Does it really get easier?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Amylwood, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Amylwood

    Amylwood Well-Known Member

    Yeah I know this has probably been asked a hundred times.....but today I am just having a really bad day all the way around. Maybe it is the lack of sleep at night or anytime for that matter. The only time I can get a little sleep is in the morning and then I feel like if I do my whole day is wasted. Plus it doesn't help that I have a 3 year old that also demands my attention! Plus I am trying to find another job from home. I had a job up until June of this year working from home until the job ended. I haven't really worried about it up until now becuase of being pregnant but now we really need the money! I guess that has got me down too. I just want some type of routine! Today they act like they are starving and then fall asleep after the first few minutes! I feel like all I have done today is feed them! I know I am just rambling. I just needed to vent.....
  2. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    :hug: Hugs to you Amy. I am sorry that you are so overwhelmed. Down the line I would say it gets easier in some ways, let's just say "interesting" in others, but I am sure there will always be days and on those days you should remember you are human and doing the best that you can. You are in the thick of it - hang on strong lady! I am glad you posted and I know you will get lots of responses. I posted when I was in the thick of it and I didn't think the day would ever come that I would feel anything beyond gasping for air. :) I am sorry you have money if you didn't have enough to deal with. Smooches!
  3. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    It really does get easier. It started getting easier for me at 5-6 weeks when they went to sleep at night and actually slept between bottles. Being able to count on at least a couple hours of sleep was sooooo much better than putting them down and just waiting on them to start crying (it seemed they always waited just until I started to drift off!) Then it got even easier when they started sleeping longer stretches. They will learn to STTN, you will have a nap routine, they will be awake more and start to respond to you. It will all come, I promise. It's still hard at 20 months, and there are still days that DON'T go according to plan (they boycotted their nap on Sunday, for example), and they are constantly changing their routine - fewer bottles, fewer naps, etc.

    Now, at 20 months, it is definitely easier than at 1-2 months. I don't know if it is easier than 6-12 months, but it is a lot more fun. :hug: It really is at it's hardest point for you right now. I remember reading these threads when mine were that age and being jealous of the ladies with 10 or 11 month olds! Now, I don't know where my little newborns went. Hang in there!
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It gets easier in some ways, harder in others. But overall easier, especially once you start getting some sleep & they start eating more on a schedule so you can start feeling like you have a life outside of feeding babies! Hang in there & :hug: .
  5. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    Don't think that your day is wasted if you get some sleep!!!
    1- You deserve it
    2- You'll function better!!!! Sleeps is a necessity! #1 priority!
    for me it got easier when their naps got longer...then I did (do) stuff... with 45 min. naps...just rest (or veg out a little bit).
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I totally agree with this! Once my kids started sleeping through the night, it started to get easier...I functioned a lot better on more rest and with that I could deal with the daytime much better. :hug:
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    You are right in the thick of it. It will get better once they start to get in a routine and start sleeping longer in the night. I remember those days of caring for a toddler and taking care of twins. I pulled my hair out ALOT!! :hug:
  8. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Hugs to you. It WILL get better. It won't get "easier", no.

    You'll get SLEEP and that will make things 'better'.

    Ease up on yourself a little bit. You JUST had the babies and just survive right now. Don't put added pressure on yourself. Look for a job when things ease up with the babies. I know it will be hard but it might just be too much to add that to the mix right now.

    Focus on surviving right now. Once they get a routine down, you'll get your sleep.

    I don't like to tell people it gets easier because I honestly do not believe that it does. It just gets different and at least then.. you have slept!

    Good luck.
  9. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    Hang in there... it does get easier.:youcandoit: I remember just feeling so overwhelmed when my lo's were that age. I was like you I wanted to sleep but then there was always something else to be done. But it won't be long before you find yourself in a routine and your babies will be sleeping longer. For us, that was about the 12 week mark. All I can say is ask or accept help when you can get it and take it one day at a time. It's amazing how fast it flies by.
  10. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Yes, it gets easier, then it gets harder, then easier. I feel like I am on a roller coaster. I hope you can get a nap and it helps your perspective.
  11. danabd

    danabd Well-Known Member

    Hi there. I feel the same way many days. It is so weird-I worked full time and overtime all the time for many years(a very stressful job with foster children and their crazy parents in the court system). I really thought this would be a nice break from working! HAHA...jokes on me. It is completely overwelming some days and 9-5 work is hands down easier anyday! Right now, I am so overwelmed with trying to complete a 15 page paper for my masters degree and 35 internship hours at Hospice, as Im in the last semester to get my degree! However, here is my only free time and all I feel like doing is vegging and surfing the internet...and hoping to get a nap in before the little buggers wake up! LOL. Oh and super stressed because going back to work PT next week! I just dont know how I am going to make it through these next two months. It seems like they are starting to sleep more at night but I am still completely exhausted. And Im old now! I threw my back out bringing them to the pediatrician yesterday! I just keep thinking how will I keep up with them? Gosh this sounds horrible-I dont mean to complain, these little angels are my greatest accomplishment and the best thing that has ever happened to me. I would die for them in a heartbeat. But it is weird, these competing emotions with the way it is all so overwelming! Anyway, to the original poster, hang in there. just know your not alone and keep posting if you need anyone to help you feel better! The ladies on these forums are great for helping me feel like i will make it through the day or week sometimes!!!!!!!!!!Hugs.
  12. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    I'm right here with ya! I have a 16 month old as well so I know what it's like! :hug: It will get better, just yesterday my day started off awesome and by 2:30 I was dealing with screaminig twins just when the other dd went down and i was hoping for some quiet. :( I hope you have a good day today!!!
  13. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    The first three months are SO hard! But... :youcandoit: ! Certain things will get easier and others will get harder. I liked to focus on the good parts of each stage. At the beginning, I loved that they would sleep anywhere (even when I was shopping). At 4/5 months naps were a battle, but I loved that we had more of a schedule. You will find the good things too! Do you have anyone that can let you get more than 4 hrs of sleep?
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