Does Risk of TTTS decrease as pregnancy progresses?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by minivanmama, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. minivanmama

    minivanmama Well-Known Member

    Admittedly, I have stayed away from google and any other real means of "researching" TTTS. After having 2 miscarriages (diagnosed via ultrasound) we spontaneously conceived twins. At my 12 week scan I was told they were identical and the specialist who was there scared me beyond words with her facts about TTTS and the risks. My OB has always been much more optimistic and goes with the "let's not worry until we need to" mentality.

    So I've buried my head in the sand and taken care of myself as best I could with lots of protein and water.

    I had a scan at 18 weeks, 22 weeks and again today at (almost) 28 weeks.

    I'm so excited to say that everything has been picture perfect thus far and the babies are measuring spot on with one another.

    I know we still have a bit of a way to go (about 9-10 weeks until I'll be induced or have a scheduled C-sect if they don't make an appearance on their own before that).

    However, my question is this....

    Does the risk of TTTS decrease as the pregnancy progresses or does it remain the same throughout?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    No it doesn't, however it's less risky because your babies are now viable. If anything were to happen now they could take the babies out. You only have 15 % chance of it happening but I understand why you worry. it's hard not to. You should continue to be monitored every week or at least every two weeks until delivery.
  3. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    Ditto what Tiffany said. I was also scared of TTTS but I was monitored very closely. I also tried to remember that the chances were pretty slim that my boys would develop TTTS. Good luck and try not to worry because the odds are definitely in your favor!
  4. traveling

    traveling New Member

    According to my doctor, the risk of severe TTTS falls off significantly after 22 weeks, although as the previous posters mentioned it is possible at any point through delivery.

    22 weeks with mono-di twins
  5. gbpowell

    gbpowell Member

    I'm 29w 5d with mono-di twins, and my perinatologist told me that after 24 weeks, the risk of TTTS drops so significantly, that we should no longer be concerned with it. Good luck to you!
  6. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    My peri's said the same thing at 28 weeks when I asked. It's a possibility but at this point the pregnancy is viable. So, now I just sit, wait, and do what they say.

    Just sit back, try to enjoy the pregnancy. Don't overstress yourself about it between appts.

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