Does teething equal nursing strike?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lbrooks, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    My Greta will NOT eat at the breast or the bottle the past two days. I'm sure she's teething (although, how do we ever really know?) and she's very fussy. She eats fine in the middle of the night but during the day she just won't stay on longer than one minute. Anyone relate?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Yes, teething can rack havac on breastfeeding. Try and let her suck on a cold washcloth before you nurse. I would avoid anything like oragel because it could cause her to choke on your milk. Do tylenol. :hug99: I hope the teeth come in fast!
  3. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    I didn't know that about orajel!! I've tried it but it just gets on her lips and tongue and I think that's miserable stuff to have on your lips so I'm just doing Tylenol. I'll try the washcloth...didn't think of that. Thanks Jackie.
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    The hylands teething tablets seemed to help mine too. I think sucking makes the teething pain worse - poor babies!
  5. surferspice

    surferspice Active Member

    we just went through this with 1 of mine, who bit a few times with her 2 new teeth and then went on "strike". unfortunately, she did begin to take a bottle but will not go back to nursing. i would advise against oragel, as i used it with sofi b4 nursing and she bit me so hard that i bled (ouch!). the LC said she probably did it because she couldn't feel a thing. we've since gotten hyland teething tablets, which seem to work. also, there are little mesh bags with holders that you can put frozen fruit in and have them suck on to numb their gums (my girls LOVE frozen mango). i learned my lesson with sofi, so now when her sister gets her teeth in i know a. if they start to bite with their gums, tell them no so they learn not to bite when they get teeth. if they bite again, nursing is over for then (put them down for 5 in. or however long... b. don't yell if you do get bit, even if you are bleeding. they may get scared and go on a nursing strike because they don't want to hurt mummy c. no orajel before nursing, though after is OK if needed.
    teething really stinks. i hope their teeth hold off a while longer for you. i'm hoping my other twins teeth don't come in until she's at least a year! ha!
    lily and sofi are 7 1/2 months
  6. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Yup both of mine did that at that same time - would take nothing during the day (breast or bottle) but would nurse at night. My DS had one tooth pop through about 1 week later, still nothing for DD.
    Just when you get in a good flow - they throw you another curve ball!!

    How is the clogged duct/abcess?? (Sorry if it is in another post)
  7. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Nancy C @ Apr 1 2008, 07:34 PM) [snapback]699883[/snapback]
    Yup both of mine did that at that same time - would take nothing during the day (breast or bottle) but would nurse at night. My DS had one tooth pop through about 1 week later, still nothing for DD.
    Just when you get in a good flow - they throw you another curve ball!!

    How is the clogged duct/abcess?? (Sorry if it is in another post)

    Thank you for asking. Today was the day that if it was not better they were going to do the incision and drain procedure. Luckily, it was a little better. I have sort-of made light of it to the doc because I think the procedure is extreme and I really want to tackle this thing on my own. It's getting better each day.
  8. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    My DS goes on strike sometimes and it has nothing to do with teething. So I hope it is just teeting and they will be over it in a few days.
  9. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    ds always nursed alot less when teething, he also ate alot less (solids/bottle) during this time. It usually would only last for 2-3 days and be back to normal. But he also nursed more at night during these occasions.
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