I remember correctly, that particular formula makes them poop....A LOT!
  3. sarat

    sarat Active Member

    No, I don't think the iron in formula upsets their stomachs. It used to be thought that it caused constipation but studies have showed that to be false as well. My little one is even on extra iron supplements and it doesn't seem to bother his tummy.

    It's my understanding that the gentle ease formula will only help with fussiness and gas if your child has milk problems. It is lower in lactose and has partially broken down milk proteins. I don't understand why the lower lactose would help since it seems if you have a problem with lactose, any would bother you but maybe it doesn't work that way. Anyway, good luck with your decision.
  4. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    Hey Missy,
    I read an article on this somewhere (sorry I can't quote exactly) and some doc said that there isn't enough iron in it to make a difference. He said some medical thing about where the Iron goes or something - I can't remember exactly - but he said there's no differerence. I also asked my doc the same question and he said the same thing. Although, I'm anti-doc lately b/c of my sleeping disagreement w/ him. Probably ask your doc. Mine are gassy and I started burping them every ounce or so and that really helped - the burps came quickly too - much faster than before.
  5. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    The special formulas did not help my babies. They just cost me lots of extra money! Oh well, I had to try. As for the iron, I think that is old-fashioned thinking. Any good doctor will tell you that babies NEED iron and the levels in formula replicate that of breast milk, which is ideal. There has been some talk of taking low-iron formulas off the market in Canada because they can cause health problems. For constipation I find adding an extra 1/2 an ounce of water to the bottles a few times a day helps. It's not enough to affect their nutrition but it's just enough to keep things flowing. Good luck.
  6. ErickaK

    ErickaK Well-Known Member

    We used the Target version of Gentlease after DS was really gassy and fussy on the regular Enfamil Lipil. It worked for us, I used it up until he was about 8 months then went to the Target version of Lipil.

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