Does it ever get easier?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Dianna, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    During the first year does it ever get to a point where it feels even a little bit easier taking care of two babies? I figured once they STTN life would be much easier....maybe it is and I haven't noticed. Now they sleep at night but the naps during the day have turned into major cat naps and when they are awake they are so cranky and just want to be held. I can only get them to finish about one bottle a day, their first one in the morning...the rest of the day they won't finish them...figured time to get them on a 4 hour schedule...but at the 3 hour mark they are screaming like they haven't eaten in days. How to I stretch the time between bottles? I am worried about the spitting up but guessing tomorrow I will get the same response from my doc that it is normal. Maybe it is b/c my girls were babies so long ago (ages 14 and 11) and the fact they were one at a time but I seem to do nothing but clean up spit up from off of them, from off of me, the laundry is unreal...the burp rags, blankets, clothes. Dillon has had four outfit changes since he is just in a diaper b/c I don't feel like changing his clothes again. It all just seem so overwhelming with two.

  2. cduray

    cduray Active Member


    It does get better...I promise. I remember people telling me it would get better at four weeks, then 6 weeks then 3 months and so on but it really does. I can't give you a magic date but when their naps start improving (around 6 months or so) so does your life. Plus they will start entertaining themselves and each other and you can actually get something done. They will start smiling and "talking" and being happy to see you which made it more manageable for me as well.

    At 3 months mine weren't sleeping through the night yet. That took sleep training at 4 months. Now they go down by 7 and sleep until around 5:30 or 6. I wish it were later but at least I get a bit of a break at night.

    My kids love being out and about and that made all the difference for me. I was constantly at the mall around that age in order to have happy babies and a happy mommy.

    Don't give will improve!
  3. idtwinstx

    idtwinstx Well-Known Member

    :( Sorry that things are rough right now.

    It gets better. I think it gets better a little bit every day.

    Good luck!
  4. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    It definitely will get better! For me it's been a very gradual process of "getting better." Each milestone they hit helps us get back to a reasonable level of insanity- getting naps on track, which didn't really happen until about 4 1/2 months, maybe 5, and then getting their bedtime down which came around the same time. Then surviving the night time feedings, which we've recently eliminated (so now they sttn.) All of these things makes life with 2 much more manageable. Just wait til they start holding their own bottles and sitting up and "playing" together! Those first 3 or 4 months we were in survival mode and doing whatever we could to get through the day or the night but it will get better- just hang in there!
  5. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    your lucky to have them STTN at almost 4 months old!! With that said, it does get easier. They are still so little, most of us would say you are still in the "thick of it". Maybe try giving them smaller bottles? Maybe its time to try rice?

    Day by day it gets better but it also brings new challenges.

  6. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm sorry you are going through a rough time right now-but it DOES get better! I promise! I too had MAJOR spitters! That's ALL they did after every bottle-and it would just be constant-from bottle to bottle. And whenever I mentioned it to the pedi-he said, "some babies are just happy spitters." Gee thanks! I will say-since they are sitting on their own-it is MUCH better in the spitup department!

    As for your original question-YES it gets MUCH better! It really is amazing how much they learn to do in such a short time! I will say that you are getting close for them to really start playing more on their own and enjoying the toys around them. Four months + is such an amazing time. Really-it's 6 months I think-but you are so close to 4 months-I don't want to tell you it's 2 months away! ;)

    And for naps-we were taking 3-4 naps a day at that age. I felt like I could never leave the house. Once you drop that 3rd nap-it seems MUCH easier! We dropped it at about 7 months or so. They consistently sleep at least one hour each nap-sometimes a bit more.

    HUGS to you! Vent here all you want-we've all been there in some shape or another!
  7. akuaba

    akuaba Well-Known Member

    i think it does get a bit easier as they develop more. i have 14 week old twins and they are just starting to sleep 6-8 hours a night. i feed them every 3 hours still during the day. about 5 oz or so. they typically take the whole bottle although sometimes it take a bit longer for ruby as she is smaller than her twin oskar. i follow the 3 hour feeding schedule during the day. sometimes they stretch about 3.5 hours but i don't let it go much past that. that seems to keep them pretty content. i DEFINITELY had to introduce some stimulating toys at this point. just to occupy one for a bit as i hold the other one. i LOVE the mats with the ability to hang stuff overhead. i lay one or both down on them and they are fascinated by the things above them. i also have a couple of bouncy chairs that have toys hanging from them and the plastic mirrors..those are a bit hit. have they found their hands yet? my little ones found their hands (ruby found her hand but little oskar has found his thumb!! i am so proud:) and that helps when they can pacify themselves for a little bit. but..don't get me wrong, i am constantly going between the two of them. it's exhausting!! i love that they sleep during the evening but now that they are up's tough.

    i guess..i feel it's got a bit better as the crying fits don't last as long and they can keep themselves occupied with toys for 15 to 20 minutes. they do spit up after some of the feedings and it a lot sometimes. but, if i take a bit longer to feed them and burp them a couple times, instead of one in the middle and one at the end, the spit-up is not as bad.
    hang in there...this is the HARDEST thing i have ever done. keep your eye on the prize and realize that it will get better!! think back of how bad it was in the beginning, meaning the lack of sleep and not getting a smile or anything. that was the hardest part for me. the smiles from them keep ya going!!
    take care!!
  8. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(christineduray @ Jul 8 2008, 01:36 PM) [snapback]865747[/snapback]

    It does get better...I promise. I remember people telling me it would get better at four weeks, then 6 weeks then 3 months and so on but it really does. I can't give you a magic date but when their naps start improving (around 6 months or so) so does your life. Plus they will start entertaining themselves and each other and you can actually get something done. They will start smiling and "talking" and being happy to see you which made it more manageable for me as well.

    At 3 months mine weren't sleeping through the night yet. That took sleep training at 4 months. Now they go down by 7 and sleep until around 5:30 or 6. I wish it were later but at least I get a bit of a break at night.

    My kids love being out and about and that made all the difference for me. I was constantly at the mall around that age in order to have happy babies and a happy mommy.

    Don't give will improve!

    I know I don't get out enough and that probably makes it harder. My husband seems to make it look so easy to take them out. He will head out shopping with both of them and I will stay home, which is nice in order to get a quick nap or a shower that isn't rushed, but I am always so worried about naps and bottles when out. They don't nap at specific times each day, I think that would help at least then I would be able to set up some sort of plan when heading out.

    I am lucky that they do STTN 9pm till 5am/6am. Really feel like that should be keeping me sane and feel guilty that it doesn't as I know so many people have to wait much longer to have their babies STTN.


    QUOTE(idtwinstx @ Jul 8 2008, 01:39 PM) [snapback]865759[/snapback]
    :( Sorry that things are rough right now.

    It gets better. I think it gets better a little bit every day.

    Good luck!

    I know they will get better. Maybe today is just a bad day. Just had to do laundry, full load of their stuff. I just did a full load yesterday lol

  9. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jenn G @ Jul 8 2008, 01:42 PM) [snapback]865767[/snapback]
    It definitely will get better! For me it's been a very gradual process of "getting better." Each milestone they hit helps us get back to a reasonable level of insanity- getting naps on track, which didn't really happen until about 4 1/2 months, maybe 5, and then getting their bedtime down which came around the same time. Then surviving the night time feedings, which we've recently eliminated (so now they sttn.) All of these things makes life with 2 much more manageable. Just wait til they start holding their own bottles and sitting up and "playing" together! Those first 3 or 4 months we were in survival mode and doing whatever we could to get through the day or the night but it will get better- just hang in there!

    I can't wait till they hold their bottles...or even for one of them to do that. Every three hours I feel like I am in h*ll b/c feedings are so stressful for all three of us. If my husband is home or someone else is here it goes ok but when when feeding them both they don't like it and they don't eat well and just cry a lot. Bottle holding will make life a bunch better.

  10. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Ash Twins @ Jul 8 2008, 01:45 PM) [snapback]865776[/snapback]
    your lucky to have them STTN at almost 4 months old!! With that said, it does get easier. They are still so little, most of us would say you are still in the "thick of it". Maybe try giving them smaller bottles? Maybe its time to try rice?

    Day by day it gets better but it also brings new challenges.


    With smaller bottles they tend to drain them and then want more. But with more they won't eat it all the time, so I do make it b/c I hate the idea of there being even one feeding where they have finished a smaller amount and are still hungry. I had planned on talking to their pedi tomorrow when they go in for their 4 month check up about starting rice cereal.

  11. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(megkc03 @ Jul 8 2008, 01:45 PM) [snapback]865777[/snapback]
    I'm sorry you are going through a rough time right now-but it DOES get better! I promise! I too had MAJOR spitters! That's ALL they did after every bottle-and it would just be constant-from bottle to bottle. And whenever I mentioned it to the pedi-he said, "some babies are just happy spitters." Gee thanks! I will say-since they are sitting on their own-it is MUCH better in the spitup department!

    As for your original question-YES it gets MUCH better! It really is amazing how much they learn to do in such a short time! I will say that you are getting close for them to really start playing more on their own and enjoying the toys around them. Four months + is such an amazing time. Really-it's 6 months I think-but you are so close to 4 months-I don't want to tell you it's 2 months away! ;)

    And for naps-we were taking 3-4 naps a day at that age. I felt like I could never leave the house. Once you drop that 3rd nap-it seems MUCH easier! We dropped it at about 7 months or so. They consistently sleep at least one hour each nap-sometimes a bit more.

    HUGS to you! Vent here all you want-we've all been there in some shape or another!

    It amazes me how much they spit up even say two hours after a bottle. They don't make a noise or anything. Just will be laying there chewing on a toy or their hand or whatever and it just starts pouring out of their mouths.

    They do like toys now. They each have one that has ears on it that crinkle and boy do they ever love chewing on them. They also love to chew on blankets, their fingers and really anything else. They "chew" a lot.

    Is there a way to gets naps on any sort of a schedule at this point or it is just play it by ear kind of thing?

  12. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It does get easier! Mine started STTN at 2.5 months and for quite sometime, all they did was cat nap during the day. I was ready to pull my hair out. But we are getting into a rhythm over the past month, they are taking longer naps and we all are much happier for it!

    Hang in there! I hope you have a better day tomorrow!
  13. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    Sorry I can't answer your question about the getting easier part, my babies are the same age as yours. They've slept through the night for the first time the past three nights, so I'm holding my breath to see if it sticks.

    We just put them on a 4 hour feeding schedule 3 days ago (ironically that's when they slept through the night). I was originally giving them a bottle with 6 oz every three hours during the day and they'd do anywhere from 4-6 oz. So I decided to start the 4 hour switch with the first feeding of the day when they'd be good and hungry from not eating as often through the night. I gave them both 7 oz, they both took it all and didn't spit up more than usual (though I do have the same problem you mentioned, where my son spits up all the time, no matter how little we give him. He spent yesterday in just a diaper for the same reason. But the 7 oz didn't seem to make a difference with him). So far there have only been a couple occasions where it was difficult getting past 3.5 hours, but it seems to correspond to when they may have only done 5 oz the feeding before, or if they wake up really early from a nap and have a long way to go before the next bottle. So I'm trying to be flexible. Sometimes we may feed them a little early, and sometimes they go a little longer, so the last feeding has ended up around the time I've wanted it to. I never expected this to be such a trial and error process, and I'm not much of a risk taker! But so far I'm glad we tried the switch.
  14. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(akuaba @ Jul 8 2008, 01:46 PM) [snapback]865784[/snapback]
    i think it does get a bit easier as they develop more. i have 14 week old twins and they are just starting to sleep 6-8 hours a night. i feed them every 3 hours still during the day. about 5 oz or so. they typically take the whole bottle although sometimes it take a bit longer for ruby as she is smaller than her twin oskar. i follow the 3 hour feeding schedule during the day. sometimes they stretch about 3.5 hours but i don't let it go much past that. that seems to keep them pretty content. i DEFINITELY had to introduce some stimulating toys at this point. just to occupy one for a bit as i hold the other one. i LOVE the mats with the ability to hang stuff overhead. i lay one or both down on them and they are fascinated by the things above them. i also have a couple of bouncy chairs that have toys hanging from them and the plastic mirrors..those are a bit hit. have they found their hands yet? my little ones found their hands (ruby found her hand but little oskar has found his thumb!! i am so proud:) and that helps when they can pacify themselves for a little bit. but..don't get me wrong, i am constantly going between the two of them. it's exhausting!! i love that they sleep during the evening but now that they are up's tough.

    i guess..i feel it's got a bit better as the crying fits don't last as long and they can keep themselves occupied with toys for 15 to 20 minutes. they do spit up after some of the feedings and it a lot sometimes. but, if i take a bit longer to feed them and burp them a couple times, instead of one in the middle and one at the end, the spit-up is not as bad.
    hang in there...this is the HARDEST thing i have ever done. keep your eye on the prize and realize that it will get better!! think back of how bad it was in the beginning, meaning the lack of sleep and not getting a smile or anything. that was the hardest part for me. the smiles from them keep ya going!!
    take care!!

    They have found their hands and feet(as of two days ago), they do play with toys. They use to sit in the swing. I can't them to do that anymore. Here and there they will sit in the bumbo seats. Their bouncy seats they do seem to enjoy. They just have to be in a really really good mood before I put them in them.

    They do burp a lot, always have. Seems no matter how often I burp them they still spit up.

  15. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(DeniseT @ Jul 8 2008, 02:01 PM) [snapback]865841[/snapback]
    Sorry I can't answer your question about the getting easier part, my babies are the same age as yours. They've slept through the night for the first time the past three nights, so I'm holding my breath to see if it sticks.

    We just put them on a 4 hour feeding schedule 3 days ago (ironically that's when they slept through the night). I was originally giving them a bottle with 6 oz every three hours during the day and they'd do anywhere from 4-6 oz. So I decided to start the 4 hour switch with the first feeding of the day when they'd be good and hungry from not eating as often through the night. I gave them both 7 oz, they both took it all and didn't spit up more than usual (though I do have the same problem you mentioned, where my son spits up all the time, no matter how little we give him. He spent yesterday in just a diaper for the same reason. But the 7 oz didn't seem to make a difference with him). So far there have only been a couple occasions where it was difficult getting past 3.5 hours, but it seems to correspond to when they may have only done 5 oz the feeding before, or if they wake up really early from a nap and have a long way to go before the next bottle. So I'm trying to be flexible. Sometimes we may feed them a little early, and sometimes they go a little longer, so the last feeding has ended up around the time I've wanted it to. I never expected this to be such a trial and error process, and I'm not much of a risk taker! But so far I'm glad we tried the switch.

    That is a good idea about a bit more for that first bottle. They do inhale that first one of the day since it has been so long since their last one. Will have to try that in the morning.

    All I know is I am grateful to have a washer and dryer. lol The laundry is just crazy.

    So glad they are STTN for you!! Keeping fingers crossed it sticks for you :)


    QUOTE(itsnancycozzi @ Jul 8 2008, 01:59 PM) [snapback]865830[/snapback]
    It does get easier! Mine started STTN at 2.5 months and for quite sometime, all they did was cat nap during the day. I was ready to pull my hair out. But we are getting into a rhythm over the past month, they are taking longer naps and we all are much happier for it!

    Hang in there! I hope you have a better day tomorrow!

    Thanks :) I hope tomorrow is better too. lol Already planning on handing over the babies tonight to my hubby so I can get a very long bubble bath once he gets home lol

  16. fluffhead

    fluffhead Well-Known Member

    It WILL get better -- I promise. Aroumd 6 months, I started noticing that things gradually seemed easier. They were STTN pretty well (from 7pm-6am) and naps started coming together -- that was what really helped -- knowing I would have a break twice/day. Plus, they were rally getting better at entertaining themselves with toys and they enjoyed outings, so things felt a lot more sane.

    Hopefully your day starts looking up

  17. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I noticed by 7 months how much more content and easy going my babies were, not to mention more predictable and even more self occupying! Like pp said, it actually started around 6 months. Hang in there :hug99: .
  18. eewelks

    eewelks Well-Known Member

    Mine are about 5 1/2 months old and I am just starting to notice a difference. They are starting to take a longer morning nap, although not usually at the same time, and today, both went down for an afternoon nap at 1pm! However, I can't get a schedule in sync yet.

    Taking them out is difficult, but I do it anyhow. Today, we met a group of my friends and their kids for a playdate and while I felt pretty frazzled, it was nice being able to pass babies around so I could focus a little more on my 2 year old.
    I try to get out at least once a day and ALWAYS feel better if I do regardless if someone has had a meltdown. The worst thing that can happen is that they both cry, and if that does happen, I'll pack up and leave.

    Now if I could just get mine to STTN! :p

    Hang in there....
  19. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Predictability ....that is what I need...I am a very scheduled person and not knowing from day to day from hour to hour what will be going on is really hard.

  20. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(eewelks @ Jul 8 2008, 02:19 PM) [snapback]865896[/snapback]
    Mine are about 5 1/2 months old and I am just starting to notice a difference. They are starting to take a longer morning nap, although not usually at the same time, and today, both went down for an afternoon nap at 1pm! However, I can't get a schedule in sync yet.

    Taking them out is difficult, but I do it anyhow. Today, we met a group of my friends and their kids for a playdate and while I felt pretty frazzled, it was nice being able to pass babies around so I could focus a little more on my 2 year old.
    I try to get out at least once a day and ALWAYS feel better if I do regardless if someone has had a meltdown. The worst thing that can happen is that they both cry, and if that does happen, I'll pack up and leave.

    Now if I could just get mine to STTN! :p

    Hang in there....

    I am sure that does help you be able to focus on your other child too, that is great :)

    Drives my husband crazy when I want to pack up and leave b/c of crying babies.

    Not sure what we did to get ours to STTN. It just happened. Sending STTN dust your way and everyone elses too.

  21. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    It does get better and a bit easier (although some things are a little harder). It happened gradually the more interactive they became... then around 8 months old they were super fun and its been more and more fun every day since then (although like with everything there are always difficult days). hugs and hang in there!
  22. Chase&Parker's Mommy

    Chase&Parker's Mommy Well-Known Member

    I don’t know if it really gets any easier, but it becomes different. I noticed that once STTN was in place and they were interacting with me and DH more, I seemed to enjoy the in between naptimes times more.

    Hang in there sister... :hug99:
  23. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Chase&Parker @ Jul 8 2008, 03:05 PM) [snapback]866028[/snapback]
    I don’t know if it really gets any easier, but it becomes different. I noticed that once STTN was in place and they were interacting with me and DH more, I seemed to enjoy the in between naptimes times more.

    Hang in there sister... :hug99:

    Think I would enjoy between nap times if they didn't fuss, cry and scream for most of the time. Must be doing something wrong.

  24. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I know exactly how you feel. We are dealing with many of the same issues although mine are not STTN yet. My dr had recommended stretching the time between bottles by 15 minute increments. Just distract them for that amount of time and then feed them. I don't know about the spit up we are having the same problems. My dr always says as long as they are gaining weight he isn't too concerned, babies spit up. My older children are 13 and almost 15 and I don't really remember the spit up issues. I don't think it was this bad. Maybe it is because they were early, I don't know. GL at your apt and hang in there, I am sure it will get better soon.

  25. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(nifer @ Jul 8 2008, 03:13 PM) [snapback]866046[/snapback]
    I know exactly how you feel. We are dealing with many of the same issues although mine are not STTN yet. My dr had recommended stretching the time between bottles by 15 minute increments. Just distract them for that amount of time and then feed them. I don't know about the spit up we are having the same problems. My dr always says as long as they are gaining weight he isn't too concerned, babies spit up. My older children are 13 and almost 15 and I don't really remember the spit up issues. I don't think it was this bad. Maybe it is because they were early, I don't know. GL at your apt and hang in there, I am sure it will get better soon.


    Sorry you are dealing with some of these same issues. *hugs*

  26. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think my babies were about the age yours are at now when I had my first anxiety attack! Some days were just too much!
    Mine are just shy of six months and things are a little bit better...they are a little happier for a little longer so that makes things more enjoyable! It is still hard work but I have just told myself with two it will ALWAYS be hard work, just get used to it. Now that I have come to terms with that and I know I can handle it things are better.
    Like a pp stated, just think back to the first month of no sleep and constant feedings-ugh! Things have to be a little easier, right?
    We are all here for you like you have been for us!
    BTW-your boys are adorable. Try to enjoy them!
  27. Jody_527

    Jody_527 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dianna @ Jul 8 2008, 01:27 PM) [snapback]865720[/snapback]
    During the first year does it ever get to a point where it feels even a little bit easier taking care of two babies? I figured once they STTN life would be much easier....maybe it is and I haven't noticed. Now they sleep at night but the naps during the day have turned into major cat naps and when they are awake they are so cranky and just want to be held. I can only get them to finish about one bottle a day, their first one in the morning...the rest of the day they won't finish them...figured time to get them on a 4 hour schedule...but at the 3 hour mark they are screaming like they haven't eaten in days. How to I stretch the time between bottles? I am worried about the spitting up but guessing tomorrow I will get the same response from my doc that it is normal. Maybe it is b/c my girls were babies so long ago (ages 14 and 11) and the fact they were one at a time but I seem to do nothing but clean up spit up from off of them, from off of me, the laundry is unreal...the burp rags, blankets, clothes. Dillon has had four outfit changes since he is just in a diaper b/c I don't feel like changing his clothes again. It all just seem so overwhelming with two.


    Reading your blog was like reading my mind, my guys will be 15 weeks on thursday and I have the exact same situation as you. I hope it gets better too, my one guy wears a bib from morning until bath time at night because he spits up too. doing laundry everyday is a routine and my guys sleep 11hrs at night which I am truly thankful for but will only sleep 1/2 naps 2 morning and 2 afternoon. They are starving in the morning so they eat their first bottle but after that same thing I feel like Im feeding them all day long and not getting anything else done! I dont have any words of encouragement and could probably use some myself but I just wanted to tell you, you are definitely not alone and you kinda made me feel better because I know Im not alone ;)
  28. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I don't know if it gets BETTER or if it just gets different or if we just get used to it???

    I have to say that the first 14 weeks of my babies' lives were the worst 14 weeks of my entire life. It was soo bad and it was BAD for soooooo many reasons.

    Now they're 9 months old and it isn't EASY.. by any means but it's different. They're much more fun and they are real people now so that makes life much easier.

    I do have to say that I do not think it's ever going to be "really easy" EVER. If it isn't colic, it's reflux, or teething (which is literally lasting like a year..), or no naps, but it is always something.

    I think it's best to accept THAT part. But, yes, to answer your question--- it should be getting better here anytime soon.. or at least different.

    My life got better at 14 weeks adjusted or 19 actual. It's been off and on GREAT and not so great since then.. That should only last another 30 years or so LOL.
  29. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Jul 8 2008, 04:11 PM) [snapback]866237[/snapback]
    I don't know if it gets BETTER or if it just gets different or if we just get used to it???

    I have to say that the first 14 weeks of my babies' lives were the worst 14 weeks of my entire life. It was soo bad and it was BAD for soooooo many reasons.

    Now they're 9 months old and it isn't EASY.. by any means but it's different. They're much more fun and they are real people now so that makes life much easier.

    I do have to say that I do not think it's ever going to be "really easy" EVER. If it isn't colic, it's reflux, or teething (which is literally lasting like a year..), or no naps, but it is always something.

    I think it's best to accept THAT part. But, yes, to answer your question--- it should be getting better here anytime soon.. or at least different.

    My life got better at 14 weeks adjusted or 19 actual. It's been off and on GREAT and not so great since then.. That should only last another 30 years or so LOL.

    I know it will never be easy. I don't know....guess I am ready for them to be heading off to school, being able to feed and dress themselves. Just not good with babies I guess.

  30. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I think it got so much easier at 6mo. My girls were definitely not sleeping any better but it just got easier, all of it.
    I honestly did not enjoy the first 6mo at all.
    Hang in there!!
  31. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dianna @ Jul 8 2008, 06:34 PM) [snapback]866693[/snapback]
    I know it will never be easy. I don't know....guess I am ready for them to be heading off to school, being able to feed and dress themselves. Just not good with babies I guess.


    LOL!!! I thought I was a baby person :rotflmbo: Until they came!!!! Now don't get me wrong I loved it when they were cute and sleeping or cooing and smiling at me, but the cranky/fussy/crying/inconsoable times were NOT fun.
    I found the first 6 months to be HORRIBLE, not sure if it was me or being a first time parent or what but it was bad. I always say the first 6 months went by wayyyyy too slow and the 2nd 6 months went by way to fast. So my answer is that at 6 months it got better.
    Honestly it wasn't easy until around 18 months and so far it gets easier and easier. Mainly for reasons like you said, they feed them selves, clean themselves, take good naps, can tell you what they want/need, etc.

    I think the first 6 months are a sharp learning curve for all involved, not much you can do about that but come here and vent :hug99:
  32. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you're feeling so overwhelmed, as you can see, many of us can relate!! I feel like my situation just got better about two weeks ago, although that's when they started sleeping longer which was a big part of it for me. I wouldn't worry about stretching out their feedings, mine still eat every 3 hours, sometimes 4 if they have a longer nap, I think that's pretty normal. Do you think they're cranky b/c they're tired? Do you try putting them down for naps when they first appear sleepy? I haven't read all the posts to see if you've added more details, sorry, but I found Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child to be helpful in the nap department. I thought I had cranky babies but it turned out they were tired all the time. They are so bubbly and fun after a good nap! Plus I'm rejuvenated having had some time to do things for myself while they're napping. Naps start to take more shape at 4-5 months, so hopefully that is in your near future!! Also it helps me feel more 'human' to get out by myself once in a while. If I can't have someone cover me, I take them for a walk around the neighborhood b/c they're almost always happy in the pram-type stroller.
  33. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I pretty much wrote this posting a few months ago, and everyone would tell how it would get easier, and I think I noticed gradual improvement over time. At about 3.5mnths the crying and fussing got better. The spit-ups started to get better around 5mnths for my ds, he still spits-up but not nearly as much as he use to. And at around 4months the morning nap started to develope - now that doens't mean it happened at the same time everyday, so doesn't help with the predictability factor, but it did happen. Now at 5months the afternoon nap is developing, again not always at the same time, but it is happening. I am like you I like to have a schedule, and so these first 5months have been hard because you don't get much of a set schedule. What I like to say now is that I dont have a set schedule, but I do have a routine - meaning although things don't happen at a specific time of day yet, they do happen reliably - eat, play, sleep, eat, play, sleep - all day long. So I do know at least what is coming next most hours/days.
    From all the pp it appears that 6mnths is also another time when things get more predictable - so hang in there!
  34. lah17

    lah17 Well-Known Member

    I never realized what a challenge twins can be---noone else gets it except moms of multiples. Hang in there. You are still early on and it's hard. It tool us a while to get a nap schedule in place, but it came. Once they're a little older, too they'll be able to sit and play and be a touch more independent which may give you a bit of time here and there. I'm amazed at how everything now is a calculated plan---even to use the bathroom!! Spontanaity (sp) is gone, but as an experienced mother which you are these stages will pass sometimes even too quickly. Good luck---btw your boys are so cute!!

  35. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Jul 8 2008, 09:48 PM) [snapback]866825[/snapback]
    I think it got so much easier at 6mo. My girls were definitely not sleeping any better but it just got easier, all of it.
    I honestly did not enjoy the first 6mo at all.
    Hang in there!!

    I am not enjoying it. And feel very guilty about it.

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