Does the bombardment of matching clothes for G/G twins ever end?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Babies4Susan, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I feel bad complaining about this (again), I really do, because it has saved me a boatload of money. But my girls keep getting bombarded with clothing, mostly matching. Grandma just brought them matching Christmas dresses, which I already had Christmas dresses, so now they have two each. These are more winter (with snowmen) so they should work the rest of the winter.

    But everybody buys them matching stuff and if I had my choice, I wouldn't match them all the time. I'd coordinate them, but not match them except for special occasions. Plus I am sending them to daycare 2 days a week starting in the new year and I really want them to have their own identity there, not be the matching twin girls all the time.

    Ugh, just had to vent. I feel so bad going out and buying even more non-matching clothing for them, because they have so much already, I just wish someone would get my hints about not wanting them to always match. I know they all think it is adorable but the older they get the more I worry about their individuality needing to come through.
  2. Debbie F

    Debbie F Well-Known Member

    I am in the same boat - although you may get a lot of matching clothes, don't put them in them at the same time
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    They don't have to wear their matching outfits at the same time. ;)

    Surprisingly, we've hardly received any clothes as gifts, matching or not. That's probably because everyone knows we received a truckload of hand-me-downs. We have a few outfits that are very similar, mostly because my SIL (who we got the hand-me-downs from) had an addiction to the Hanna Andersson outlet. So when I want the girls to match (which is rarely), I can put them each in a blue HA dress or whatever -- but most of the time, they wear completely different things.

    It is too bad about the Christmas dresses, since those are pretty limited-use. Any chance you could return one set?
  4. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    MIL buys almost all the girls clothes as well as SIL's. MIL has started buying coordinating stuff as well as the matching but mostly it's just the matching. My problem is that I'm so OCD that if they have matching outfits it would drive me nuts not to put them in it. It makes no sense at all but it's just a little quirk of mine. :pardon:
  5. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    Maybe you could return one outfit and get a coordinating one instead? I know that can be hard if you don't have the store near you though.
    Also, there's the partt where that relative may expect to see them in it but you could always say it is so cute but they have a lot of matching clothes so I just switched one.

    I have b/g twins but I would be the same way if they were same sex... not matching all the time.
  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    The only people who buy clothes for them any more besides me is my mom and my bro and SIL, and they all know I like coordinating but not matching :) I did have a slew of matching outfits from 0-12 mos, and I would keep the identical outfit as a backup. Bea especially was a spitter-upper so she would go through a couple outfits a day at times. The only time I really do identical outfits is special occasions, and really only then if I can't find a coordinating one, I'll just get two of the same, like it my old avatar.
  7. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I wish people had kept buying me clothes up through 20 months!!!!

    I did what snittens does/did. I usually changed them into the same outfit if they got dirty at that age. Or just put them in different things on different days. You can do that with the Christmas dresses.
  8. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    My mom still buys almost all their clothes. They'll be 5 in 9 days. (I love my mom!) She buys many of them from this great quarterly resale shop, so she'll look for similar things (same style, or both plaid, or something). If she busy new, she gets coordinating ones. They have only rarely had the same outfit, and I saved it for pictures. There is a set of twin girls I see at the library who are two months younger than mine. They look even more different than mine. One is very dark-haired and 3 inches taller than her blond sister. They are always dressed identically, even their socks and shoes and hair bows. Maybe they like that, or maybe it's the only way that Grandma (who brings them) can be sure everyone knows they're twins. Very few people realize mine are twins these days, which is fine with me.

    Maybe you can drop some gentle hints, like "they want us to dress them differently at school so the teachers don't get confused" or something. If someone were to ask what you are looking for you could say something like that.
  9. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    I made it pretty clear to everyone before the girls were born that we didn't want to dress them alike. I guess my advice would be to stop dropping hints and actually let people know that you don't like to match them and that you prefer coordinating. They will never know unless you tell them.
  10. Kaylee Marie

    Kaylee Marie Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat. I've told everyone that we prefer coordinating or entirely different outfits, but we usually get two identical outfits (except from my mom -- she at least listens!). I'm busy enough working full time and taking care of the girls to go return the second set of each outfit. I'm grateful to receive clothes at all, so they just wear them on different days. It gets a little boring seeing them in the same clothes all the time. I'd like some variety. But beggars can't be choosers!

    Playing devil's advocate from the shoppers' perspective, it really is easier to just grab two of each item than to hunt for two different cute outfits. And who can resist a buy one, get one free sale when you're shopping for twins?!
  11. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    Sorry you could tell them that you'd like different clothes for each. I have the opposite problem everyone gets different colors for each. I like to put my guys in the same thing sometimes because it makes dh mad because he can't tell them apart. :D
  12. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    Still always get matching outfits here too!! I don't say anything I'm just grateful I don't have to buy all there clothes, and I'll still try to get them to put on the same outfit some days if I can haha...

  13. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    I love it when they are dressed in matching outfits, something i said i would never do....LOL. But their personalities are so different that it doesnt make a diference if they are dressed the same..
  14. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, this is true whether your twins or identical, fraternal, or barely look related.....the general thought appears to be that multiples regardless of the age or gender never plan to have any identity outside of the category of being a know, apparently, have none now nor will ever have any goals, aspirations or likes/dislikes that are unique to themselves.
  15. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    It's funny- I dress my boys (ID) alike all the time. But it certainly doesn't stop their personalities from coming out! I just find it wayyyyy easier to throw them in the same clothes. I would say about half our clothes are matching and the rest coordinate in some way. But like I said, their personalities are so vibrant it certainly doesn't matter how they dress- anyone who knows them can tell them apart, and I'm sure it's the same way with your twins! ;)
  16. ittybittyme

    ittybittyme Banned

    My family thinks if you have same sex twins (ID especially) they should be dressed IDENTICAL! Ugh drives me nuts. Their grandmas (both of them) got them a dress for x-mas eve and day...both matching! I was thinking of dressing one in one and the other in a different one, and then switch them the next day...but I know the 2 grandma's wouldn't be too happy.

    In the beginning it was cute and fun; now that they have developed into 2 completely different people, I don't do it anymore.
  17. blessedwith3

    blessedwith3 Well-Known Member

    I do match my boys most of the time, not my choice though. Kody throws a fit, yes a fit, if the boys are not matching when we got out somewhere. It really annoys me! They are two different people and aren't always going to wear the same clothes. He just doesn't get it!!! I let their wear different outfits when he isn't around ;)

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