Does it actually mean anything?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, May 11, 2007.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    For a couple weeks now, Bea has been telling me that she pooped. She comes up and says "Poop!" and points to her butt, and will run over to the changing table. Today she actually told me "poop" before she did it, and then stood there and pooped. She also told me she was wet once. She stuck her hands down her pants, signed wet, and then got a diaper.
    So, does this mean anything? I am not ready for potty training at all, and I don't want to mess up and start it too early. My mom keeps saying I should buy a potty. Ainsley incidentally, seems to have no awareness of poop or pee and is quite uncooperative at diaper changes.
  2. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Since she is starting to tell you before she does it, I would say it COULD mean something. I'd go get a potty or a ring and put her on after naps or first thing in the morning and see if she does anything. That was the age when we introduced the concept. It was much longer after that before they trained. We just had the potty chairs and the potty books. Sometimes before or after a bath they would sit on the potty chair and read their potty books. We figured it was a low pressure way to introduce the idea. If they got it that young, great. If they didn't, we were ok with that too.

  3. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    hi kelly - alisha has been doing the same thing - she will tell us when she poops or pees (i think usually after, but sometimes i think she's telling us while she is peeing). our nanny thinks she's showing signs of readiness, so i got out the potty seats. she is scared to death of the ring on the big potty, but both of them think it's fun/ funny to sit on the potty seat. so now at diaper changes i'll ask her if she wants to sit on the potty - sometimes she says yes, sometimes no. it's only been a few days but no success yet - neither of them wants to sit there for more than a minute or two unless i'm actively entertaining them. i don't want to miss a "window" but am not ready myself to deal with this! i'm thinking maybe later in the summer i'll let them run around the yard without diapers and see if that makes a difference. let me know what you decide to do!
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We've always got the same things going on Ruth! I know, I don't want to start too early, but I don't want to miss a window either. I haven't decided what to do yet. She has been bringing me diapers and laying down on the floor and wanting to be changed. Maybe I should buy a potty ring and just see what happens. I was thinking summer too so they could run around without much clothes.

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