Does one of your twins have Autism?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Charlee, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. Charlee

    Charlee New Member

    My name is Charlee and I have B/G 2 1/2 year old twins. My Son has Austim and my Daughter is a typical developmenting child. I was seeing if anyone has or knows of other twin Mom's that have a child or children with Autism. My Son will be starting an intense at home therapy program soon and was wondering how I am going to be able to make my daughter still feel special when he will be getting most of the attention from his therapists.

    Thanks! Charlee
  2. Charlee

    Charlee New Member

    My name is Charlee and I have B/G 2 1/2 year old twins. My Son has Austim and my Daughter is a typical developmenting child. I was seeing if anyone has or knows of other twin Mom's that have a child or children with Autism. My Son will be starting an intense at home therapy program soon and was wondering how I am going to be able to make my daughter still feel special when he will be getting most of the attention from his therapists.

    Thanks! Charlee
  3. Jill R.

    Jill R. Well-Known Member

    I know exactly where you're coming from. My kids turned 4 in November, and Jack is Autistic and Ally's normal.

    When we were doing therapy in our home, I set Ally up at the kitchen table with coloring books or playdoh during therapy time. It was easy for me to go between keeping an eye on her and checking on Jack.

    If she's still napping, you could try and schedule your son's therapy sessions during naptime. That only worked for a few months here, because they gave up naps just before they turned 3.

    Good luck! Having an Autistic child is a long, hard, road. It's amazing though that first time your son comes up to you and says "Mama".
  4. Charlee

    Charlee New Member

    How is your son since therapy? I am assuming he is still receiving services? Today was one big Autism CHALLENGE day,as I would like to call it...It's nice to know that someone else knows how I feel...Thanks for the reply!
  5. niftywriter

    niftywriter Well-Known Member

    Hi Charlee! Welcome to Twinstuff! [​IMG]

    We have a few parents in our TS community who are dealing with autism, either with one of their twins or with a singleton sibling. No doubt they will check in when they see your thread, like Jill did! THanks Jill! I love your avatar, by the way! [​IMG]
  6. CCJN

    CCJN Well-Known Member

    Hi Charlee,

    Welcome to TS!

    I don't have a child with Autism, but one of my twins does have a physical disability (CP) and he gets therapy five times a weeks so I am familiar with your concerns about your typical child feeling left out or not getting as much attention. Jacob(my typical twin) has for the most part handled it really well. He did go through a phase where he would act up when the therapist were here, but luckily that was short lived. Nathan's therapist are very good at including Jacob in therapy so he doesn't feel left out. If that is not possible in the type of therapy your son is getting maybe have some special books, puzzles, toys, that she could have to use during that time. So she will have something to look forward to when the therapist come to see her brother. That is a hard age because at 2 1/2 they don't fully understand the attention he is getting and want to be included too. Good luck with his upcoming home therapy program. [​IMG] Keep us posted.
  7. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Hi Charlee! I have twin girls 2.5 years old and Jade (probably somewhere on the spectrum, but I'm not sure where) has been receiving EI services (special instruction and speech, and more recently OT as well) several times a week for nearly a year now. What has worked here is involving her very outgoing, verbal sister, Melissa in the sessions as much as possible. I don't know how much that is possible with your kids, but worth considering. I think it makes it mutually beneficial here, although sometimes we need to leave the therapists alone with Jade. But then your daughter might deserve one on one mommy time.
  8. Jill R.

    Jill R. Well-Known Member

    Jack didn't talk at all, even with in-home therapy (it wasn't very good) till he started school. He's in an Autism program at a school for kids with all kinds of disibilities. It's through our public school system so it's free. He started saying words shortly after he started going to school at 2yrs 10months old.

    He's doing very well now. Still not conversational, but he's labeling things, and babbling all the time. Just the other night he came up to me and said clear as day "Mama, you want a drink?" That was the first time he's ever asked for something with a full sentance. Most of the time he whines till I figure out what he wants, and then I make him say drink, please/cookie please/etc.

    He was a spinner, and he'd spin in a circle for up to 20 minutes before starting school, and now he doesn't spin at all. That's a great sign that therapy is working.

    Jack's on the high functioning end of the spectrum. He has issues with speech, and eye contact. If I want his attention, I have to physically get in his line of vision. This is his 2nd year of preschool, and I'm hoping we can put him in a mainstream preschool for at least half a day next year. That's IF we can get him potty trained over the summer.
  9. Monika

    Monika Well-Known Member

    Most of the time he whines till I figure out what he wants, and then I make him say drink, please/cookie please/etc.

    Hi and Welcome!

    My 6 yr old does not have autism but has a speech delay, he didn't talk untill 4yr old.
    We used sign language, they used it in therapy also, and it was such big help in eliminating my son's frustration of not being able to communicate. We have sign language tapes for babies and kids that are so cute and my kids LOVE them.
    I wish you best luck!!
  10. prettybaby25

    prettybaby25 Well-Known Member

    I am curious to see more replies. Liam is starting speech therapy - he does not have autism but a speech delay and probably ADD. I am wondering how to keep Lachlan busy but out of Liam's therapy b/c he already talks so much for Liam as it is!

    I am also hoping that EI will be good and help him talk more and more clearly!
  11. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    Our oldest child has autism. With our twins, baby B is showing signs as well. We have a four year old who is fine and baby A seems fine. PM me if you have any questions or need advice!

  12. traci_roo

    traci_roo Well-Known Member

    I have not had my twins yet but was an Early Childhood Special Education teacher before going on leave with this pregnancy.
    If your son is going to do ABA therapy, I am pretty sure it will be intensive and his sister will not be able to interact like she would if it were something else.
    I agree with some of the PPs about giving her special activities to do while your son sees the therapist. You could even make it a special time for you to spend with her. There will probably be some jealousy though that your son is getting to spend time with his "own" person or people.
    I just want to say that I think it is wonderful that the many of the parents on here accept their child's diagnosis and are getting the help they need. There were so many times that I met parents who were in denial.
    When your son ages out of Early Intervention, you should check out local early childhood special education programs if your area offers any.

  13. Charlee

    Charlee New Member

    Henry will be enrolled in Early Childhood as well. He is right now in the Birth to Three program (I love it!) and he will be attending Early Chilhood as well as therapy....He's going to be a busy boy!

    Right now I am overwhelmed with family telling me what to do and always diagnosising Henry and trying to determine for me what is future is going to be....He's only 2 1/2 years old.....

    Thanks for the reply!
  14. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member


    It sounds like you've gotten a ton of wonderful advise and a good support structure. Extended family always feels obligated to give advise whether it is requested or not. Keep your head held high and you'll do the best things for your kids!
  15. happymel

    happymel Well-Known Member

    My sister has two children a 6 year old daughter and an 8 year old son. My nephew was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. He is the sweetest little boy. He has been going to school since he was 3 years old. My niece isn't jealous of him but rather protective of him. He likes to climb on things and gets into alot of stuff that he is not suppose to and she is very good at letting us know what he is doing that he shouldn't be doing. I think her having an autistic brother has made her a very responsible, sensible, considerate child. She has alot of common sense. I think it was harder for my sister to give him the amount of attention that he deserves because autistic children are more withdrawn. She tried kelation therapy and gluten free diet for years as a way to improve is ability to respond to his environment. He can talk and interact at this age and I only see improvement as the years go by. I know it's a long road but I can tell from your interest in your child that you're going to be a great teacher.
    Melanie- 30 weeks with b/g twins
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